Chapter 568 The Devil's Revenge

drop drop drop
In the middle of the night, a piercing siren suddenly sounded from the Juxia, waking up the entire fleet.

In the male soldiers' dormitory, Cheng Yaowen who woke up first leaped off the bed, and then slapped Xin Zhao's head on the bed next to him with his backhand -- this guy didn't know what was wrong , I have to wear eye masks and earplugs when I sleep, saying that these buddies are too noisy when they sleep, grinding their teeth and snoring
But in fact, Xin Zhao himself was the one who made the most noise!Moreover, this kid always likes to talk in his sleep, and he also has indescribable dreams. Therefore, the people in the male soldier's dormitory have been woken up several times in the middle of the night by his lewd/slutty and lewd/cheesy laughter up.

——So much so that Cheng Yaowen's first reaction when he woke up was to slap Xin Zhao's head with his backhand.

"I said Yaowen, what are you doing?" Xin Zhao pulled back his blindfold and protested with some annoyance, "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, why are you beating me?"

Cheng Yaowen: "." Can I say this is a subconscious instinctive reaction?
"Ahem...Xin Zhao, didn't you hear? Air defense sirens!"

Xin Zhao asked a little unclearly: "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Cheng Yaowen reached out and took off the earplugs from Xin Zhao's ears, and said, "I said...air defense alarm! Did you hear it now? Hurry up and get up and get dressed. The last time it was so loud, it was the army of angels who came to the earth. I don't know what happened once again!"

When the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company came to the command room, they couldn't help but tremble when they saw Ducao's serious expression. Ducao's expression had already made them foresee that this incident might not happen What a trifle.

Qiangwei stepped forward and stood at attention, saluted Ducao, and said, "Boss! The soldiers have assembled! Please give instructions!"

Since Jess disappeared on the battlefield a few days ago, Qiangwei has been promoted. She can only be regarded as the tallest among the dwarves. Although the Xiongbing Company has the captain Reina, how can I put it, she is an 'alien' after all. People', so among the commanding officers of the team, there must still be a native of their earth.

Ducao nodded faintly at Qiangwei, turned around and walked to the front of the large on-board display screen, then turned his head and nodded to Lianfeng who was operating the computer on the other side, "Lianfeng, bring up the screen."

"Understood, chief!"

Following Lianfeng's movements, the images captured by the satellites in the sky were immediately reprinted to the large display screen in front of them. There was the XC nuclear missile base!
However, this is not the most important thing—the most important thing is the 'bat spirits' that fly in mid-air like big bats and fight fiercely with the guards of the nuclear base captured by the satellite!
Those are demon soldiers, Morgana's minions!Many of their soldiers died at the hands of those demons, how could they not recognize them!

So it's clear, the demons are attacking their nuclear base!As for what the demons want to do. Is this something I need to know?That is their nuclear base, and if any nuclear bomb stored in it is lost, it will cause the world to shake!
"I think everyone should know everything after seeing such a scene?" Ducao said with a gloomy face, "Morgana and her demons are attacking our nuclear base!

And the soldiers on our side stationed a whole division, but in less than 10 minutes during the battle with the devil, more than [-]% of them were killed!
Ordinary soldiers have little resistance to those demons. From the beginning to now, only one arrogant demon was killed by the soldiers. The battle loss ratio of the two sides was [-] to [-]!

So I need your soldiers to rush over to support immediately. Every minute and every second is very precious. I won’t say anything redundant. Let's go! "

After a few quick explanations from the soldiers of the super heroic company, Ducao turned around immediately, and said to Lianfeng and Sona, the deputy director of the logistics department of the Juxia: "Arrange them to leave immediately, and then contact the angel side to report our situation. Tell them."

"Understood." Lianfeng nodded, and said, "The Xiongbing Company immediately assembled on the deck of the A3 area. There are already five supersonic aircraft on standby there. Someone will arrange for you when you go there. Move quickly!"

After Xiongbing and everyone left, Sona, who was in charge of contacting the angel, raised her head and said to Ducao: "Chief Ducao, should you contact the angel now? In that case, will it be possible?"

Ducao sighed, and said: "Don't worry about these things, just ask for help, after all, the face of the situation is forcing us, compared to the safety of the earth, it is not worth mentioning at all.

The group of demons suddenly attacked our nuclear base, there is a high possibility that they are targeting those nuclear warheads!
They may be in retaliation for the previous pursuit of our Xiongbing Company, or maybe because they have decided to fight the angels head-on, so they deliberately began to hoard all available strategic resources. But no matter what the situation is, for our Xiongbing Company, for our Xiongbing Company, for It is not good news for our planet. "

"Hey" while talking, Ducao suddenly sighed, "I didn't expect the situation to develop to this point in the end, and the reason is because the strength of our super seminary on Earth is too weak.

If our strength is strong enough, we can directly keep Morgana and the angels from the earth, why should we let our innocent earth bear the war between them?"


"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just feeling a little emotional." Ducao waved his hand, indicating that he was fine, "But speaking of it, after so many actual battles, the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company have finally grown up a lot.
So don't worry, I'm fine, until these young people can stand alone, open their arms to protect this country, protect the earth from wind and rain, and resist all foreign enemies, I will never fall down! "

On the other side, at the XC nuclear bomb base, the sound of fierce firefighting has lasted for nearly half an hour, and it has never stopped. In the dark night sky, countless lines of fire have been drawn. These are the bullets left when they pass through the air. The traces were as dense as a torrential rain. Among the flying bullets, people fell down every moment, and then they couldn't get up again.

Boom boom boom.
The bombardment and explosion of grenades and heavy artillery spread far away, and the entire mountain forest exploded into a huge ball of flames under the continuous carpet bombing. The two demon fighters could not avoid it, and were directly shot It was swallowed by the huge explosion and turned into coke dust.

But in fact, it was the human soldiers who suffered more casualties. If it weren't for the nearly hundred times the number of human soldiers, and these human soldiers were indeed real fighters, if they were not afraid of death, their side would have been completely defeated. rout.

In the forest on the east side of the nuclear base, almost all the human fighters in a row were killed, and their opponents were just two demon fighters!
With a gunshot, the head of one of the two remaining human fighters was shot off in an instant!
Blood splashed, and when the human platoon leader turned his head, he happened to see his only remaining subordinate was also headshot by the demon warrior, and the splashed blood directly rushed into his eye sockets, killing him. His eyes were blood red!
When there was only the last person left, the two demon fighters who were hiding in the dark to assassinate and snipe finally appeared in front of the platoon leader.

"Okay, human officer, you are the only one left now, we can give you a chance, as long as you put"

"You bat monsters! Are labor and capital knocking!"

Before the demon warrior finished speaking, the human platoon leader raised his gun and fired at it. After the magazine was emptied, he threw the gun instantly, pulled the grenade hanging on his waist, and shot at it. With the demon warriors rushing over!He wants to die with them!
The two demon warriors raised their hands and used their gauntlets to protect themselves from the bullets. They glanced at each other, and the weapon in one of them instantly transformed into a gun barrel, aiming at the crazy human platoon leader.


Two consecutive shots fired and the two demon soldiers fell down. Just like the human soldiers they had killed before, they were also shot in the head!
Just when the human platoon leader was dazed by the sudden change, a figure that could only see afterimages rushed in front of him, ripped off the grenade that had been pulled from his waist, and fled from a distance. Throw it out.

The flames of the explosion illuminated the dark forest for a moment, and also let the human platoon leader see who was coming.

"Brother! Well done!" Xin Zhao patted the platoon leader on the shoulder and said, "You are all well done! Then you should go down and rest now, the next thing."

The soldiers of the Xiongbing Company appeared in front of him together: "Leave it to our Xiongbing Company!"

(End of this chapter)

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