Chapter 96 Sasuke and Itachi
"It's the undead duo who fought you, right?" Tsunade said indifferently. Obviously, she knows far more than Li Hao imagined.

Li Hao said: "That's right, it looks like Princess Tsunade hasn't been idle all year, did that person give you any information?"

The person in his mouth refers to Uchiha Itachi, but I don’t know if it’s the Itachi Tsunade sent someone to contact, or Itachi found her by himself, don’t mention Itachi’s spy status is not only the third hokage who knows this kind of remarks up.

If it was in the past, in order to ensure the safety of Itachi, perhaps the third generation would not tell others about Itachi's identity, but when the third generation stood up to resist Orochimaru and defend the village, he already had a premonition that he might not be able to get off the battlefield. How could it be possible not to make more preparations and make arrangements for the funeral?
Li Hao even suspected that when Itachi returned to Konoha and faced Jiraiya, he had already exchanged information with Jiraiya who knew the details. Otherwise, how could Konoha be so tolerant towards Sasuke's defection And ambiguous?
"Uh." Tsunade agreed angrily, and stared at Li Hao dissatisfied, "I have long thought that you have concealed a lot of things, and now it seems that it is so, such as the matter of that person, you I knew it clearly, but I didn't mention it at the beginning, so a guy like you is really annoying."

"Well, let's get back to the topic." Li Hao typed a haha, and changed the subject, "With the information on that person, Konoha probably doesn't need me to repeat it again, but I'll put the undead duo The corpse was brought back, you should be very interested in that, right?"

In the Naruto world, the enemy's corpse is also a very important source of information. They have special methods and means to obtain the information they want from the enemy's corpse. In terms of physique, it can also be used as a precious sample for research.

There are far more than Orochimaru doing human experiments and research in Konoha, the only difference is that they only use the corpses of enemies and people from other villages for research, while Orochimaru does not care about meat and vegetables. Whether it's one of your own or an enemy, when you become crazy, you even have to study that kind of body
"Then this matter is so decided, now let's talk about other things." Tsunade rolled his eyes and glanced at Sakura. The next thing he was going to talk about, his disciple might be better than himself. I care more.

"Oshemaru, there should still be contact with you, right?" Tsunade's tone was very firm, Li Hao would be a ghost if he had no contact with Orochimaru, "I want to ask you to do me a favor, take care of Sasuke , and when necessary, tell him the truth about that person, and then bring him back to Konoha."

Ever since realizing the horror background of the Akatsuki organization, Tsunade has paid [-]% attention to it, and sent many people to secretly inquire about the intelligence and reality of this organization, and then one day, Itachi suddenly found her and sent Those intelligence personnel secretly connected to the village again.

Since then, Itachi's identity has immediately changed from a rebellious one to a hard-working undercover undercover agent. Facing his only request to the village—to help take care of Sasuke and urge him to grow up as soon as possible, how could Tsunade do that? reject.

So until now, she has not issued Sasuke's wanted and killed orders, and has never judged him as a traitor. Before that, she even asked Jilai to go out of the village with Naruto Sakura to find him. Want to bring him back.

Sasuke can be said to be Itachi's only obsession. Whether it is for more information and cooperation, or to compensate Itachi, the hero who went undercover in a "terrorist/terrorist organization" for the sake of the village, she can't let Sasuke have an accident. .

Itachi's request?Li Hao thought about it, and then said: "Ah, for Orochimaru, I can indeed find him. As for Sasuke, maybe you don't need to worry at all, because that guy Orochimaru seems to have found a more perfect container target now."

Orochimaru just reincarnated as a clone of Hashirama, even if it is just a clone, the vitality is also not to be underestimated, so this time, the time that Orochimaru's reincarnation can last must be longer than before Several times more than that.

After seeing the power of the Thousand Hands Clan that is no less than Sharingan, this guy's heart has long been wild.

So this guy's thinking now has begun to change. He is no longer so keen on the power of the Uchiha clan alone. A perfect container that combines the powerful vitality of Senju and the power of Uchiha's Sharingan.

In a short period of time, Sasuke should be very safe. At most, Orochimaru will take some blood cells from him. And that's all for experimental research. At least before his perfect container plan completely fails, he should not There will be thoughts like taking Sasuke's body.

Tsunade glanced at Li Hao meaningfully, you guy, the involvement with Orochimaru seems to be deeper than I imagined, it should be the best choice to entrust Sasuke to you.

"In short, you must help me with this favor, otherwise, you will never be able to enter Konoha again, and I will not allow you to get close to Silence again!"

Li Hao: "." There seems to be something wrong with the conditions of your threat.

"What are you talking about, Tsunade-sama!" Mute, who had been silently grilling meat for everyone, suddenly heard Tsunade mentioning himself pointedly, and immediately quit.

"No problem! Leave it to me!" Li Hao assured him, "Don't worry about leaving this matter to me, Sasuke's affairs are on my shoulders! I promise he won't cause any problems!"

For a moment, everyone looked over, with different expressions, and Li Hao didn't care about these guys, just looked at Jing Yin who didn't dare to raise his head.

Kakashi: "." I shouldn't have come here today!woof woof!
"Very good." Tsunade nodded in satisfaction, and continued to say to Li Hao regardless of Shizune's embarrassment, "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first, remember to send Shizune and Xianglin back at night."

"Farewell!" Kakashi also stood up expressionlessly, and pulled Kai beside him, "Let's go, Kai, I suddenly want to discuss with you today."

"Huh? Kakashi, are you so young and passionate today?"

"Let's go." Kakashi directly pulled Kai away.

"Well, let's go first." Immediately afterwards, Ino also stood up, pulling Choji together, "I almost forgot, didn't Shikamaru invite us to his house today? Let's go."

"Oh!" Ding Ci suddenly realized, and left with Ino in response.

PS: For the first time, I recommended more than a thousand a week, so excited. The style is really low (cover your face).

(End of this chapter)

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