Chapter 112 Xiu En
K3 is indeed a mountain. When Luffy and the others came to the K3 naval base, they clearly felt why Nami said that K3 was a mountain.

There is basically no defense system on the periphery of K3, not even a muzzle can be seen. If it is not clearly shown on the map that this is K3, an important base of the Navy Headquarters, Luffy and the others will never believe it. There are such amazing secrets in such a mountain.

After wandering around K3 for more than half a circle, I found the opening to enter K3. This is a naturally formed opening, and no traces of artificial cutting can be seen from the appearance.

Moreover, the entrance of the cave is filled with various strange plants. These plants block the entrance of the K3 base, and it is impossible to find the entrance of the cave from a distance.

If it wasn't for Luffy and the others knowing that there would be such a hole here, so they searched around this place purposefully, Luffy and the others might have ignored this place.

"Let's go in." Without thinking too much, since they are here, they will go in, and they don't need to pay too much attention to other things, no matter what they want to find out, they can't shake their hearts.

The Meili is not very big, and it is easy to pass through this hole. After entering this hole at first, what Luffy and others can feel is cold, damp, and darkness.

It's just that when the ship advanced more than 100 meters, the whole passage became brighter in an instant, and at this time Luffy and the others were able to see clearly what kind of place they were in.

The castle in the mountain is all made of pure steel structure. If someone digs into this mountain on the mountain, they will be able to dig a shiny surface within ten meters.

"The things here are really strange. To be able to open up such a space in the mountains to make a city-like naval base is really a big deal." Regarding these structural things, Frankie and Wu Thorpe was still more interested.

"Look, there seems to be someone in front." Chopper, who had been watching the situation ahead, suddenly found a few figures standing at the end of the passage.

"Zoro, get rid of the video phone bugs that can be seen around." Although he was very interested in this castle in the mountains, Luffy did not let his guard down completely. After all, their purpose of coming here this time was not to watch , and there is still a terrifying force in this fortress, that is, this group of mechanical giants.

So Luffy felt that before the enemy fully grasped their whereabouts, those video phone bugs that might be them should be eliminated.

Along the way, there were not many video phone bugs, but they still existed. After Sauron's sweep, none of them could continue to function.

At this time, the ship finally came to the end of the channel.

At the end of the passage, there is a very gorgeous gate, with three words "Organ City" clearly written on the gate.

But now a skinny man with a pair of thick gloves was standing in front of these soldiers, and the men behind him couldn't feel any fluctuations of life.

"Hahaha, welcome to Xiu En's world, Trick City."

The figure immediately introduced himself thinking of the visitors, and at the same time reminded Zoro, who was still blindly searching for videophone bugs.

"The video phone bug here has been disabled a lot. Since the last design was completed, any news from us here has been unable to be transmitted to the Navy headquarters."

"Then it's easy to handle. After defeating this person, we will be able to temper our bodies in the Trick City, right, Nami." Zoro rolled up his sleeves, and then Yukino will appear in Luffy's hands.

"Be careful, the ability is unknown, the first thing to do is to test the enemy's reality, don't be relaxed by a title."

"Colonel, I don't have much time, we have to hurry up." Sauron stood in front of Xiu En, with a strong sense of provocation.

"Hey, do you want to compete with me, and you still use a sword." Xiu En felt a little baffled, because his ability might just be the one who can restrain the use of such ordinary cold weapons.

"What? Is it worth my effort to deal with you, a small colonel of the Navy Headquarters?" Sauron was a little disdainful.

"I don't need my puppet to deal with you. All I need is this." Xiu En slowly took off the thick glove on his right hand, and then placed his pale hands on Sauron's body. forward.

"Looking for death." Seeing such a good opportunity, Sauron naturally would not choose to give up easily, and the battle started instantly.

"One sword style? Flying dragon? Flame."

Walking in Sauron's hands, Xue crossed the space and distance in an instant, and slashed towards Xiu En at a high speed, and at the moment Shun was in the saber energy, it seemed that a blast of gunpowder was erupted, as if As long as it is this kind of slash, it will definitely hit the target, and it will create a burst of hot gash on the target's body.

But what was surprising was that Xiu En didn't dodge such a blow from Sauron, but picked up the one that had taken off his glove, and slammed into Sauron's knife edge.

Is the blade hard or the hand hard.

When Xiu En raised his hand to directly face Sauron's attack, Sauron felt a strong uneasiness, but the honor of the swordsman made it impossible for him to give up the slash and retreat at this time.

The blade and the hand were perfectly combined, but at this moment, Xiu En's hand suddenly changed, and bursts of rust appeared on his hand.

And the rust quickly climbed up the blade of Xuezou, covering it completely.

With Xiu En's light and forceful skimming, the snow went away, and this one belonging to Liang Kuai Dao Fifty Workers was completely destroyed.

With just one blow, Xue Zou, who followed Sauron for nearly half a year, completely withdrew from the stage of history.

As Yukinzoku was rusted, Sauron's heart throbbed, and great pain arose as Yukinzoku was destroyed.

This person must be killed.

This was what Sauron was thinking, and at the same time retreated again, drawing out the remaining two knives.

Like Yukino, it belongs to the third generation of Onitoru who belongs to Ryokuai Dao Fifty Workers, and the Japanese word inherited from Kuina.

At this moment, there is only anger in my heart, and only by killing the other party can I release the sullenness in my chest, and I didn't consider the other party's ability at all.

Of course, Sauron was not fighting alone, so at this critical moment, Sanji turned out to attack Xiu En with a series of kicks, and at the same time prevented Sauron from being blinded by anger.

"Sauron." A loud shout rang in the ears of the institute. Not only did Sauron shudder, but he also regained consciousness.

Looking at the word Hedao in his hand, Sauron was afraid for a while.

He Daoyi's text is his most important knife, the knife that is destined to accompany him to reach the position of the world's number one swordsman, and at that time the love that belongs to Sauron's heart can be released.

And in the face of this cold weapon that can easily corrode, and the superhuman devil fruit ability of eating the rust fruit, he pulled out the word Hedao.

At this time, Sanji also raised dozens of feet in a row, and then retreated, and the originally thick shoes had gone dark.

"It seems to be a little troublesome."

(End of this chapter)

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