Chapter 460 Fifth Floor

Submarine Prison Advancement City, the first floor, Red Lotus Hell.

Because the prisoners on this floor are generally only small pirates, the guard force is obviously much weaker than that of the bottom layer of the prison for serious offenders. Li Hao and others have already broken through in an instant with almost no effort.

bang bang bang
Under the rain of bullets shot by the golden and red scorpions, the ordinary human jailors and the special jailer blue gorilla who were in charge of guarding the first floor of the prison lay in disorder on the ground in an instant, and many of them hadn't even seen Li Hao's figure clearly. , and was shot down in an instant!
Li Hao opened the way at the front as a sharp knife, and there were almost no obstacles along the way. Everyone came to the entrance of the second floor of the underground prison without hindrance. Passed the second floor of the promotion city.

It only took 5 minutes from rushing into the city to going down to the second floor.

As soon as Li Hao's heart network was opened, the structure and passage map of the entire promotion city were already in his hands, and the jailers couldn't stop his pace at all. If it wasn't for the time to wait for Luffy and the others to hurry, Li Hao's speed alone would be full. If it is opened, I am afraid that it will take less than 10 minutes to rush directly to the bottom of the city!
In the blink of an eye, everyone has arrived at the hunger hell on the third floor of the promotion city!

Thick current pulses passed through the corridor of the prison like an angry dragon, and the two jailor beasts submerged in the endless thunder were thrown away by the collision and fell heavily to the ground!
I saw that the two Jailor beasts were emitting black smoke all over their bodies, and strands of purple-red arcs that had not yet dissipated were still flickering and bouncing on their bodies. There is absolutely no way to recover in time.

Li Hao and the others didn't stop walking, they stepped over the bodies of the jailor beasts in an instant, and moved towards the next floor.

"Hey, Zoro, Sanji, did you see it?" Hanging at the end of the team, relying on Chopper to transform into an elk form, and riding on him, Usopp barely kept up with the team and did not fall behind, with a look of horror Said to Sanji and Zoro beside him.

"That Li Hao, with just a wave of his hand just now, he summoned such a powerful lightning attack, isn't his strength too abnormal?! It's frightening to death! Are all the real big men in the sea so strong? "

Sanji was silent and didn't speak, because he really has no way to comment now.

Sauron secretly compared the strength of Li Hao and Hawkeye in his heart, and then he found that the current self was not at the level where he could compare the two, because neither Hawkeye's sword nor Li Hao The thunderous shock that Hao threw out just now has already surpassed his strongest strength, and he is not even the enemy of the two.

If you can't understand the strength level of the other party, how can you talk about comparison.

After a long time, Sauron replied to Usopp: "This world is far more vast and wonderful than we imagined, but now we are still too weak, so let's work hard to become stronger, and when we also have After gaining their power, you will naturally know."

The small episode at the rear of the team did not affect everyone's progress, but instead aroused Zoro, Sanji and others to become stronger.

And along the way, no one encountered any decent resistance, or in other words, in front of Li Hao, the resistance of ordinary jailers was futile, but in less than 10 minutes, everyone had already All the way to the fourth floor of the promotion city directly and forcibly broke through!

Li Hao is a little strange. It stands to reason that they have already invaded here, and those high-level people in the city should do something about it. But so far, they have encountered only some ordinary jailers. Those who are elites are probably the two Jailor Beasts.

But besides the Jailor Beast, there should be many strong guards in Jinjin City, such as Magellan, the prison warden in Jinjin City. In this special environment, he can perfectly display [-]% of his strength, and he can be regarded as the only object that Li Hao needs to pay attention to.

But that guy never showed up. Even the wardens and elite jailors at all levels didn't know that they had gone fishing, so they sent two jailor beasts over. What's the use?

But he didn't know that those elites who didn't show up now have gathered in the next level, and they have set up a net, waiting for them to vote for themselves!
The fifth floor of the Push City, the extremely cold hell, most of the troops and masters in the Push City have gathered here!

"The silver-haired demons are coming soon, right?" Someone asked amidst the howling cold wind.

And the person who spoke was none other than the highest ruler in this city, Prison Warden Magellan!
"Yes, warden!" A jailer stood at attention and saluted and replied, "Judging from the pictures from the monitoring phone bug, they have already arrived at the passages on the fourth and fifth floors. Speed, at most another 10 minutes, it's time to come to our ambush circle."

Magellan nodded, and said in a cold voice: "Hmph! Those damned pirates and criminals from the Revolutionary Army really made a big fuss in my territory, but next, it's our turn to appear. up!
My advance city is not a place where criminals can easily run wild. Now that you are in, don't even think about going out!

listen!Leave the silver-haired devil to me to deal with, and then leave the rest to you. Make sure those guys know why the city of advancement is called an impregnable iron wall!

This time we have to redouble our efforts to make them repay the face lost by those guys!In the infinite hell on the sixth floor under the sea, many people have died over the years, and now there is a shortage of criminals to fill the empty cells! "

Because Li Hao and the others attacked fiercely, and the city hadn't fully reacted yet, Li Hao led people directly into the third underground floor of the city, and the ordinary jailers guarding those floors were all knocked down. And Magellan happened to be having a stomachache at that time.
In desperation, he had no choice but to order the jailor beasts to stick to the fourth floor to delay the time, and then directly summoned the elites from all floors to this floor to set up an ambush.

But it's a pity that without those elites with top combat power, even the four jailor beasts that were pushed into the city by the prisoners who feared ghosts and gods couldn't stop Li Hao at all, but they were shot by Li Hao in an instant. Calling Beast Electric Therapy' gave electricity to a half-baked level, and didn't even achieve the purpose of delaying time.

Fortunately, things haven't turned into the worst situation yet. Most of the elite fighters in the advancing city have withdrawn to this level because of his previous decision, although that also allowed Li Hao and the others to directly break through to the first Four floors, but now it doesn't matter.

Because he Magellan will be here, let Li Hao and his group of guys stop here, and then become one of the countless prisoners in this city!
After an indescribable stomach rumbling sound, Magellan stretched out a hand from the mobile sedan chair (actually a mobile toilet) covered by a black cloth.

"There is no paper in it"


Hannibal, Deputy Director of Propel City, silently handed Magellan a roll of paper soaked in devil pepper water
I won’t describe the scene below. Magellan glanced at Deputy Director Hannibal, who was foaming at the mouth and lying on the ground, and suddenly thought, let this guy die directly in the battle with the silver-haired demon Li Hao.
Although the elites on the city's advance side had already lost the strength of a deputy director before they formally fought with Li Hao and the others, it was actually not a problem.

Because Magellan, who has stopped diarrhea, is definitely a terrifying enemy, and he will also get a bonus of geographical advantage when advancing into the city, but now, this terrifying enemy has set his sights on Li Hao and the others!

Like a predator hiding in the dark and staring at its prey, it quietly waits for Li Hao and others to come to the fifth floor of the extremely cold hell!
On the other side, Li Hao and the others have already arrived at the entrance of the passageway from the fourth floor to the fifth floor of the city. They don't know that there is a fierce dragon on this floor that is ready to choose someone and eat it. It has been waiting for them for a long time. up!

(End of this chapter)

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