The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 109 Sounding the Alarm on the G8 Fortress

Chapter 109 Sounding the Alarm on the G8 Fortress

In the end, the Straw Hat gang at the scheduled ambush site, ten days have passed since they determined that the first target was the G8 fortress.

And tonight is the time for them to launch the first wave of attacks.

Everyone is doing their best to prepare for their work, and the busiest of them are Usopp and Franky.

Of course, the boring Luffy was also forcibly pulled over by Usopp to act as a coolie.

The G8 Fortress is a naval fortress with a long history, but although the G8 Fortress has an old history, its protection is not behind.

On the contrary, no matter how you look at it, Nami and the others couldn't find them and sneaked within one nautical mile of the G8 fortress, and they are now three nautical miles away from the fortress, and they are using the cover of the island to prevent their whereabouts from being patrolled at all times. Looking through the telescope.

"Our shelling at this position is meaningless to G8 at all. Although our special guns can send shells to the G8 fortress, at such a long distance, when the shells are discovered, they will be blocked by the fortress's defense as soon as they are discovered." The system intercepted it, and since our bombardment did not cause any substantial damage to the G8 fortress, they will soon find out where we are, and then carry out indiscriminate coverage of our vitality. You know, what the navy likes to do most It is to transport a large number of shells to the enemy's location, and they don't care whether the shells are wasted, because their shell reserves are enough to completely cover this large area." After careful study, Usopp finally got came out the above conclusion.

"The solution." Without any sloppiness, Nami said casually, and then continued to study the planned route they had set.

She had to make sure that without being discovered by the other party, she would catch them by surprise, and then leave this sea area as quickly as possible.

This is their plan, to surprise the G8 fortress.

"Advance 2 nautical miles." Usopp thought for a moment, then replied.

With a distance of one nautical mile from the G8 Fortress, he and Frankie can completely cover several key points of the G8 Fortress. It is inevitable that the defense of the fortress will be stabilized first.

And after they completed the defense of several key places, Usopp and Franky had completely completed the launch volume assigned to them by Nami, and successfully completed the task of surprise attacking the G8 fortress.

"No, we can only advance one nautical mile forward at most, otherwise I can't guarantee that our identities will not be discovered by them when we retreat." Nami put down the chart in her hand and said seriously to Usopp.

"Two nautical miles, it's a bit difficult, but it should be no problem."

Usopp didn't stay longer, because the distance adjusted the shooting distance to two nautical miles, and many things needed to be readjusted, and Usopp also needed to remove some marks on the shells.

No one knows whether there will be squibs after the shells are fired. If the G8 fortress obtains silent shells and compares them carefully with the unexploded shells on Bubble Island, it will soon be found that they are The Straw Hats.

But Nami's plan is that their identities must not be revealed before attacking J11.

The most comprehensive cover-up was also done on the Mei Li, even their exclusive pirate flag was put away and replaced with a pure gray-blue flag.

Because such a flag has a strong confusing effect on the sea.

This is an artillery battle, so there is no need for Luffy, Zoro, Chopper, and Sanji to play any role. Apart from helping to move the shells, they basically just sit on the deck and play mahjong.

It was getting darker and darker, and the time for the artillery attack was getting closer, and all the preparations had been completed.

There are a lot of shells piled up in every artillery that has been modified by Usopp, and Usopp and Franky are also in place.

Each of them is in charge of three cannons, a total of six cannons, which are all the possessions of the Merry.

On the bow, Luffy, Sanji, and Sauron stand against the wind. They need to clear up some fragmented shells fired from the G8 fortress.

Franky was in charge of the artillery attack, so he couldn't control the hull for self-defense through some special commands on the Merry, so he could only rely on Luffy and the three of them to resist.

"It's this time." Two strong searchlights crossed the target sea area without them. Nami let out a low cry, started the Mei Li, and sailed over to that place.

After Robin's detailed calculations, after the two strong searchlights passed by, they would not be illuminated by any light source for a quarter of an hour.

They need to go to the target location within a quarter of an hour, and then launch an artillery attack to divert all attention from the G8 fortress to their fortress.

After stepping through layers of water waves, the Meili was like an arrow, very fast, and it took less than 10 minutes to reach the target sea area.

"Frankie, I'll count to three and start firing the cannon." Usopp said to Franky who was on the side after taking the time to adjust the muzzle.

This kind of bombardment requires precision, and in this field, Usopp thinks it is the strongest.

And at this time, the G8 fortress strictly enforced Jonathan's military orders as they do every day, and they did not slacken the slightest slack in patrolling the entire fortress.

In their hearts, the G8 fortress is a tight fortress, and no one dares to attack them. Otherwise, in this sea area, why are the two naval bases often attacked, but they have always maintained stability.

In the hearts of these naval soldiers, there is also a pride that belongs to them.

Who told them to have a good leader?

However, the naval soldiers who were nervously performing their inspection mission suddenly saw a very bright light spot in the distance, one, two
Following the appearance of these light spots, a heavy shelling sound was transmitted from the distant sea.

"Boom boom boom boom."

The navy soldier seemed to finally realize something, and shouted loudly.

"Enemy attack enemy attack."

But before the soldier could utter a word, the shell, which was still like a spot of light, had already exploded in front of him.

As the shell exploded, the soldier was instantly stunned.

Fortunately, he still had a little distance from the landing point of the shell, otherwise he would not have passed out at this moment.

However, a searchlight in that place was not so lucky, and the navy soldiers on duty inside were almost completely extinguished.

In the first round of bombardment, all the searchlights that Nami and the others observed on the G8 fortress were completely extinguished.

beep beep beep beep
An urgent alarm sound was raised, and all the light sources in the G8 fortress were turned on in an instant, like daytime.

At this time, Jonathan walked out of his office with a lazy face.

One order after another was issued continuously.

Facing the shells that were still constantly bombarding his fortress, Jonathan was not as depressed as he imagined.

Instead, there is a feeling of sitting and waiting for the fish to take the bait.

(End of this chapter)

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