Main God Space: You have been listed as a black household

Chapter 89 This is my last electrotherapy....

Chapter 89 This is my last electrotherapy.
Stab it!

Li Hao's sword swung open the black line of land resentment and Yu pierced by Jiaodu, and a sword energy slashed out, brushing Jiaodu's right arm, and chopped off a large area of ​​trees without losing momentum.

"It's useless!" Jiao Du said, the severed part of the black thread squirmed like a blood vessel, re-interlacing and connecting the severed right hand part. The earth grievance secret technique on this guy, unless Attack to the heart of the core, otherwise it won't have much effect.

While continuously bombarding Li Hao with ninjutsu, Kakuto said, "You don't understand until now? My strength is not something you can challenge. Even if I am successfully attacked by you, as long as I get serious, I will eventually The only one who falls is you!"

"Oh?" The two of them continued to fight, and their state declined sharply, and their attacks were not as fierce as before. The battle has turned into a war of attrition. It depends on who can't hold on in the end, "I wasn't Has it already been said? There is no need for a war of words.

It consumes so much, you guys have the energy to say these unnutritious nonsense, it's better to put a few more ninjutsu. "

Kakuzu said: "Stubborn guy! Don't think I can't see it. Your physical strength and chakra are almost at the limit. Your heart, use it to make up for my loss! With a powerhouse of your level and that The special Zilei Blood Successor Boundary, it’s not a loss if you exchange two for one!"

To be honest, at this point in the battle, he undoubtedly has the upper hand. After all, he still has three hearts in his body, which is equivalent to three people, and the remaining chakra reserves must be more than Li Hao. If the two continue to If it goes on like this, the first one who can't hold it must be Li Hao!
Boom boom boom.
Li Hao dodged Jiaodu's fireball bombardment with a double jump in the air, and suddenly he sneered triumphantly at the opposite corner of "planning".

"It's windy." He said suddenly.

Some monk Zhang Er in Jiaodu couldn't figure it out, and asked doubtfully, "What do you mean?"

Li Hao landed on the canopy of a big tree, stretched out his hand, felt the fine raindrops falling on his palm, and said lightly: "Don't you understand? It's windy and rainy.

Why do you think I spent so much mana to knock you into the air and set off fireworks?And why do you think I spend my magic power every time and use a double jump to lure you to hit the fire escape into the sky?Also, if you intentionally set /fire/burn/mountains, you will suffer retribution and accept the sanction of nature! "

Jiaodu suddenly felt something bad in his heart, but he couldn't understand why, so he could only yell at Li Hao angrily: "You bastard! What the hell are you talking about?!"

Li Hao smiled, looked at Jiaodu with a look of caring for the mentally handicapped, and said, "Forget it, it will take a little time for the main show to start, so I'll give you a little bit of science.

I believe you must not know what nature and science are, right?The moment the thunder and lightning erupt, it will generate a lot of high temperature and electric ions, and your fire escape will also continuously produce high temperature and evaporate water vapor into the air.
Once the water vapor content in the air exceeds a certain limit, cumulonimbus clouds will form, and the temperature drop will cause the flow of air, form wind and wind, and cloud surge, which will form a rainy weather, and rain At that time, because of some special reactions, the phenomenon of thunder was formed.

And the ions produced by the thunderstorm I created before contain my magic power. After merging with the lightning ions produced by nature itself, the thunder and lightning formed later will also be contaminated with my magic power, which can be combined with my own. The magic resonates, allowing me to manipulate it.

In other words, I took advantage of various factors and have been brewing a lore, but now, this lore has been completed. "

As if responding to his words, thunder rumbled loudly in the sky.

It's about time.

Li Hao squinted at Jiaodu, "This is the last electrotherapy operation—I hope you can recover."

"!!!" At this moment, Jiaodu felt a fatal crisis. Although he still didn't quite understand what Li Hao said, he knew that if Li Hao made an attack, he would definitely die!
"Go to hell!" Jiao Du yelled angrily, and rushed towards Li Hao with all his strength, wanting to kill him first.

Li Hao was condescending, watching Jiaodu's final struggle, and said indifferently: "It's too late. Thunder God destroys the world!"

Puff, zip, zip.
The turbulent purple thunder light erupted from his body in an instant, spreading in all directions, and quickly spread on the ground to form a large circular giant circle. A thick purple thunder snake rose into the sky in his right hand, directly linking to the sky. Among the thunder and lightning clouds.

At that moment, an electrostatic magnetic field formed by the electromagnetic force of lightning took shape instantly, centering on the giant circle of lightning drawn by Li Hao on the ground, it produced an irresistible and terrifying suction force, which directly made the horns involuntary. sucked it back.

Visible to the naked eye, all things within the thunder circle, no matter what, even the towering giant trees planted deep under the ground, can't resist the terrifying magnetic force, and are directly pulled out by the roots, towards the thunder circle. The center flew away, and even the mud and sand on the ground could not be spared!
And in the clouds in the sky, a terrifying force of destruction is brewing. A huge Thor figure formed entirely of thunder and lightning protrudes from the dark clouds. In his thick right hand, he holds a huge The incomparable thunder and lightning demon pestle, just waiting for Li Hao to launch it, will shoot it down from the sky to the mortal world, to subdue demons!

"Then, let's call the curtain down, Kakuzu!"

Li Hao swung his right hand down, and the thunder god in the cloud instantly synchronized with him, and threw the thunder and lightning subduing pestle in his hand towards the thunder circle on the ground. Make it even more terrifying and huge!
At that moment, the sky and the earth lost their color and sound, and the whole sky and the earth were dyed dazzling white by the strong light from the thunder and lightning.
boom! ! !
It wasn't until a few seconds later that a huge thunder that shook the sky and the earth resounded through the sky and the earth, and the earth trembled for it!
With a sound of impact and roar, Li Hao slammed into the ground fiercely, instantly smashing out a ten-meter-long cobweb-like deep pit on the ground, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Cough, cough, cough" coughed up dozens of ounces of blood, and lay on the ground for 2 minutes before Li Hao struggled to stand up.

It was really careless, the thunder and lightning mixed with his magic power couldn't hurt him, but he didn't expect that the huge explosion impact and roar made him almost rush to the street. Until now, there is still a buzzing in his mind Humming, ears are temporarily deaf, and the eyes are also white and can't see clearly.

If it wasn't for his inhuman physical defense and immortality, he might even have to suffer the horrific aftermath.

PS: What did you see?That's right!Third watch!

(End of this chapter)

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