Chapter 138 Prelude
When the ship stopped at a hidden place selected in advance, Luffy and others took the lead in boarding this dangerous island.

"Uncle Taylor, don't be nervous, don't worry, it will be over soon." Looking at Taylor's trembling legs behind him, Luffy couldn't help explaining reassuringly, after all, this time their spiritual basis Jinbei was not with them Come over, although Luffy and the others are strong enough, they are not as powerful as the spiritual influence given by Shiping in their hearts.

For the comfort of Luffy and others, Taylor just smiled helplessly, and then began to arrange it step by step.

Everyone was quickly preparing for the final battle, and they were all ready to sacrifice their lives for their hometown. After the initial tension, with the intense and fast work, they gradually got rid of the initial tension.

"Uncle Taylor, now let's assign the next combat mission." Usopp ran to Taylor, who was still carrying objects under the commander, and pulled him to Luffy and the others.

"Okay, now we're starting to assign characters." This time, Luffy was surprisingly calm, and he didn't ask Nami and Robin to arrange the battle plan, because the mission of this trip was very important in Luffy's mind.

It's not just their first battle in the new world, it's also a crucial time to confirm whether their guess about Uncle Rayleigh is correct.

"Robin, Franky, Chopper, Usopp, and Uncle Taylor, you take most of the crew of the Sun Pirates and move in this direction. Your purpose is to sneak into the center of West Asia Island, the city of West Asia, and then Get the information and other things we need, and when the battle ahead of us starts, you will start to act immediately, understand." Luffy pointed to the red cross point on a simple map and pointed at Robin and others said the man.


"Then let's go." Luffy took a deep look at Robin for the last time, and then said to Sauron next to him, "Soron, do you still remember what I told you, please."

"Understood." Sauron ignored Sanji's winking and walked in one direction. Sauron never had any doubts about what Luffy said.

"Sanji, Nami, let's go. If the information is not compromised, our battle will be very difficult. Get ready, brothers of the Sun Pirates, it's our turn." The last sentence was Luffy's words to Taylor The more than 200 people who stayed were right, after all, their opponent this time was Moonlight Moria.

Moonlight Moriah, who ate the shadow fruit, combined with that shitty surgeon, and that superb zombie puppet, although it is not enough to pose a threat to Luffy and others, but it is expensive because of the large number of people, and it is almost impossible to die , So this requires the help of the people of the Sun Pirates, entangle these zombie soldiers, and find a plan to throw the sea salt that has been prepared into their mouths.

Today's West Asia City has become an empty city. There are no civilians, and some are just pirates who are attached to the quasi-four emperors, Moonlight Moriah. Today, there are only three days left until the last day when they completely wiped out Murloc Island. up.

"Yuri~ why do we have to wait so long, that guy Jinbei is not my opponent at all now, not to mention, now I also have an almost invincible baby." Moonlight Moriah looked at the person beside him a little arrogantly. Said the not tall man.

Moonlight Moria's complaint didn't make Yuriqi react beyond any emotions, but just said lightly, "This is the order of the world government, let us try our best to catch Jinpei alive."

"Uh~." Yuri's tepidity always uses the world government to prevaricate himself. Moonlight Moria feels very uncomfortable, even if most of his current achievements are inseparable from this person in front of him.

But since that battle, I have a brand new puppet, and my strength has completely surpassed Yuri. I thought this would change Yuri's attitude towards himself.

Unexpectedly, Yuri was still plain and indifferent, but Moonlight Moria had nothing to do with him, after all, he now also belonged to the World Government.

Thinking of the strength displayed by the world government, Moonlight Moriah completely lost the determination to resist. Anyway, now he has avenged himself, and he is living comfortably in this new world. That's why he can always not care much about Yuri's attitude of not taking himself seriously.

"Boom." A loud noise came suddenly, causing Moonlight Moriah to scream, and Yuri, who had been keeping his eyes slightly closed beside him, shot up instantly.

"What's going on." Yuri asked directly to the two straight men standing guard outside the door.

"Report to General Yuri, the gate of West Asia City has been attacked by unknown pirates, and three brigades have already joined the battle, but." The subordinate dressed as a pirate in front of the gate can clearly see from his actions It turns out that this is actually a sailor.

"But what, say it quickly, don't hesitate." Such a thing happened at this time, which made Yuri feel a bad premonition.

"The opponent only has more than 200 people, but their offensive is very fierce. Two brigades have been wiped out one after another. According to the speed, the three brigades that have been replenished now have already been lost by more than half." Hai Bing said tremblingly.

"Stupid, hurry up and call Wu Zuo over, the opponent's combat power must be very strong." As the battle report gradually became clear, the uneasiness in Yuri's heart became more intense.

"Why does Yuri have such an expression? Don't worry, it's just some miscellaneous fish. I'll call a few powerful puppets to kill them." Moonlight Moria didn't panic like Yuri , but still sitting on his throne.

"Moonlight Moriah, we must go to the city gate immediately, and you must reserve some strength to guard the secret vault. You must understand that there are a lot of secret information of our world government stored there, and there is no room for loss." Yuri directly He commanded Moonlight Moriah in an orderly manner, and then under Yuri's urging, the three Wu Suo who rushed over together headed towards the gate of the city where the battle was really coming to an end.

"It seems that Luffy and the others have already started fighting, and we have to start to act." Looking at the smoke that drifted out due to the battle, Robin said to the people behind him, and took the lead in diving forward from a secret passage. past.

"It's finally solved, and the next one should be the big fish." After a burst of crackling and the rapid battle that the Sun Pirates were immune to, Luffy and others quickly solved the five teams in front of them, approaching more than 500 People, it takes a long time to punch each other.

But Luffy and the others were abused in large groups, and this team of more than 500 people had no ability to resist at all.

And judging from the formation of the 500-strong team, all of them are well-trained and uniform troops, and their combined force should be very strong.

But that seemingly innocent and charming woman, with a wave of her hand, a large number of black bubbles shot out along her devilish inside, and then burst in the crowded area, and a large group of people followed With this wave of black bubbles released.

And that gentleman-like man, his feet are like high-speed motors, waving rapidly, and his whole body is flickering like a teleportation, and when he doesn't appear from a place, there will be a group of people The person was kicked to the ground along the footsteps.

But although girls and gentlemen are scary, they are not scary. The scariest thing is the boy in the middle wearing a straw hat. The boy is wearing a straw hat that is a little yellow.

Slowly walking towards the city gate, a large area of ​​ripples was formed around him, and following this ripple, a large number of people were directly knocked down by the almost visible ripple.

(End of this chapter)

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