Chapter 577

Seeing Yan's winged figure falling from the sky, Ge Xiaolun rushed towards Li Hao roaring, "Bastard! Get away from her!"

Needless to say, Ge Xiaolun, who got up like a tiger, was quite imposing. Holding his big sword, he jumped and slashed vigorously from a distance, and slashed at Li Hao with amazing momentum.

"Brain hack!"

Li Hao frowned slightly. When Ge Xiaolun attacked him, Li Hao felt that the space around him seemed to be locked. It actually made him feel like he couldn't escape, and he was even slightly affected. When he forcibly broke free from that feeling, Ge Xiaolun's big sword almost hit his forehead directly!

[Ge Xiaolun: Don't play those fancy things in front of me, just do it when you meet!What moves, what blood control and anti-killing, none of them exist. Eat my QWER keyboard! 】

There was a loud bang and detonation sound. Li Hao's horizontal sword blocked Ge Xiaolun's jumping chop. He felt his arm sink instantly, and a strong force was transmitted from the sword body. The ground under his feet instantly shattered and exploded into countless pieces. crack.

Depend on!Has this kid eaten pig feed lately? !The power has increased so much? !


Ge Xiaolun roared crazily, constantly increasing the strength in his hands, Li Hao also felt that the power coming from Zhengzong was getting stronger and stronger, it was as if a full-powered locomotive was on top of the front!
clack clack.
Dense cracks like spider webs spread continuously from Li Hao's feet to all directions around Li Hao's feet, even causing Li Hao's two calves to sink directly into the ground!
"Ahhhhh!" Ge Xiaolun was still roaring, as if this could strengthen his strength endlessly.
However, that's just an illusion after all.
"Ah, it's so noisy!" After absorbing the power of Ge Xiaolun's attack to the full stage with the impact, Li Hao directly bounced back and started in a flash!
It was as if a giant bomb had exploded on the spot. Layers of ground bulges exploded and shattered into the sky, and Ge Xiaolun was also sent flying by the huge impact in an instant, vomiting blood in the air!

"Wow!" Ge Xiaolun spat out blood in a mouthful of blood, and there were some small broken internal organs in the slightly viscous bright red blood plasma!
That huge shock force directly penetrated his black armor and surface defenses, directly bombarded into his body, and instantly severely damaged his fragile internal organs!
Bang... Ge Xiaolun's bullet flew tens of meters away. He fell to the ground and rolled several times before finally stopping. An unbearable sharp pain came from within his body, which instantly dissipated the strength he had gathered with great difficulty, and he fell heavily to the ground again.

"Hmm..." He panted violently, desperately trying to get up from the ground, but several times in a row, the moment he moved, his heart ached.

Ge Xiaolun tried several times, but he still couldn't stand up, and then he struggled to crawl from the ground towards Yan, and kept shouting: "Yanyan."

Seeing the grief-stricken expression on his face and the pathetic call like "the cuckoo is crying blood", the corners of Li Hao's mouth twitched.

"Stop howling! The woman is not dead, she just lost consciousness temporarily, and the injury might not be as severe as yours."

"." Ge Xiaolun couldn't help but pause, and the tears that were about to overflow his eyes immediately shrank back, "Is Yan not dead?"

"It's really troublesome." Li Hao sighed, then turned his head and glanced at the human knights who were quickly encircling him under the command of Anne Cid, shook his head, and said, "Forget it, it's time to go is it?

So, goodbye, I hope that when we meet again next time, you can be kinder and don't fight and kill as soon as you come up."

After speaking, Li Hao walked up to the sword demon Atuo who had been in a coma for a long time, and lifted him up from the ground. He didn't intend to help him with his wounds, so he turned around and left. Anyway, as a demon warrior You can't die with a broken arm, bleeding or something
As soon as the screen changed, Li Hao had already returned to Demon One. After throwing the sword demon Ato to the demon warriors who came to take over, he turned around and went to the laboratory of the scientific research department, and even reported to Morgana The process is directly saved.

Then, for the next few days, Li Hao never stepped out of the laboratory again, and acted as if he didn't hear anything outside the window—now the research between Orochimaru and Agnes has reached the final stage At this moment, even if the sky is falling, Li Hao will never take half a step out of the laboratory if it is not necessary!
He is secretly 'growing', but at this time, the outside world is already undercurrent, and countless ghosts and monsters are gradually surfacing from the darkness.

On this day, the headquarters of the gluttonous army, the main flagship, welcomed several special guests
"I am the leader of the Taotie Legion, King Taotie, and I am here to represent the army of Glutton, and welcome everyone." On the deck of the huge ship, King Taotie was leading his subordinates to welcome the visitors.

But none of these guests paid any attention to him, they just turned their heads to look at the scene on the flagship.

Hua Ye turned his head to look at the facilities and environment on this battleship, raised his hand and touched his chin, then suddenly turned to Ruoning beside him and said, "Hey, you said Ruoning, you want us to rebuild this battleship. How about decorating it to look like the Heavenly Palace in the Clouds? Then go and grab a few beautiful angel girls and let them act as maids."

Howl: "."

His face darkened in an instant. This kind of blatant ignorance seemed to be insulting him!If Hua Ye hadn't been ordered by Karl himself, maybe he would call for someone to chop Hua Ye up now!

After all, he is also the king of the gluttonous clan, even the main god he believes in, Karl, would not be so arrogant and contemptuous of him, so what kind of thing is this Hua Ye?It's just a waste male angel king who has passed tens of thousands of years!

A woman who was kicked off the throne by the holy Keisha, and then stepped on the soles of her feet for tens of thousands of years and couldn't stand up. It was his master Karl who helped him to make him return. Such a guy, how can he have any capital? What big cloves of garlic are in front of you? !
"Huh?" Seemingly aware of the dissatisfaction on Biting Howl, Hua Ye suddenly looked back at him and said, "You are that who? The king of this legion?

Well, now that this place is under my management, you have gone far away. From today onwards, you are my subordinates. Now kneel down and swear loyalty to me. "

"What are you kidding?!" The howling voice said angrily, "Our gluttonous legion is loyal only to my god Karl! What are you, worthy of our surrender?!"

"Huh?" Hua Ye turned his head to look at Biting Howl, his gaze became cold and severe in an instant, "You said just now... what kind of thing am I? Is that right?"

Howling looked back at Hua Ye indifferently, while secretly slandering how their main god Karl would throw such a brainless person here, and said lightly: "That's right. What kind of thing are you? You deserve it"

crunch.. crunch
Before he could finish his words, Hua Ye grabbed his head with a volley and lifted him from the ground.

It seemed as if there was an invisible big hand in the air. As Hua Ye's empty palm slowly tightened, an invisible force also simultaneously acted on Biting Howling's head, and his metal head was completely crushed. The squeezed one began to scream uncontrollably, and even began to deform!

With a detonation, someone hit the void with a halberd, breaking Hua Ye's invisible strength and saving Biting Howl.

Hua Ye turned his head and looked at the person who made the shot dissatisfied. It was a huge centaur knight. This guy was called Hecarim. I don't know where Karl found him, or how he was made. In short, it is a strange existence that even Hua Ye can't understand.

Hecarim said in a low voice: "Angel Wang Huaye, don't go too far or else"

"Yeah" Hua Ye licked his mouth and said, "Okay, then I'll 'show kindness' and spare that ignorant guy for once, but the things you promised me should be fulfilled quickly , Otherwise, I will immediately turn against you."

"That will be after we work together to solve the problem of Holy Kaisa"

(End of this chapter)

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