The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 148 The most obscene countermeasure

Chapter 148 The most obscene countermeasure

"It seems that I don't have time to play with you, Ozzy, come out." With the appearance of the thunderstorm and Yuri being killed suddenly for some reason, Moonlight Moria originally planned to play with the kid in front of him. No mood, even a little bit of fear.

During the duel of life and death, the most taboo thing is to feel fear in the heart. The successive defeats of the partners made Moonlight Moriah feel a little fear in his heart.

At this time, let his most powerful help, the Oz shadow puppet appear on the stage to strengthen his confidence, and in Oz's body, he was put into the shadow of Kaido, one of the four emperors, by Moonlight Moriah. Da Zi has nothing to say.

What's more, Moonlight Moriah still has the final killer move, and he will not use it easily unless it is absolutely necessary.

Following the call of Moonlight Moriah, a huge body slowly and unexpectedly came out directly from under Moonlight Moriah's feet. He had been hidden in such a place by Moonlight Moriah all the time.

As Ozzy's figure was gradually exposed, Moonlight Moria became more and more excited. You must know that since the body was injected with Kaido's shadow, Moonlight Moriah has only used it twice, and both times Got a good record.

So for Ozzy, Moonlight Moriah is very confident.

Before Oz could crawl out, Moonlight Moria rushed to Oz's stomach, opened a small mechanism, and then disappeared into it.

After waiting for Moonlight Moriah's body for just an hour, Ozzy suddenly became flexible, and his whole body made an unimaginable jumping movement in an instant, jumping out of the pit where his body was buried, and then invariably That is to say, he punched Luffy with his fist.

"Is that so?" Luffy felt an unprecedented familiarity with the situation in front of him. It seemed that he would use Ozzy to get out of Moonlight Moriah, and would penetrate into Oz's body to control it, and Moonlight Moriah would use Oz to control it. Leah controls Oz's body by controlling the changes of the shadow, all of which are very familiar to Luffy.

It's just that Moonlight Moriah used his own shadow during the influence, but judging from the current situation, Moonlight Moriah should use Kaido's shadow.

After all, the shadows needed by such a powerful body, if they are not particularly strong characters, their shadows cannot withstand Ozzy's huge body.

One dodge and passed Ozzy's punch, Luffy turned on the second gear again, and at the same time rushed towards the center of Ozzy's body quickly, the first thing to solve is to stop this Ozzy, otherwise he will It will always be a shadow puppet, and Moonlight Moriah can always hide in it.

It seemed that it had to be used, glanced at a small package tightly tied to his body, and Luffy smiled helplessly.

Salt, the most effective thing against shadow puppets, as long as the salt enters Oz's body and releases Kaido's shadow, Oz will naturally stop.

But first, he must find a way to pass through Moonlight Moriah's barrier and put the salt into Ozzy's body.

Even if Moonlight Moriah's reaction speed is fast, but with Oz's huge body, he can use his speed to make Moonlight Moriah dizzy first.

Thinking of this, Luffy didn't think too much, but directly blasted a "JET rocket launcher" at the position where Ozzy's stomach was.

"Bang~." After the first contact, Luffy didn't stay any longer, because the arrogance that had been released by Luffy reminded him that Ozzy's palm behind him was approaching.

"Shave~." Luffy's body shot out like a cannonball again, and then stopped on the other side of Oz's body, and hit "JET rocket launcher.".

In this way, Luffy kept appearing around Oz's stomach and launching powerful jet attacks, making Moonlight Moriah inside shake constantly.

However, the second gear must have a time limit. When the time is up, Luffy's speed will drop a lot, but the use of domineering allows Luffy to barely avoid Oz's angry attack.

In addition, the fist wrapped in the armed color domineering is more powerful than the "JET" with the second gear alone.

In this way, Luffy kept circling around Oz, and at the same time unceasingly burst out powerful attacks, harassing Moonlight Moriah's nervous system.

From time to time, a few salts were thrown into Ozzy's mouth, but each time, Moonlight Moriah noticed and dealt with it quickly.

"That's not the way." The opponent has been hiding inside and can't come out. In addition, there is Yang's mobile fortress outside, which makes Luffy unable to use his good kung fu.

The depression in my heart.

"Go to him~JET seal." The continuous harassment had no effect at all, which made Luffy angry. As soon as the time for the second gear came up, he opened it directly, and then under the double superposition of the second gear and the armed color domineering, he ruthlessly kicked at Ozzy's belt.

This kick didn't matter, but Ozzy's belt was smashed by Luffy's blow, and his already tattered clothes were completely eroded in an instant.

"This guy, the desire has come, what can we do, such a strong capital, it's too scary." Luffy glanced at Ozzy who had dropped his pants, and a very obscene thought suddenly popped up in his mind , can't help but make Lu Fei feel a chill, what the hell are you thinking.

However, with the honorable layoff of Ozzy's pants, Luffy suddenly discovered something very powerful, and couldn't help but communicate a little bit, and began to slowly accumulate strength.

Although they are still in the circle of Ozzy's stomach who is constantly attacking, and Moonlight Moria the harasser, they are still making preparations at the same time.

After more than 40 days of brutal special training, Lu Fei's biggest achievement is two points. One is that his body has become stronger, and there is a flowing air in his body. Although it is very weak, after several attempts, Lu Fei Fei clearly realized the power of this flowing air, the second point is the use of domineering.

Since getting some information about domineering from Rayleigh, Luffy has paid special attention to research on domineering.

No, if you are not careful, you can almost master all three kinds of domineering, but Luffy also knows a little about how to use it.

Armed-colored domineering and knowledge-colored domineering are okay, basically they are the domineering that one has mastered and controlled, but domineering-colored domineering is different.

Not only is the power of deterrence powerful, but you can also control it after a certain amount of practice, and control this domineering energy to attack according to the line you want.

However, once this momentum flow attack is intentionally fed back by a stronger person during actual combat, it will cause a strong mental shock to Luffy himself, and the power of deterrence will double on Luffy himself.

Of course, the careful preparation that Luffy is making at this moment is actually the control of the domineering route, because after Ozzy dropped the pants, Luffy found a hole in that horrible thing.

Although this hole is small, it is also a hole directly connected to the stomach. Although it is a bit cumbersome to use this hole to attack, it is also the most effective method that Luffy can think of today.

When everything was ready, Luffy said "shave." The man flashed onto Ozzy's frightening gun, and then he squeezed his hands hard, and a horse's eye with a thick bowl rim Just like that, he appeared in front of Luffy, and the smell of urine came over him, which was really disgusting.

But in order to get this guy Moonlight Moria out for a short while, I endured it.

"Huh." Luffy closed his eyes slightly for a while, and then opened them suddenly, a domineering air flow instantly enveloped the disgusting smell of urine and passed through Ozzy's thick bowl. The horse's eyes marched into Ozzy's belly.

Luffy controlled the overlord-colored arrogance while avoiding the attack of Moonlight Moriah, and finally waited until this mass of air was brought into Oz's stomach by Luffy's overlord-colored arrogance, which was not far from Moonlight Moriah. Far.

(End of this chapter)

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