Chapter 483 Combat Upgrade
How is this going? !That guy Li Hao is in the end. Shanks suddenly widened his eyes, and an expression of surprise and surprise appeared on his face involuntarily.

I saw a horrible aura suddenly emerged from Li Hao on the opposite side, which made people tremble, and then an inexplicable change took place in his whole body. In an instant, he seemed to suddenly become The other person is no, perhaps it is more appropriate to say that it is another race that is not at the same level as humans!
Visible to the naked eye, Li Hao's slightly thin and thin body (187 height in One Piece, maybe just enough for the average line.) body, instantly became tall and burly, and the long windbreaker and armor on his body became a layer Purple-red scales 'grow' on his body, above the cracked sun pattern on his chest, there is a dazzling platinum light.
[What if I can't beat the BOSS?Or just charge money to become stronger, or just turn on the instant kill and pass the test with the flow of operational consciousness?Do not make jokes!Such a thing is no longer feasible in this day and age! 】

"What on earth is this?!" Even Shanks, who has never seen a situation like Li Hao, can't understand it at all, "Silver-haired devil, devil Li Hao, you guy, is it true that you are not a human being? Bar?!"

Li Hao tilted his head, and under the ferocious horny armor, there was a pair of scarlet pupils like burning blood flames. He just looked at Shanks silently, and then spoke after a while.

"These questions are not important, and I am indeed human (well, at least half of it.)." He said, "The key now is, are you ready? I won't keep my hands on purpose, so take Use all your strength, if I can't take you down in my state."

————I will directly release the savior and give you a world-killing cannon!Lest you, this guy, destroy the balance of power in this world!
Cough cough, just kidding, anyway, that Kaido guy has probably come to this sea area now, I just need to hold Shanks and the others on the line, after Kaido passes by, then his goal will be achieved, and again Why continue to expose his biggest hole card.

Besides, he didn't think Shanks could stop him after he became a demon.

Shanks opened his mouth, and his face became extremely serious. He could feel that the current Li Hao is several times stronger than his normal 'human form' before!If that's the case, he probably doesn't really have much chance of winning.

But he is not the kind of person who avoids fighting because of his opponent's strength, and the fighting spirit in his whole body has become more intense. He put on the hilt of the sword again with one hand, and said in a deep voice: "Thank you, Li Hao, for your reminder. let's start!"

In just an instant, Li Hao disappeared from his field of vision. The speed that seemed to ignore space and time made Shanks raise his vigilance to the extreme in an instant.


Shanks drew his sword and slashed instantly, and there were two loud bangs of 'Qiang Qiang'. In less than half a second, Li Hao's pair of feet, which had turned into ferocious claws of dinosaurs, had already moved towards him continuously. Kicked twice!Not only the speed is amazing, but also the powerful Shanks can't resist at all!

The huge shock and impact force was like the flood that broke the embankment, Shanks couldn't stand at all, and was instantly moved sideways by the impact and burst out, his body was so stiff that he could hardly move.

But Li Hao was biting him tightly, and chased after him in an instant.

I can't let him attack anymore!Otherwise, even if I can block, I am afraid that just the counter-shock force of the block will be enough to make me fall into a doomed situation!
Thinking of this, Shanks tried his best to drive his arm to slash a sword towards Li Hao who was chasing him, but he jumped away.

Li Hao stepped into the air, even in the empty air, he was still able to borrow strength in the empty void, and directly jumped into the air in two stages, shrinking his body into a ball, like a ball Like a spring that contracts and stores energy, it compresses and condenses the strength of the whole body to the extreme.

Then, in the next second, he straightened his body violently, released all the power in an instant, and burst out all the accumulated power, like a meteorite falling from the sky, and stomped fiercely on Shanks. Down!

The air was detonated in an instant, showing circles of condensed pale white air explosion clouds, and the magic power and thunder overflowing from Li Hao's body surrounded him together, forming a scene like a tunnel, which made Li Hao Hao directly stepped on the western sword cut by Shanks without any obstacles!

The entire island was shaken violently by the huge detonation, as if a nuclear bomb had been detonated on the spot. With the two of them as the origin, everything around them was instantly shattered by the terrifying aftermath. The whole earth shattered and soared into the sky, the surrounding space became distorted, and even the sea surface around the island was instantly shaken to a height of [-] meters!



The earth-shattering movement on the day of the battle between the two instantly made the crew members of the red-haired pirates tense up—originally they thought that even though Li Hao's reputation as a "silver-haired devil" spread far and wide, their own The captain will definitely win this battle easily.

Before the battle began, all of them had full confidence in their captain.

However, when the two started fighting, they realized that Li Hao's strength was countless times stronger than what they had imagined!Even the captain of his own family couldn't take advantage of him in the slightest, instead he seemed to be at a disadvantage all along.

After finally waiting for Shanks to "renew the fee", he suppressed Li Hao with his domineering aura for a moment, and the Jedi counterattacked. As a result, in a blink of an eye, Li Hao once again showed stronger strength and ability.

In other words, that guy's current state is probably his best effort!That terrifying aura and strength, even those of them who hadn't fought Li Hao, were suppressed by the escaping aura and their hearts tightened, and they even felt it was difficult to breathe.

And the facts have also proved that the terrifying aura on Li Hao's body is not just for show - just a few seconds, it caused such a big movement, under one blow, even the island under their feet Shaking and detonating for it!

What about Shanks who took the blow head-on?Can their captain withstand such a terrifying force? !

For a moment, everyone raised their hearts to their throats, nervously watching the battlefield where Li Hao and the others were, the huge meteorite crater now
"Jesus, Lauren, get ready to fight!" Ben Beckman suddenly said in a deep voice, "That guy Shanks will not die that easily, but if he takes the blow from the silver-haired demon head-on, his state may be it won't be too good
So everyone pay attention, wait a minute, if the silver-haired demon guy shows his murderous intentions, or if Shanks refuses to stop, you two will fight immediately, and we can't let them continue to fight!They must be stopped! "

As far as the intensity of the battle between Li Hao and Shanks is now, if you don't pay attention, you will definitely end up dead!
If the possibility of Li Hao's death is relatively high, Ben Beckman will definitely not violate the duel rules and intervene in other people's battles.

But in the current situation, it is obvious that Shanks is most likely to be beaten to death!That silver-haired demon is as real as his name suggests, as powerful and terrifying as a demon, even Shanks, he has little chance of winning against him.

Therefore, even if Ben Beckman took risks and violated principles, he could only secretly prepare to make a move. Otherwise, if the two of them were to continue fighting, the result would definitely be something they didn't want to see.

The silver-haired devil wanted their red-haired pirates not to participate in the war between the navy and the world government/government and those pirates, so they just agreed, anyway, it's really none of their business, it's good to just watch from the sidelines.

What he's afraid of now is that the silver-haired demon will immediately become murderous after hitting him, or that Shanks will become stubborn, and he will definitely continue to fight with that guy.

Let's hope the worst-case scenario that I'm worried about doesn't happen.
(End of this chapter)

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