Chapter 543 The Arrival of Angels
After the Xiongbing company retreated, they repaired for two full days, and went to Huaguo Mountain to invite Sun Wukong. The second time organized people to come to the forest where they had failed before, but nothing unexpected happened. This place has already been 'empty', and Devil One has already moved, so it is not known where Morgana and the others have gone.

Although the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company who cared about their companions had already guessed that this would be the result, the disappointment in their hearts was still palpable. They managed to invite Brother Monkey, but the demons disappeared. Seeing that Rui Mengmeng and Master Yi also lost news, how could this make them happy?
Jess and the others originally wanted to continue to pursue the clues left by the demons when they left, and catch up, but the tracking work has not progressed for a long time——With the technological capabilities of the Earth Super Seminary, if Demon One wants to hide , They want to find its trace, how difficult it is.

And it didn't take long before the Great Gorge informed them of another head-scratching news—an angel suddenly descended on the earth!And they went directly to their Super Seminary. In desperation, the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company had no choice but to return to the Juxia to check the situation immediately.

————Even the legendary angels of justice may not be credible in today's age of gods and ghosts. After all, gods and mortals are two completely different classes. Angels want to set up a theocracy or something, their earth, their country of China, can the soldiers of their Xiongbing company agree?
So for the Xiongbing Company, there may be no difference between angels and demons at all, and all of this depends on the purpose of those angels this time.

If the worst expected situation really happens, maybe they will have to represent all mankind to resist the gods who want to rule them, whether it is a demon or an angel!
Today's human beings are no longer ignorant. Freedom is something that all human beings are advocating and pursuing. Although this freedom is relative, at least in theory everyone is equal.

And even if it is only superficial, theoretical equality and freedom are far better than being ruled.

The soldiers of the Xiongbing Company had just returned to the Great Gorge, when a few white wings floated down from the sky, and several beautiful female angels who were not like mortal creatures slowly floated down from the sky, guarding the throne surrounding Kaisha, the king of angels. , falling from the sky.

As if they were waiting for these soldiers of the Xiongbing Company, as soon as they returned to the Great Strait, the angels appeared in front of them, staying above the Great Strait, looking down at the people below .

Liu Chuang glanced up at the angels in the sky, frowned and said, "Damn it! The faces of these angels are pretty pretty, but the temperament is too cold, right? And I feel that the eyes and The attitude is like looking at a cat or a dog, which is really uncomfortable."

Qiangwei also frowned, and lightly said to Lena who was beside her: "I thought you were enough to hate stinky farts, but I didn't expect these angels to be even more 'high above', and that posture is treating yourself as the master Are you here? This is the earth! Why are those guys so annoying?!"

Leina spread her hands and said, "It's because they are gods. So, Qiangwei, you should know that not all gods are as approachable as this goddess, but those guys are really annoying just by looking at them.

It would be fine to make such a gesture in front of ordinary people. Even if ordinary people are angry, they can't do anything, but we are a heroic company!And this goddess is the light of the sun, the main god of the Solar System!Even the holy Kaisa is just my peer relationship, but even those ordinary angels are so 'cold' in front of this goddess.
To be honest, it was thanks to the absence of that guy Pan Zhen, otherwise, with that guy's old-fashioned character, he would have to choke with those angels right away. "

"You are back." The direct chief of the Xiongbing Company, the war madman Dukao, also led his people out of the cabin of the Juxia, came to the side of the crowd, and nodded to them, "Get ready, if you meet with me later It’s fine if the angels fail to negotiate, but if they have any thoughts and demands that touch the bottom line
———Then you soldiers of the Xiongbing Company will tell them with your actions!What kind of attitude does our earth have towards 'bad guests'! "

Jess stood at attention and saluted, and responded loudly: "Understood! Chief!"

Although the arm had just been reattached, there was still some uncomfortable reaction, but Jess's military salute was done neatly, and it was refreshing to see.

"Xiongbing Company, listen to my orders! Level [-] battle preparation! Once I or the chief gives the order."


Ducao raised his hand and pressed it down, and said: "Okay, don't be so tense, I'm just planning for the worst, and things may not necessarily develop to that point, anyway, let's play by ear. "

He stepped forward, looked up at the throne sitting high in mid-air, tilted his head and rested his chin on one hand, looked at the holy Kaisha below, and said loudly: "Kisha, the king of angels, I am Duka Oh! It's the highest officer here! If you have anything to do, you can talk to me directly."

Kaisha moved her eyes slightly, cast her eyes on Ducao, and said lightly: "War Madman Ducao? I've heard of you, but are you sure you can represent this planet and everyone and me?" chat?
Shouldn't the main god of your planet and even this galaxy be the 'Galaxy Power' around you?Why do you want to come and talk to me? "

Ge Xiaolun: "."excuse me?What are you talking about?Isn't the power of the galaxy me?The main god of this galaxy?What the hell? !
At this time, Zhao Xinqiangwei and the others unconsciously turned their heads to Ge Xiaolun, their eyes were full of surprise and inquiry. Xiao Lun, is this guy so awesome? !

Ge Xiaolun's eyes panicked, and he quickly waved his hands and said, "I'm not! I'm not! Don't talk nonsense! I don't know what that person means at all, and I don't understand anything at all."

As he said that, he immediately turned his head and looked at Ducao for help, "Boss."

"Xiao Lun, don't panic, this is a good thing." Ducao said, "Since the angels recognize your identity and are willing to put you in the same position, it means that this matter may be much simpler Well, Xiao Lun, come and talk to them."

"But I don't know anything?! I, I, I don't know what to say."

Ducao glanced at Ge Xiaolun, pondered for a few seconds before saying: "This is a problem. Let me do it, I believe those angels will not necessarily be entangled in this matter."

Ducao raised his head again and said loudly to the angels: "The policies of our earth are different from ordinary theocratic civilizations. Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy, is a soldier of the country, and I am his chief. He has also given me full authority over the matters to be negotiated, so it is still up to me to negotiate with you!"

"Is that so? The power of the galaxy." Kesha looked at Ge Xiaolun and asked.

"Yes! Chief Ducao means what I mean! I...I will definitely defend my home and country!"

Everyone: "." What are you talking about?This is to defend the country?If you haven't figured out what an angel means, just wait a little longer.

"That's good." Keisha nodded, then sat up straight, with a serious expression on her face.

"Then I will directly explain to you that the purpose of my army of angels coming to this planet is for the fallen demon evil god Morgana"

 Thank you book friend 'Book Friends' for your reward, okay. . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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