Chapter 549 where is spring

Morgana soon knew about the movement on Holy Kesha's side, and she immediately contacted Atuo's side, asking him to be careful. As for Karl and Li Hao, she didn't have to worry about it. , unless the holy Kaisa brings the angel army out, otherwise, there will be no danger or accident on their side.

"Hey, Atuo, how is your situation over there? Did you get promoted?"

In the remote communication, Atona's deep voice soon came: "Yes, queen, I have fallen into a god."

"So fast?!" Morgana was a little surprised, Ato was promoted after only a few days out!

"You degenerated into a god so quickly, what did you do, Ato?"

Although Atuo's accumulation for so many years is enough for him to be promoted to the realm of God, but it can't be done in an instant, right?So something must have happened to Ato at Frazier's side.

A Tuo said: "The ritual of my degeneration into a god is the original original sin—killing someone!
———I slaughtered a human kingdom! "

Morgana: "."

At that moment, even she felt a little shocked, and couldn't help but widen her eyes, "A Tuo you"

Although they are demons, even Morgana, the demon queen, has never done anything like massacre cities and countries—although many people and countries perished because of her, at least she did not. I have done such a thing myself, and I have never killed those innocent people for no reason.

This time Morgana no longer had the usual 'female hooligan' temperament, and her tone became softer, and she said: "Ato, it's hard for you, you have done so much for me——with you It is probably a very painful thing for you to let you massacre those unarmed people because of your belief."

A Tuo is a pure fighter, and he has never done such a thing in his life, because it is undoubtedly a shame for him to slaughter someone who cannot resist, but because of her order, A Tuo violated his principles, so Right now, he's probably in a lot of pain.

"Please don't worry about me, queen." Atuo said in a soft voice, "Although I feel sorry for those innocent people who died under my sword, I fight for love, which makes me fearless and taboo !"

Morgana was silent for a few seconds. She was aware of Atuo's feelings for her, but forget it.

"Ato, listen to me, Holy Kaisa has sent her left guard, and Angel Yan is rushing to Frazier with reinforcements, so Ato, be careful, if it doesn't work, withdraw immediately Come on, don't fight her to the death, understand?"

"I understand, Queen."

"That's good. In short, A Tuo, you should be careful. After you and A Hao come back, we can take the next step, so remember to protect yourself, even if you run away without face, There must be nothing wrong with people."

After giving Atuo a few words, Morgana hung up the communication, then raised her head and looked at the sky with a deep expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

On the other side, on the Juxia, Yan, who was surrounded by soldiers from the Xiongbing Company, suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and showed a mischievous smile, and said: "I said, this is how your super seminary on earth treats guests Is it? A group of strong onlookers and intimidating eyes?"

"I don't think you are a 'guest'." Qiangwei narrowed her eyes and said, "Didn't your Queen of Angels already promise? You won't set foot on Earth until we change our minds, so what are you doing now? "

I don't know why, when Qiangwei sees Yan, there will always be a sense of tension and hostility for no reason in her heart, but she doesn't know the reason at all.

Yan could also sense Qiangwei's inexplicable hostility, but she didn't care, after all, she was already past the age of 'little girls', and she didn't quite understand what girls of this age were thinking.

Yan said: "Correct me, first of all, what Queen Keisha said is that she will not interfere with the affairs of your earth casually, but she never said that we angels cannot be active on the earth.

In addition, I didn't come here this time for Morgana or meddling in your earth affairs. I just came to find the power of the galaxy. "

In an instant, everyone's eyes were on Ge Xiaolun——when did this guy have a relationship with this angel lady?

Ge Xiaolun: "."

"Eh?! Looking for me?" Ge Xiaolun raised a hand, pointed at himself, and said with a strange expression, "Well, this angel sister, we don't seem to know each other, right? What can you do with me?"

Yan tilted his head and said, "Don't you know each other now? And we will know each other for a long time in the future. Even tens of thousands of years!"

The bewildered expression on Ge Xiaolun's face became more serious, he shook his head and said, "I don't understand."

"Hey" Yan sighed, raised his hand to his forehead, and said, "Then let me tell you clearly, Queen Keisha values ​​you very much, and intends to let me get in touch with you more, and let me guide you.
Well, it is almost equivalent to a 'growth game', but in the end whether you will be a qualified partner or my 'son' depends on whether you can 'grow up', but now It seems that your brain is a bit worrying. "

As soon as Yan's words came out, everyone was stunned.

"Companion... Companion?!"

"Damn it!" Xin Zhao was even more startled and swears, and then suddenly turned to the sky and screamed, "Why is this kind of good thing not mine?! Damn it! Miss Angel, do you think I can do it?

To tell you the truth, Sajia is only 21 years old, young and promising, with a strong body, and only needs a girlfriend or wife. Can you ask Queen Keisha for me, do you have any other beautiful angel sisters waiting to marry? ?You can consider me! "

Yan squinted at Xin Zhao, "You?"

Xin Zhao nodded with anticipation, and said, "Yeah! You see, I'm still a promising young man, right? My character is not bad, and it's just right to be paired with an angel."

Yan Rao smiled with interest, and squinted at Xin Zhao, feeling that this thick-skinned guy is actually pretty good, at least he dared to say that compared to the 'little boy' of Galaxy Force, this guy is barely It might as well be a teenager.

"That depends on whether you can be seen by those 'angel sisters'."

Before Xin Zhao could continue to speak, Qiangwei snorted coldly: "Humph! If you are in heat and want to find a man, you should look elsewhere! Don't tease Xiao Lun, he belongs to the country! I won't let you seduce me casually!"

"Qiangwei." Ge Xiaolun glanced at Qiangwei in surprise. Is she jealous?I feel like my spring is coming!
Qiangwei squinted her eyes and shouted at Ge Xiaolun in a fierce tone: "What are you looking at?! Why don't you drive away this woman in estrus? This is the Juxia, and we are soldiers of the Xiongbing Company. The place where she came to seduce men!"

Ge Xiaolun: "." It seems that I may have misunderstood my spring. It's gone again.
Yan raised her eyebrows, and she was almost scolded by Qiangwei as a "shameless woman" by pointing at her nose. How could she not respond in her heart, but she immediately discovered the "little situation" between Qiangwei and Ge Xiaolun , So when he rolled his eyes, he didn't have an attack, but instead showed a charming smile on his face.

She said: "Although I don't know why you have such a big reaction, maybe our angels and you people on earth have different ideas. Our angels don't get too entangled in love and partners. Unswerving until death.

So I don't understand why you have such a big reaction?Could it be that you think I'm here to grab a man from you?You are thinking too much. After all, I am only here to guide and help the growth of the power of the galaxy according to the order of Queen Kaisha. Love and partners are still far away.

Also, I remember that on your side of the earth, it is the war madman Dukao who is in charge, right?I have something I want to find him—according to Queen Caesar's order, I want the power of the galaxy to go to Frazier with me.

This is definitely a good thing for the power of the galaxy, because he will receive real experience in Frazer, so that he can grow up quickly. Shall I meet him? "

(End of this chapter)

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