Chapter 599
"May your soul return to heaven, rest in peace, no longer suffer from earthly suffering, and enjoy eternal happiness."

A red-haired boy was expressing his condolences and blessings to the portrait of the old bug with a respectful expression. But what he didn't know was that the old bug Matou Zouken didn't go to heaven, but really went to hell.
——— Li Hao, the demon king, swallowed up his soul, how can there be eternal happiness, eternal torment and pain are real
And I believe that many people must have guessed the identity of this red-haired boy, right?It was the legendary Emiya giant, Emiya Shirou.

Because Li Hao and Sakura didn't go to school today, Emiya, who is their brother and sister's friend, was worried that something happened to them at home, so he went to visit them as soon as school was over.

Afterwards, this scene happened. After hearing that the eldest of the Matong family had passed away, this guy insisted on expressing his condolences to the old insect and offering him a piece of incense.
Among the three people present, the only one who really respected and solemnly respected the deceased, the old insect, was probably only Wei Gong, a "righteous partner" who knew nothing. Speaking of Li Hao, even the kind-hearted Ying probably wouldn't feel the slightest bit of sentimentality towards the death of the old bug!
Wei Gong bowed deeply towards the spirit tablet of the old bug that had been rushed out temporarily, then clapped his hands together twice, as if it was some special ceremony for the dead on their side, then turned his head and comforted Li Hao and cherry.

"Sakura, and Shen Er, please mourn." Emiya said to the two brothers and sisters with a solemn expression, "Even if our relatives pass away, we must live up to their legacy
I still remember that day a few years ago, on the anniversary of my adoptive father's death, Sakura, you comforted me like this, so I will bring you the same words now.

And I believe that those relatives who have passed away definitely don’t want us to fall into long-term pain because of their departure. They want us to be happy. I know that Grandpa Matou must think like this, He will watch you kindly in the sky, and silently bless those of us who are alive to be happy. "

Ah, worthy of being able to say 'When a man is killed, he dies. 'What about the giant hero Wei Gong who has such a famous saying through the ages, this bowl of chicken soup for the soul is delicious enough, suitable for both salty and light
But the question is which eye of yours sees me mourning the death of the old worm?And are you sure, that old bug will bless us with happiness?Just kidding!If that old worm really had a spirit in the sky, I'm afraid he wouldn't know how many times he secretly cursed me to death without a whole body!

Wei Gong stepped forward and patted Li Hao's shoulder, and comforted him as a friend: "Shen Er, you must hold on, even if you feel sad and want to shed tears, you must hold back !
———Because in this family, you are the only pillar left now, for Sakura, you must not fall down, and you must not show a depressed look in front of her, because Sakura is actually very weak, we all know this isn't it? "

Li Hao: "."

It's really... It's hard for you to come here to comfort me and tell me these things.

but!Actually, I'm not sad at all!And you know, I even want to laugh out loud right now!If it wasn't for maintaining the current character design and preventing it from collapsing, I would have laughed out loud a long time ago!

So, please, can you stop comforting me with such a serious face!The more serious you are, the more I want to laugh!I really endured very hard!
But Li Hao's stern and serious expression made Wei Gong mistakenly think that he understood what he said, and did so.

"Very good! That's it!" Emiya nodded and said, "Shenji, keep your current state, and never show other appearances in front of Sakura. As long as there is your role model, I believe Sakura will soon come out of her grief."

I... really please!Don't make me laugh, okay?I can't help it anymore. You don't want me to kill you after the collapse of my character, do you? !
Li Hao quickly lowered his head so that Wei Gong couldn't see his current expression. After taking a deep breath, he suppressed the churning 'smile' in his heart, and said in a low voice: "Wei Gong... Thank you so much for coming to see me.

But I'm sorry, my mood right now is a little... a little delicate, although I still want to be quiet for a while, so... I'm really sorry, it's obviously your first time visiting, but I can't keep you at home for a cup of tea. "

"It's okay. I can understand." Emiya looked at the friend in front of him, and there was a sense of relief in his eyes. Shen Er, who has a lot of bad tempers, has finally matured a lot. If this is the case, I can rest assured
Wei Gong said: "Then, I'll leave first. When Grandpa Matou's funeral is in progress, if you need anything, please don't be polite to me. Be sure to notify me to come and help."

"I will"

"Puff ha ha ha." Just as Wei Gong was sent away on the front foot, Li Hao couldn't help laughing out loud on the back foot, and turned his head to Sakura beside him and said, "Sakura, did you see Wei Gong's serious expression and solemn expression just now?" Are you out of tone?

———Although I know it’s not good for me to laugh at him behind his back like this, but... poof... I really can’t help it, and he also consoled us solemnly, don’t be sad.”

"Brother!" Sakura glanced at Li Hao with some dissatisfaction, and said, "It's too much of you! Senior Emiya really came to comfort us, although... Although his actions are indeed a little bit in our opinion, but his That intention is true, how can you laugh at such a senior Emiya?!"

"Okay, okay." Li Hao raised his hand in surrender, suppressed his laughter, and muttered, "I've already seen it, you little girl has something for Wei Gong, and he is indeed sincere, so I apologize, when I have a chance, I must explain the matter to him personally, and then apologize to him, okay?"

"Brother, what are you talking about! I and Emiya-senpai... are not that kind of relationship, and I, I..." Sakura said, her eyes dimmed, "People like me have long been unable to obtain happiness. "

"What's wrong with you? You are also the kindest Sakura." Li Hao said, "You are such a good girl, why do you have to be so inferior and cowardly? If it's because of those nightmares before... Isn't it already Was it broken by our own hands?
Everything will be a fresh start!All the past, let it blow away with the wind, why do you need that unpleasant past? "

This girl always makes people feel distressed inexplicably. Now Li Hao regrets why he couldn't come earlier. Such a girl like a secluded orchid out of the valley shouldn't suffer so much!She deserves to be happy!That's what the world owes her!
Li Hao once again resorted to "touching the head to kill" on Ying, and said to her with a smile: "Okay, Ying, believe me, everything in the past will become nothing with the passage of time. So you You should hold your head up, put a bright smile on your face, and go to tomorrow."

Sakura forced a smile from her face, but it could be seen that her heart was still unable to get out of the deep haze.

Huh. Li Hao sighed secretly, yes, he does not have the god-level talent of mouth escape like Naruto, how could the sufferings that Sakura encountered could be erased and changed with just a few words of.

Li Hao said: "Well, well, let's not talk about these things for now, Sakura, prepare yourself, adjust your body and magic power to the most perfect state, and then it's time to perform the heroic spirit summoning ceremony at night."

(End of this chapter)

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