Main God Space: You have been listed as a black household

Chapter 530 Learning makes people happy?

Chapter 530 Learning makes people happy?

In the east of Juxia City, after leaving the urban area, follow the Panshan Highway and you will find the Super Seminary.

When Li Hao came to this world before, the Super Seminary had just started to recruit students, but now a month has passed, presumably the group of guys in memory should have gathered.

Top laner D, mid laner Qiangwei, ADC Qilin, jungler Zhao Xin, plus Ge Xiaolun, nothing else, just hard steel support that you can't beat, you can already meet directly in Summoner Canyon
Well, take a random turn and go back after checking the situation, Li Hao thought.

Li Hao drove the ark and disappeared in the clouds without showing his face at all. He just glanced down with his heart net, and then he got a general idea of ​​the situation in the Super Seminary.

In the playground of the college, the first batch of Super God students are exercising. The solid cement blocks weighing hundreds of kilograms are being thrown and passed by several youth colleges in turn. It feels like playing ordinary legends. Same as ball game.
This power is skyrocketing like taking hormones. A month ago, the guy who was just an ordinary person, once the super god gene in his body was activated, he turned into a green giant one by one in an instant——no wonder Li Hao would value this system. Strength, this simple, rude, and extremely effective way to become stronger, even if there may be any shortcomings, is enough to make people flock to it.

However, although these people have initially possessed strength, the combat power that can be exerted is estimated to be "ten to one hundred", right?Compared to ordinary people with an ordinary combat power of 5, they can indeed crush them, but if they really go to the battlefield, I am afraid that an experienced veteran with a full set of equipment can play them to death.

Of course, that's based on the fact that those supernatural students don't wear those black-tech armors. After all, if a certain upper limit is exceeded, it is impossible for ordinary people to pose any threat to those "little supermen".

After all, if you can't even break through their defenses, no matter how rich your combat experience is, it's useless. With that 'tortoise shell' and several times your strength and speed, they can beat you even with your eyes closed. get down.

Lena, who was "guiding and educating" those super-spiritual students to develop their internal strength, suddenly felt something, turned her head and glanced at the sky in doubt, but found nothing, because Li Hao had already left at this time.

Back on Devil One, Li Hao immediately approached Morgana on business.

"That's about it. The Super Seminary on Earth is still in its infancy. Except for a few teachers and faculty members, as well as veterans who came to Earth from the Deno galaxy, the others are all recruits with empty strength. In a short period of time, it is almost impossible to pose any threat to us.

If you want to take them directly at this time, it shouldn't be too difficult. "

This is Li Hao's answer. His investigation results are like this. If necessary, Morgana can take her demon army to level the Super Seminary now. It really won't be too difficult thing.

Morgana nodded, and said: "I think it's the same, after all, even the former Deno civilization is considered powerful, but now there are only three or two lonely ghosts left, and the extent to which they can do it is limited. "

"However." Morgana changed her voice, and said again: "You said that the new Sun Goddess of Lieyang Star, Lena, also appeared in the Super Seminary, so you have to think about it.

After all, those guys from Lieyang Civilization are not weak, and their attacks are extremely dark, and a supernova flare will directly smear your face at every turn, so you have to figure out their position and thoughts first. If it is not necessary, I don't want to confront them. "

It doesn't matter to Li Hao, anyway, he's studying at Morgana's place now, it's up to her how to do it, anyway, he just needs to 'clock in and go to work', he's even more Buddhist than Huang Yuan.

After all, all he lacks now is time, and other things are none of his business. As an employee, he only needs to complete the work arranged by his boss Morgana, so why worry about his boss.

Because she was worried about the attitude of Lieyang civilization and the upcoming Kaisa, Morgana did not rush to take any action, but chose to temporarily hibernate, preparing to give the possible troubles from the coming holy Kaisa to her. The arrangement is clear, and then consider doing something against the earth and the super seminary.

After all, if Kesha came and they couldn't stop them, it would be useless to take down the earth, and Kesha would have to drive them out of the earth and continue to "strategic retreat" towards the depths of the universe.

So instead of expending strength to attack the earth now, it is better to gather energy to prepare to deal with Kaisha——Earth’s super seminary is true in its infancy stage, but there are still many Deno galaxies left behind As for the super fighters, if Morgana wants to face them forcefully, even if she is sure to win, she will not be unscathed.

Anyway, the god-making project on the earth has just started, and I don’t care about giving them more time to develop. The god-making project is not that simple. It is almost a dream to complete it in three or two days, so Morgana doesn’t care about it. I am worried that those super god fighters on the earth will be able to gain the power to fight against themselves in a short period of time, because that is impossible.

But what she didn't expect was that she hadn't made any moves yet. On the contrary, the Super Seminary's side was constantly moving, and it was actual combat training or something. Empty was born.

"Report to the Queen!"

A demon responsible for monitoring the movement of the Super Seminary suddenly reported to Morgana remotely.

"Just now, our detector detected a very powerful high-energy reaction, and its energy intensity is even comparable to that of Queen Morgana! You are definitely a powerful god!
And after we continued to follow up, we found that the person who made the high-energy response was actually Monkey King, the Monkey King in the legend of the Hua Kingdom on Earth!And it is now engaged in a fierce battle with those students of the Super Seminary, do we need to intervene? "

"Sun Wukong?" Morgana frowned, "Isn't that monkey a fabricated character in the myths and biographies of the Hua Kingdom? It really exists? And the energy response can be compared to my old lady. Wait! You bastard, How dare you compare your queen with a monkey?!"

After reprimanding the demon messenger, Morgana said again: "Well, you continue to follow up and monitor the situation over there, but contact me with that guy Ahao and tell him not to masturbate in the room! Just say Ben What the Queen said, let him hurry over and see what's going on over there."

To be honest, Morgana's majestic demon queen is now in an embarrassing situation where almost no one can use her. Her demon army was completely wiped out in the previous battle with the holy Kaisa. The entire demon army is only her. People 'retreat strategically' out.

Even if she came to the earth now and reassembled some of her subordinates, her manpower is still not enough, so if there is any emergency at this time, Li Hao can only go to the top, otherwise she will be forced to If the queen went out in person, it would be too cheap.

"Hey, Queen, are you looking for me?" Li Hao's voice sounded in Morgana's mind.

Using spiritual power to rely on dark matter and dark planes for long-distance communication, Agnes has already cracked it, and the power of demons in the world of Devil May Cry emphasizes the power of the soul and spirit, so as long as you learn how to communicate with the dark The plane, and the basic ability to manipulate dark matter, Li Hao can learn such methods in an instant.

Morgana said: "Well, something went wrong, you should go and have a look in person, later I will ask Ah Feng to teleport you directly to the target location, and then you can see the situation yourself, or I will give you an order directly.

In short, don't stay in the room and buckle your feet. The two guys you brought have dug a lot of technology and knowledge from me these days, so you should hurry up and do something for me to repay the Queen. "

"Understood, I'll leave right away. By the way, I'm reading a book while staying in the room. Besides, little fairy men don't know how to buckle their feet!"

"That's all right, all right, don't give me any more advice at this time, and I'll go directly to Carl Na Hudan to get you a void engine, and you don't need to read those big books anymore."

"This is a good relationship! Long live Queen Morgana!"

This compliment, Li Hao is sincere. After all, the dark matter in this world, the dark plane and so on, all require corresponding knowledge and theory to understand and manipulate, so in the past few days, Li Hao has been sleeping and forgetting to eat. recharge yourself.

Even because of his powerful soul, which gave him his photographic memory and strong comprehension ability, this kind of study hell, which is like studying hard in the third year of high school, is also an extremely painful thing for Li Hao.

What learning makes me happy, Li Hao can't learn the state of master and god of learning at all!
(End of this chapter)

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