Chapter 51
Before setting off, Li Hao had consumed all the equipment he had replenished from Orochimaru. If he hadn't been convinced that Orochimaru's puppet arsenal would definitely be able to make up for him, Li Hao would really be reluctant to be such a prodigal. You know, these items were exchanged for The price is very high, if dozens or hundreds of them are thrown away, Li Hao will really be in pain for a while before exchanging them.

On the way back, whenever he saw a steep or suitable place, Li Hao would stop and spend a few minutes setting up a trap. Before he knew it, it was getting dark again, and by this time, Li Hao had almost used up all his stock. Well, after leaving a little pressure on the warehouse, Li Hao stopped, no longer set up traps, turned around and galloped towards Konoha.

About two hours later, Li Hao sensed the Konoha chasing soldiers coming towards him. With a flash of his eyes, he quickly jumped onto the crown of a big leafy tree and hid himself.

Not long after, a group of young Konoha ninjas appeared in front of Li Hao. Should it be the inertia of the plot, or was it intentional by the Konoha executives?Even though the date of Sasuke's defection was postponed, the pursuers sent by Konoha were still the Twelve Konohas who had not yet grown up. Sasuke, that's a neat one.

But even so, Li Hao is still a little confused, because although there are 11 pursuers sent by Konoha, they don't have any high-end combat power. After all, Naruto and the others have not yet grown up at this time. teenager.

And to say that today's Konoha has no spare power to send out how many high-level combat forces, this is Li Haoxin. After all, Konoha suffered such a change. The three generations of Hokage were killed by Orochimaru. In order to maintain Konoha's authority and reputation, and The restoration of the village and things, the backbone of Konoha, will definitely have a lot of tasks recently, and they really don't have much spare energy to send out more.

But even so, Konoha wouldn't be so embarrassed that he could only take out these boys, right?So what are the considerations of Konoha's senior management?Lost the hot potato Uchiha Sasuke?By the way, how about training the new generation of Twelve Xiaoqiang?

This is the only explanation. After Sasuke escaped, Konoha could definitely find out the infiltration of the Otonin four before. Although the Otonin four are not bad, otherwise they would not be favored by Orochimaru. , but their age and strength are flawed after all.

Even after opening the curse seal, the four of them working together can compete with two special Jnin. Although this kind of strength is already considered good, how can a giant like Konoha not be able to deal with them? A team of elite Anbu, Or directly send Kakashi over to lead the 12 Xiaoqiang team, both options can beat the Otonin four.

But the people who came now were only Twelve Xiaoqiang, which made Li Hao think of some conspiracy theories.

Li Hao didn't show up. After all, he still doesn't know what kind of medicine Konoha sold in the gourd this time. There won't be too much danger. Even if the individual strength is not as good, it can be made up for by the combination of the team.

And if Li Hao also showed up, then the situation would be different, not to mention that the people sent by Konoha might not be just a few teenagers like them.

Li Hao watched these teenagers leave in front of his eyes. There was still a moment in which Naruto in the crowd suddenly turned his head and took a look in Li Hao's direction. At that moment, Li Hao almost thought that he Fortunately, Naruto may have only sensed it for a while, and didn't notice Li Hao. He turned around and left quickly after being greeted by his companions.

". Is it Nine Tails?" Li Hao watched them go away, and then he said to himself, he has strengthened stealth to hide traces, and he has specially strengthened the domineering color in One Piece before, to perceive and disturb Shielding other people's perception, although the level is not high, but the combination of the two reinforcements is definitely not something that Naruto with this time period and strength can discover.

After Naruto and the others left, Li Hao still didn't show up, but continued to hide in the canopy of the tree, doing 'Voldemort' for more than ten minutes.

coming!He frowned, and immediately took out a black cloak from the storage space, wrapped himself completely, then closed his eyes, stopped all movements, and even the sound of breathing disappeared—a team led Konoha Anbe, wearing a white Tanuki or rabbit mask, suddenly appeared, quietly chasing Naruto and the others.

Konoha Anbe's vigilance and perception ability are not comparable to those of Naruto and the others. Li Hao completely blocked all his aura, and the cloak he took out quickly became the same as the tree body. The same color made him hide quietly in the canopy like a dead tree.

The woods are very quiet, except for the sound of insects and the wind blowing through the leaves, there is no other sound. When the dark parts of those leaves walk and dance, their feet are almost silent, which shows their sophistication.

Following Naruto and the others, this group of Konoha Anbe also left the woods quietly at an extremely fast speed.

"Fortunately, I'm cautious enough." Li Hao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he just said, how could the power sent by Konoha be so simple, as expected, apart from Kai Naruto and the others, the Anbu team behind is the real boss .

As for the purpose of this team of Anbu is to catch up and kill the four Otonin and Sasuke, or simply serve as bodyguards for Naruto and the others, Li Hao doesn't care, it's all this far, and he doesn't care about any side missions Success or failure, whether the two pillars live or die, it is up to fate.

If Er Zhuzi can survive and complete the branch tasks smoothly, that would be the best, but if he dies because of the butterfly effect created by Li Hao. It's just a little bit, when life and death are at stake, people's obsession with things outside the body will indeed look away a lot.

After they had left for nearly 10 minutes, Li Hao reappeared from the canopy of the tree, looking at the direction they left indifferently, his thoughts were already drifting away, I hope these guys from the left and right can be faster, I can do everything I can It has already been done, and if they still can't avoid the pursuit due to the traps he set to delay them, it can only mean that they are destined to be like this.

Li Hao is not a sloppy person. After looking into the distance, he turned around again, bent his knees and jumped, and the figure in mid-air was drawn into a long shadow by the moonlight, and flew towards Konoha without looking back.

PS: Well, without saying anything, I just want to ask for some recommendation tickets.. There is no other reason, I don't want to lose!I don't want to lose either!So if possible, please vote for me with your recommendation votes, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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