Chapter 514 Robot Legion

The further down the passage, the lower the visibility of the surroundings. In the end, the surrounding environment has become completely dark, and in that darkness, a huge underground city seems to have stood there since ancient times. It is the city of the moon, Huaruka!

Li Hao, who had been walking in front of the team, stopped suddenly. Just when everyone felt strange, Li Hao turned around and said, "Everyone, our destination has arrived."

"Welcome." With that said, Li Hao stepped aside, opened the passageway, so that everyone's sight would be unobstructed, and then condensed an incomparably bright thunderball from his palm, completely illuminating the ruins in the darkness Come out, ".Come to the moon city Hua Luka!"

The moon city Hualuka hidden in the darkness appeared in front of everyone so suddenly and intuitively. For a while, everyone was shocked by the huge group of ruins, and they watched silently. That huge city left over from ancient times.

After a long time, everyone turned around from the shock.

"It's amazing! It's really an ancient relic!" Lu Fei looked at this huge city with glowing eyes, eager to try.

And Robin beside him reacted even more violently than him, even breathing became short of breath.

"Is this the moon city Hualuka? There are still traces of that long-lasting breath." Robin murmured to himself as if dreaming, and her feet began to move unconsciously, moving towards the ancient ruins she had been waiting for for a long time The city went by.

Li Hao walked over, put his hand on Robin's shoulder, met her absent-minded gaze, and said with a chuckle, "The current moon city, Hualuka, is too dead, and The whole city is hidden in darkness, which is not conducive to the development of your archaeological work.

So please Robin, please be patient for a few seconds, I'll let it 'wake up' right away, and greet the guests."

As soon as the words fell, Li Hao raised his hand and summoned endless thunder and lightning, which instantly spread and shrouded the moon city Hualuka
In an instant, the whole city was enveloped by that blazing thunder light, and the lightning energy spread along the passages in the city and flowed to every angle in the city. Under Li Hao's almost endless energy infusion and replenishment, he woke up from his deep sleep again!

Cen Cen Cen Cen
Various parts of the city of Hualuka, the city of the moon, lit up one by one, representing that they were activated again. In just a few minutes, this underground area instantly became as bright as day, The entire city of the moon, Hualuka, emerged from the darkness and appeared in front of everyone.

The turbulent thunder light was converted into electrical energy, which instantly circulated throughout the city. In the robot factory on the east side of the city, that one had been manufactured many years ago, but it has not been activated. I don’t know if I took the opportunity again. After a long time, the army of robots opened their eyes one after another under the infusion of electric energy, and walked down the assembly line.
"Huh?!" Sabo, who was looking at the murals on the wall of the ruins with everyone, suddenly changed his expression, and his eyes instantly turned to the corner of the street, and the expression on his face immediately became extremely surprised.

"That is.?!"

A mighty army of robots suddenly came out from the corner of the street and appeared in his sight!

"What is that?!" Everyone also turned their heads to look at Sabo's reaction, and they were instantly shocked.

Kerla said in shock: "There are a lot of robots, and they look like an army of combat robots?!"

"Wow! There are so many robots!" Luffy's eyes were filled with stars, "It's a pity that it's too small, it feels about the same size as Chopper. Are there no such giant robots?"

"Is now the time to care about such issues?!" Sanji glanced at Luffy helplessly, and said, "The main question now is, what are those robots doing here? It won't be this city. The security system, right?!"

With a frightened expression on his face, Usopp shrank behind Sauron in an instant, held him in front of him, and guessed: "Ah! Doesn't that mean that they may have the characteristics of 'removing all outsiders'? Are they here to kill us?!"

Sauron gritted his teeth, and looked back at Usopp who was using him as a shield in dissatisfaction, "Usopp, you bastard, don't pull me! It's just a group of such small robots, what are you afraid of?! Hurry up and let me go! You are pulling me, I can't even fight!"

"Hao?" Sabo also pulled out the steel pipe on his back, activated the charging device, turned to look at Li Hao and asked what he meant. Do you want to do it directly?
Li Hao shook his head at him, then raised his hand and pressed down, so that everyone should not be nervous or flustered.

"Don't be nervous, just wait and see what happens. Those robots can be activated, but it all depends on our help and charging, so I don't think they will attack us.

In short, let's take a look at what they are going to do. After all, they are the masters of this city. If it is not necessary, it is best not to do anything to them. "

Although this is what he said, Li Hao is already secretly preparing. After all, he is not sure whether he can be the same as the guy Enel in the original book. Because he accidentally helped these robots, he was killed They worshiped their lords and swore allegiance.

The army of robots stopped ten meters away from Li Hao and the others, then stood in line and bowed down.

"Thank you for your help, let us wake up again in that long sleep (standby)! From now on, we are willing to swear allegiance to you and follow around."

Li Hao's fierce attack accumulated in the dark disappeared in an instant, and a few smiles appeared on his face. Finally, nothing went wrong, so that's the best.

After all, although this army of robots is not the main purpose of his trip, if he can regain such a group of subordinates, why not do it?

Kerla glanced at Li Hao suspiciously, and said, "Hao, you always feel that you already knew that all this would happen like this. Is it my illusion?"

of course not!I do know all this already, but I won't say it.

"Well," Li Hao said with a laugh, "these are actually irrelevant. The important thing is that we now have an assembly line factory that can produce weapons such as robots and guns, and we have also got an army of robots to follow. This is the most important!
In addition, don't you think this 'infinite land' is very suitable as a secret base of our revolutionary army and an arsenal factory?
There are also those secret information recorded in this ruins, as well as other ancient artifacts that we have not yet found. Here is a treasure that can help our revolutionary army rise rapidly!
As long as we digest the gains we have gained here, perhaps the time will come when our revolutionary army officially declares war on the World Government and overthrows it in one fell swoop! "

After all, the world government/government and navy have suffered heavy losses.

And because the government/government headquarters were destroyed, those top officials were almost wiped out, they might have some problems themselves. If they don't do anything at this time, the revolutionary army will stop making any more rebellions, and go back as soon as possible to accept the Tianlong people Or the oppression of the world government/government, anyway, you don't have the courage and ability.
(End of this chapter)

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