Chapter 590 Lee Sephiroth Hao

The battle between those two people in the sky has even surpassed most people's understanding of the battle, because almost everyone present has never really seen those two people from the beginning to the end, all they can see is the endless impact with explosion
Often it is just a flash of light, and the sky is instantly covered by the purple-red thunder and the light gray void energy explosion, and then there is a bang, and a certain area in the city will immediately explode into ruins all over the sky, like It was like being bombed by a nuclear bomb, everything was completely destroyed, and the entire area was completely razed to the ground.

Except for a few people, others couldn't even figure out what was going on in the battle, who was swallowed by the explosion, and who was blasted down from the sky, 'forcibly demolishing' buildings in a large area .
A figure fell from the sky like a cannonball, and hit the rubble pile below heavily. Suddenly, it was like a magnitude [-] earthquake. The rubble and bricks shot up into the sky, shaking the ground Fragmentation, the huge and ferocious crack fully started from the center of the deep pit and spread tens of meters away!

"Uh...ha..." Li Hao was lying in the big pit, panting continuously. He couldn't remember how many times he was knocked down from the sky. Anyway, although he didn't want to admit it, But he was undoubtedly at a disadvantage. Although it cannot be said that he is completely helpless, but now he is indeed pressed to the ground, and his injuries are more serious than Hua Ye's..
Li Hao wanted to get up from the pit again, but just as he moved, his body screamed uncontrollably, his hands and feet were as heavy and stiff as if they had been filled with lead.

The intensity of this battle was too intense. Even his demon physique, his endurance could not hold up. Immortality did not mean that he would not be injured or tired.

"Huh..." Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and simply fell back, lying down in the ruins, and even took out a melon from the storage space and gnawed on it.

————After all, the blood seems to be bleeding a bit too much, and the hands and feet are a little weak, so I need to add some water to the body
Damn dick!Allow me to take a 2-minute intermission first, and then go over and smash your dog's head!Li Hao was thinking secretly while nibbling on the cantaloupe in his hand.

Ok? !Li Hao raised his eyebrows, his expression changed, and then he stuffed the remaining half of the cantaloupe into his mouth. He didn't care about any gestures, and instantly rolled away from the spot in a "cute rolling style".

The next second. Boom!
Hua Ye's increasingly distorted and abstract figure fell heavily from the sky, and stomped on the area where Li Hao was lying before!
His berserk and incomparable power was like a giant missile bombarding down, it just instantly shattered that area into pieces all over the sky, and the huge shock wave even swept away the entire deep pit In the air, countless fragments of rubble were blown into the sky, and even Li Hao couldn't completely avoid it, and his whole body was sent flying far away.

"Li Lihao, you bloody bastard, where are you?! Get out!"

boom boom boom
Hua Ye stood in the deep pit, roaring loudly, violently destroying everything around him, gray chaotic void energy shot out from his wide open bloody mouth, like an extremely sharp laser beam Like a long sword, he easily cut everything in front of him into two pieces!

Half of Li Hao's body was embedded in the half broken wall behind him, but he struggled to pull himself out, just leaning on it, watching Hua Ye go crazy over there.
Probably because Hua Ye couldn't bear the power of the void and the ultimate fear, even if it was only a small part, but with the passage of time, the void has begun to bite Hua Ye back.

The most obvious change is Hua Ye's strange and abstract and distorted form now. Although he barely maintains a human form, how can there be a human with many tentacles waving on his body and a mouth as big as a shark?

——Like a Crusu.

Secondly, it is the change in his behavior and consciousness. Judging by the current appearance of that guy, there is no reason at all. I am afraid that even his spirit is close to collapse.

After another tender and juicy melon was eaten by Li Hao, he turned his neck around, smashed the broken wall behind him with an elbow, and stood up.

It's time to end, although I still want to keep a hand to defend against that guy Carl, but if he doesn't use the ultimate method, he doesn't know how long he will have to drag him down if he wants to take Hua Ye. A habit of fighting with others for three days and three nights.

And if Hua Ye is to continue to go crazy, if he completely loses his mind and turns into a monster who only knows destruction, it will be troublesome.

Then, let that guy Karl see what kind of power the void engine and the precious void particles he gifted to him have!
Li Hao waved at Hua Ye from a distance and shouted, "Hey, that tentacle monster on the other side, I'm here!"

"Ah!!!" Hua Ye turned his head instantly, and saw Li Hao with that faceless face, "Go to hell!"

Open your mouth and squirt!
Facing the void energy column with a faint gray glow, even Li Hao couldn't help but feel a little palpitation.

"Then Carl, you'll be fine, right? I can predict the expression on your face that you can't breathe because of heartache." Li Hao said to himself, and then suddenly raised his left hand to the sky.
While the black feathers were falling all over the sky, a pitch-black wing instantly grew out from behind Li Hao's left shoulder, spreading its wings towards the sky
After Li Hao finished all this, Hua Ye's attack was also approaching. Li Hao directly wrapped his wings down, wrapped himself in it, and turned it into an impeccable wing shield, covering all directions. Protect yourself in it.

The screen instantly turned gray and white.
The attributes of the void are strange and overbearing, just like the aqua regia whose power has been increased by a trillion times, it can corrode and annihilate everything, even the space will also be affected and corroded. Scoured by the void energy, the entire area where Li Hao was located turned into a twisted and weird vortex, just like an unusually abstract child's graffiti.

The space gradually returned to calm, and began to gradually return to normal, and then a group of oval-shaped objects covered with black wings appeared on the spot.

The huge wings stretched out suddenly, revealing Li Hao's unscathed body. In such a situation, even Carl, who had been watching from behind the scenes, was extremely shocked and puzzled.

"Then it's my turn and it's over."

Li Hao stepped forward, and suddenly disappeared in place. Unlike the illusion of disappearing created by his extreme speed before, this time he really disappeared into this space in an instant, without a trace. No trace, even the big clock on Carl's side couldn't find his trace!
Hua Ye, who was rushing towards Li Hao, lost his target in an instant, and he was stunned for a moment. His little consciousness that remained was unable to deal with such a situation at all, and he was so stunned. land.

"Insert this first!" Li Hao's voice came from behind Hua Ye. No one at all noticed when and how he appeared.

"Roar!" Hua Ye suddenly let out an angry roar of pain, and the pain came from the scarlet piercing deep into his back, until it reached the point of the endless sword without a handle!

"Die to me!" Hua Ye's animal nature seemed to be getting heavier and heavier. After being attacked suddenly, he immediately turned around with red eyes, waved the weird gray tentacles on his arms, and slapped the air frantically. .

However, Li Hao was no longer there long ago. After a successful blow, he disappeared into this space again in an instant. There was no trace of Li Hao's disappearance!
 Thank you book friend丨灬灬雨丨for your reward..
(End of this chapter)

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