The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 140 Transcendence

Chapter 140 Transcendence
The genius surgeon Hegubaku did have unique insights into surgical operations. In less than a quarter of an hour, a brand new zombie puppet was produced by him during his rapid dissection, filling and suturing, and when it came out of a small bottle A drop of black liquid was poured out of it and fell into the already made zombies.

After finishing all this, Hebacu washed the warm blood off his hands in a smart way, and looked at the little reindeer beside him with a proud face. In his opinion, he once again perfectly performed his surgical skills. Talented, bound to receive countless shouts of admiration.

Then when he turned his head to look at it, he found that the little reindeer was looking at the corpse in front of him without moving, sometimes he looked closely at its pulse, and sometimes he looked at the beating of its heart.

And Chopper never moved the knife, which surprised Hegubaku, but from the expression of this little guy, Hegubaku knew that it wasn't that the little reindeer gave up the competition, but that he was still thinking.

This made Hegubaku feel a little uneasy, and then signaled a natal zombie under his control to slowly walk to a coffin, and Hegubaku's voice sounded at the same time.

"Boy, you don't have much time left. In half an hour, if you haven't finished, I can't wait for you forever."

Of course, Chopper heard Hegubaku's words, but this didn't make Chopper pick up the set of knives that Hegubaku had prepared for him.

Although there is definitely a gap between Chopper and Hegubaku in terms of surgical operations, the comparison of surgical operations is not necessarily about who cuts more knives, but who cuts more effectively. Combined with some self-prepared medicines, of course these medicines can't take too much weight, after all, the main aspect of their competition is surgery.

After a series of tests, Chopper also gradually figured out all the physical conditions of the man in front of him who was on his last breath, and found all the key points where the fatal injury occurred.

At that time, the knife could not be easily cut, otherwise the greatest achievement would be nothing more than making a zombie puppet like Hebaku. However, in Chopper's view, it is not difficult to save his life. Just hang this guy's last breath before he stabs himself.

A green bottle escaped from Chopper's invincible bag, and then a small green pill was poured out of the bottle and stuffed into the mouth of the person in front of him.

After about one cigarette, Chopper started to move the knife. The posture of Chopper's knife is not fast or handsome, but every time the opening is not big, the trauma caused to the person in front of him is not deep , but it can also easily get rid of the diseases in his body.

As Chopper began various minimally invasive surgeries step by step, Hebubaku, who was watching him, was indeed more and more shocked. action.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly, and Chopper's operation was successfully completed. He put away the knife and put it in his toolbox. Finally, he completed a series of sutures, and the entire operation was completed.

"You used the microsurgical system I published in "Avantgarde Medicine" 30 years ago to complete the entire operation." Hebacu asked with nostalgia.

"Yeah." Chopper replied very simply, without the slightest doubt, as if he had no intention of hiding it from the beginning.

"Then you should also understand that although this kind of operation can relieve the patient as much as possible and reduce the re-injury to the patient, this kind of operation is not feasible for the person in front of you who is only half alive, so this You lost the competition, because you reminded me of some things from the past, you go, I won't make things difficult for you." Hebaku looked like an old man who was homesick at this moment.

"Really." Chopper didn't feel disgusted or angry at Hegubaku's research on the body of the dead just because of Hegubaku's change of attitude.

"Why, do you really think that just you guys can do anything to me?" Hegubaku, who was a little hesitant at first, raised his voice by one.

"Hebubaku, take a closer look." At this time, Chopper's usual cute and calm attitude was like a scholar who was obsessed with certain academic theories, yelling hysterically at those who defiled academics.

But Hebubaku seemed to be shocked by Chopper's sudden burst of volume, or what Chopper said, and he rushed to the coffin of Chopper's sword, Carefully inspected all the traces of surgery on one side, Chopper, and explored the breath of life of this person who should have had his last breath.

This investigation made Hegubaku feel shocked for a while. At this moment, the breath of life of this person is so obvious. According to the current situation, it will not take half a month for this person who has already entered the coffin. Able to appear in front of Hebaku alive and well.

"How did you do it?" Hegubaku looked at the small body in front of him with an unbelievable expression at this moment. It seemed that a genius surgeon like Hegubaku felt an unstoppable height for a moment. .

"Robin, Franky, Usopp, help me." Chopper ignored Hegubaku's inquiry, but said to the partner beside him, and his whole body also became bigger in an instant, The fruit of everyone starts.

At this time, with the help of Robin and others, all the twenty coffins that were originally hidden in a corner by Hegubaku were opened, and those who were still hanging their last breath were carefully placed at the end of the coffins. above.

Chopper moved, and his hands were moving quickly. He first fed these people some green pills into their mouths, and after waiting for a while, Chopper began to treat more than twenty people at a time.

Originally out of the awareness of self-protection, those natal zombies belonging to Hebaku wanted to stop Chopper's movements, not to mention tearing up the little guy who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth in front of him.

But in the end they were indeed stopped by Hebubaku, because at this moment Hebubaku was completely attracted by Chopper's series of actions.

Of course, what attracts Hebubaku is not the series of surgical operations by Chopper, but the attention paid to each cut by Chopper, but what attracts Hebubaku the most is after a series of operations and injuries, why? These people, who were about to lose their breath of life, miraculously did not die from the injury of the operation.

In the end, Hebacu found out that there are two reasons, the biggest reason of which is of course the mysterious small green pill, and the second is the control of the scale of each operation by Chopper, so as to minimize the impact on the patient. degree of secondary damage.

More than an hour passed, and it was unexpectedly fast. After being proficient, Chopper completed the entire operation at a speed that ordinary people could not predict.

"You have completed research beyond mine in terms of minimally invasive surgery systems. For so many years, I have been researching minimally invasive surgery systems, and finally let me master the current minimally invasive surgery system, and made myself into a Zombie-like monster, unexpectedly, today, you let me see the value of minimally invasive surgery, but can you tell me the effect of that little green pill." And any frustration is a kind of surprise for Chopper who can perfect the minimally invasive surgery system.

"This is a pill specially prepared for surgery that I have repeatedly purified from countless herbs. It can not only anesthetize the patient's nervous system, but also provide the patient with a certain amount of life energy. Of course, it also has its disadvantages. On the one hand, compared to life, it is insignificant." Qiaoba explained lightly, and at the same time put away the little green bottle.

"Actually, Hegubaku, I have admired you as the god of surgery since I started studying medicine with Shiruluk, but you are too focused on the research of surgery, but you forget that as a doctor, you can Bringing patients back from the death line is the greatest achievement, but now you use these undead people to do research for you, do you think you are still a doctor?" Chopper questioned Hegubaku naked .

(End of this chapter)

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