Chapter 130 Dive
"They escaped just like that." Jonathan looked at the shadow of the ship that the Straw Hat Pirates had gone away, and said to himself helplessly. Since all the fleets were tied together by iron chains, so When the Straw Hats broke through, Jonathan ordered all the fleets to start shooting at the Straw Hat Pirates at the same time while being angry with the guy who ignored the order to fire first, but it didn't help at this time.

When the naval fleet fired the first artillery and caused chaos, the siege plan was completely ruined, not to mention that Sauron's sword was indeed too terrifying.

After receiving the information from J11 for help, Jonathan quickly integrated all the information he knew, and understood the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates, so the only way to completely trap them is to Trapping their ship, and not firing a single shot no matter what happens the whole time.

It’s not that you can’t fire guns, but that the whole sea is all the navy’s own ships except for one ship of the Straw Hat Pirates. As the target, the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates is too small, and the guns will only hit themselves. Moreover, the reason for firing the guns will affect the execution of the order by the navy itself, and cause panic within the navy. This is the biggest weakness.

"Unlock the iron locks as quickly as possible, and chase them." Knowing that chasing them is impossible, but this last rescue still needs to be done, otherwise, it would be difficult to explain to those guys in the Navy headquarters.

About half an hour later, two lights and shadows first appeared on Jonathan's deck. One of the two figures turned out to be the most powerful Akainu in the navy headquarters, while the other Jonathan I realized that I didn't even know him, but Jonathan's years of experience told me that this person's strength was not much compared to Akainu's.

"Participate in the admiral." Jonathan looked at the evil god-like eyes, stepped forward with a little chills, and told the admiral of the navy headquarters what happened just now.

"Useless things." Knowing that the Straw Hat Pirates had escaped, Akainu not only reprimanded angrily, but at the same time waved his hand naturally, a terrifying high temperature suddenly appeared, and thick black smoke flowed down several pieces. The huge hot rock rushed towards the opening opened by Luffy and the others.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" came from the group of naval ships.

Jonathan suppressed the anger in his heart, but he didn't dare to say a word. This guy was notoriously vicious in the navy, and he never showed mercy to those navy soldiers who made mistakes. So, but if you don't know the fun, it's hard to say.

"Yo Akainu, you actually made a move on these little guys." At this moment, a man wearing a cloak and suffocating the voice of a dead duck appeared on Jonathan's deck, and behind him, there was Five people also wearing black cloaks came at the same pace as the man who called the duck.

"Hmph, I didn't expect Master Xiu to send you guys out, but now those guys have been running for half an hour, and if you want to find their figures, you have to go there. You know, you can't go there There." Akainu glanced at the man in the cloak who was screaming like a duck, and said in surprise.

Although Luffy and the others made the man in the cloak a little upset, but thinking of Mr. Xio's explanation before leaving, the man in the cloak was relieved of his unhappiness, and at the same time said to Akainu: "That's not necessarily true, maybe We will go there again." Then he left without stopping.

He didn't even mention half a sentence of wanting to hunt down Luffy and the others, which left Jonathan and Akainu speechless for a while.

"It seems that Marshal Sengoku made some agreement with them." Akainu thought to himself, and then led the person who had been following him to chase in the direction where Luffy and the others were escaping.

After running away for more than half an hour, the Demeli had completely escaped the pursuit of the naval ships behind her, and at the same time made a big circle and came to a place, which was the one in charge of the rescue this time. The G8 Naval Base, passed unanimously by the Straw Hats, felt that it was necessary to teach Jonathan, an old fellow, a lesson and make them pay for the suffering of the siege.

What's more, after seeing Sauron's amazing sword, Luffy and the others suddenly felt that G8's fortress-like base was not so terrible at all.

After cross-examination all the way, Lu Fei and the others finally understood the power of Chengying Sword.

According to Sauron's explanation, the strength of Chengying Sword was completely out of his expectation. The amazing sword light turned out to be the most commonly used move of Chengyingjian, but this move required Sauron to pay a lot of physical strength to support it.

Even after being tempered by the K3 base, Sauron's body can barely support two such attacks, so within a period of time, Sauron can only send out two such sword lights.

As for how long this period of time is, Sauron himself does not know, and Sauron has not yet figured out how powerful the Shadow Bearing Sword is. Sauron just feels that he is so weak in front of the Shadow Bearing Sword. Fortunately, after the blow just now, Cheng Yingjian has officially recognized Sauron, which means that Cheng Yingjian will slowly release all abilities as Sauron's strength grows.

"Hey, Sauron, one more shot, let's go to the new world." This is what Luffy said when he heard Sauron say that he could only do the second shot with his current physical strength, which also made them A retaliatory and playful attack on the G8 base.

In fact, the most important thing is that Luffy, Chopper, Usopp and other idiots are very fond of the dancing sword light. The feeling of oppressive aura is simply too handsome.

One sword, just one sword, the fortress-like base of the G8 base was cleaved by Chengying Sword's sword light and opened a hole more than one meter wide.

"This sword is really powerful." When the second shot was made in the institute, when he lay down to rest a little exhausted, Lu Fei and others began to comment on the Yingying Sword for a while.

The Meili sailed forward rapidly on the track preset by Franky. Their sailing route was created by Nami after a period of research, and there was an eternal pointer with fixed coordinates given to them by Raleigh. It is impossible to have a problem.

After finishing the navigation problem, Franky also joined the ranks of research on Chengying Sword.

"Robin tell us some information about this sword." Suddenly realizing that Robin already knew something about this sword, he didn't just ask Robin.

"Actually, I know very little news, but I recognize the appearance of Chengying Sword. After all, this sword is already one of the top swords in ancient times, and it ranks tenth among all famous swords. , is a very heaven-defying sword, as for other information, there is very little." Robin said everything in his heart.

"Then which one is No.1 in the ranking?" Luffy obviously has a lot of interest in this ranking, after all, those who can be ranked will not be small characters.

"It seems to be a sword called Xuanyuan. According to some ancient books, when the Xuanyuan sword comes out of the world, it will change color, and sometimes there will be a giant dragon entangled with it, which has infinite power." Shrugged, indicating that all he knew too much.

"It's so awesome, isn't it stronger than those ancient weapons?" Luffy couldn't help but think of the most mysterious weapon in the world of One Piece.

"Puchi." Hearing what Lu Fei said, Robin couldn't help laughing, "Isn't Chengying Sword just an ancient weapon?"

Robin's explanation made Luffy and the others fall into contemplation for a while, and they couldn't react. They didn't expect a major general, a Tianlong whose fate was determined because of the portrait he saw in Charros. Major General Ren actually obtained such a heaven-defying ancient weapon, and what's more, it was so easily obtained by Luffy and the others.

"Bang Dang." With a sound, the Mei Li stopped and arrived at the place, and it was time to start diving.

(End of this chapter)

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