The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 117 Light Speed ​​Slash

Chapter 117 Light Speed ​​Slash
"Uh." Following the faint gasp of Robin in a coma, the aftermath of the damage caused by the shock wave of the explosion caused by Xiu En was finally completely wiped out by Chopper, and Robin slowly opened his eyes. eyes.

"Robin, how are you feeling?" Nami was very anxious. Among the Straw Hat Pirates, there were only two women, her and Robin. She had a special relationship with Robin, and she also had a special understanding of Robin's situation. Most anxious.

The faint tears in the corners of the eyes and the anxious Nami made Robin feel a very kind feeling, "I'm fine, Nami, Usopp, Franky, have you succeeded in what you did?" Chopper's treatment is indeed very powerful. Robin who woke up did not feel even a trace of dizziness. The first thing he cared about was the most critical part of all their plans. You must know that if they are locked by the Navy Headquarters If the position is not correct, their training plan this time will be ruined directly, and then they will start fleeing again, and they will enter the new world in a hurry.

They don't know what is going on in the new world, and after knowing the sequelae of the exercises, they are unwilling to take such a big risk and use the exercises wantonly, so this time the experience is very important.

"Don't worry, we are SUPERMAN." Franky finally found an opportunity to show his success.

Turning his head to look at the chaotic scene caused by the explosion behind him, Robin slowly spread his hands, and the hand flowers that had been turned into pieces once again heard the call, and slowly moved towards Robin It rushed over, and then re-cast a large hand flower around Robin, and spun with Robin's gesture.

"Flowers thank you." A short shout made the large hand flower dissipate around Robin's body in an instant, and Robin's face also changed as the large hand flower dissipated. It became rosy.

"Where are Luffy and the others?" Robin, who had done all this, also noticed the dark-looking passage, and couldn't help asking.

"They are going after Xiu En, don't worry, nothing will happen." Nami said slowly from the side, but the frown on her forehead also showed that Nami was actually very worried.

"Robin, eat this." Chopper handed a white pill with a slight advantage to Robin, and his whole body grew bigger again.

"We have to go to Luffy and the others quickly. The loud noise from the passage just now made me feel a bad premonition." Franky was also a little anxious, because Robin had been in a coma. A lot of time has been wasted.

"Let's go." Nami took out a special weather stick from the cup, and glanced at the direction of the passage.

Brew the strength, then store the strength in the calf muscles, and explode it with the maximum bearing strength, so that your speed will reach the speed required by Sauron in an instant. This speed is very important, but it is not enough. The strength of the arm is strong enough.

To deal with such a huge and hard mechanical dragon, simply combining the breath of nature to swing the sword is not enough, while swinging the sword requires sufficient speed and strength.

"Yi Gang Li Luo." With the strength gradually accumulating on the arm, a muscle burst out with enough strength to gather momentum on one arm, "Er Gang Li Luo." With another strengthening , Sauron's arms and chest muscles became bulging. This is a trick that Sauron himself comprehended to strengthen the muscles and burst out with enough strength. Slash with force." Such a slash is extremely destructive.

But at this moment, Sauron did not intend to simply use this pure destructive power to slash the mechanical dragon. The mechanical dragon gave Sauron a very uneasy feeling, which made Sauron have to fight with all his strength.

"Luffy, Sanji, get out of the way." With a loud shout, Sauron's whole body fell short in an instant, and then he kicked back with the momentum, and the strong back thrust pushed Sauron's whole body down. , flew into the air, and then held the word He Dao with both hands.

"Guina, look at me." Recited the name silently in his heart, Sauron slowly closed his eyes, only using the sword in his hand to feel all the aura around him.

The sword is breathing, and Dao Yiwen, he is not a simple sword, he also has his own breath, he is alive.

This was the only thought in Sauron's mind. He raised the sword backwards with both hands at the same time, and a momentum arose spontaneously. He didn't say anything, and Sauron, who was a little silent and depressed, was rushing towards the mechanical dragon at high speed.

Although the mechanical giant dragon is huge and hard, after all, he is just a dead thing, without his own intelligence, all he can do is execute orders, and then make the simplest judgments about the surrounding momentum.

And Zoro's explosive momentum at this time made the mechanical dragon feel more dangerous than Luffy in the third gear just now. The operation program buried in the head of the mechanical dragon entered a chaotic program in an instant, but in the end The mechanical dragon's self-protection program was still activated.

The huge faucet swelled to the extreme in an instant, and then a fiery high temperature erupted from the mouth of the mechanical dragon, and then a flame that was redder than Sanji's feet also sprayed out along the mouth of the mechanical dragon , a pillar of fire as big as a foot basin rushed towards Sauron.

However, none of these seemed to affect Sauron, who was feeling the breath of the Hedaoyi character in his hand. The pillar of fire covered Sauron in an instant, and engulfed Sauron, including the sword in his hand, into the pillar of fire in an instant.

At this time, Sauron was surrounded by a faint breath without any color. No matter how huge the temperature flame outside was, it could not cause direct damage to Sauron. A distance of five meters.

Sauron's closed eyes suddenly opened, and a ray of light erupted from those resolute eyes. The word "Hedao" clasped tightly with both hands burst out at super fast speed the moment Sauron's eyes opened.

Then the faint aura that enveloped Sauron's body frantically rushed to the sword body of He Daoyi's characters, and with Sauron's slash, it slashed fiercely like a mechanical dragon.

This blow split the fiery flame into two halves in an instant, leaving a vacuum in the middle, just like soldiers lining up to greet their leaders who came to inspect them.

When the words of He Daoyi were separated into two halves by the hot flame, it finally hit the head of the hard mechanical dragon. In this narrow passage, it is impossible for the mechanical dragon to escape. of.

"One-knife style? Mystery? Lightspeed slash." Following the close contact between He Daoyi's characters and the head of the mechanical dragon, a faint shouting sound jumped out from the innermost part of Sauron.

The speed of light slash naturally means that the speed has reached the speed of light. The power of the slash is constantly combined with the momentum formed by Sauron and his own strength, and it is also blessed with the speed of light.

This kind of slash is a one-shot slash that Sauron comprehended after fighting the yellow monkey. This kind of slash has very high requirements for the blade. Sauron didn't dare to use it frequently, fearing that there would be any accidents with this knife that held a special place in Sauron's heart.

When the speed of light slash hit the head of the mechanical giant dragon, the originally hot flame was extinguished instantly, as if it had been poured with water, and the hard head of the mechanical giant dragon also disappeared along with the slash. Completely useless.

The mechanical dragon was not directly split in half like other mechanical puppets, but was broken inch by inch. From the head of the mechanical dragon about 100 meters back, all of them became one inch. An inch of dust is enough to prove how terrifying the power of Sauron's Light Speed ​​Slash is.

Sauron of the three-sword style is also very good at using the profound art of the one-sword style.

However, at the same time when the head of the mechanical dragon was shattered, a stream of light retreated rapidly along the body of the mechanical dragon, and then stayed in the second half of the mechanical dragon's body.

The mechanical giant dragon without its head was basically completely useless, turning into a pile of scraps.

(End of this chapter)

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