The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 153 Princess Lingling

Chapter 153 Princess Lingling
Sanji jumped down from the gap in the fortress without hesitation, seeing Sauron's hand resting on the strange box, and then the whole person showed a posture of extreme inferiority.

"What is this~." Sanji was a little curious and ready to reach out to have a look.

"Wait for Sanji~." At this time, Luffy also jumped down, glanced at Zoro, and then saw Sanji's outstretched hand, and couldn't help telling him to stop.

But when Luffy thought about it, his face seemed to understand something, and after making a random move towards Sanji, he didn't care anymore, but pulled Nami and Robin aside, and put on a serious look. Probe what this fort looks like.

Just like that, as soon as Sanji put his hand on it, he knelt down in an instant, and then a shocking sentence came out of his mouth, "I really shouldn't be alive, I don't have the qualifications to be a human being. I'm not a man."

"Uh~." Looking at Sanji's appearance, Chopper and the others, who were originally interested, couldn't help but retract their outstretched hands at the same time.

"Hahaha." At this time, Luffy couldn't help laughing anymore, these two steely tough guys showed such a weak and inferior look at this moment.

Luffy's laugh made Nami and the others very puzzled, but one thing is indeed very clear, that is, this box should have no other side effects other than changing the emotions of Sauron and Sanji.

This made Nami feel a little tentative interest, but just when Nami was about to reach out to touch it, Luffy stopped him.

"Usopp, go, open this box, don't worry, among us, you are the only one who can touch this box, and nothing will happen." Luffy said to Usopp very seriously. .

"Okay~." Although Usopp was a little trembling, he didn't shirk at this time, and slowly put his hand on it.

At this moment, a very faint white shadow got into Usopp's body through the box, but it got out from Usopp's back in an instant, and the white shadow that got out became obviously stronger. down.

And this time, Chopper and the others also saw clearly what was causing the trouble.

Usopp felt that there was nothing unusual about his body, and he trusted Luffy even more.

Taking a step forward, he pried open several locks on the lid of the box with both hands, and then lifted the lid, and the target was a girl in the Mood for Love.

The girl closed her eyes slightly, her face was completely devoid of blood, and only her last breath was left.

However, small white shadows appeared continuously from the girl's body. These white shadows surrounded the girl. Once someone touched the box, they would follow the person's hand to drill. into the body.

However, when Usopp stood next to the box and lifted the lid of the box, the little white shadow that had been circling around the girl seemed to feel something particularly frightening, and instantly got into the girl's body. gone.

"Usopp, you are really awesome~" Luffy dared to approach when he saw those white shadows seemed to get into the girl's body, he didn't want to kneel on the ground like Sanji and Zoro, with a low voice Pray with low self-esteem that you should not be the words of others.

Seeing the girl's appearance, Luffy couldn't help frowning, and then cast a questioning look at Chopper who came forward.

"Lift him out, let me try." Chopper looked at the girl's pale face and said to Luffy and the others worriedly.

But when Chopper said these words, Luffy, Franky, Robin and others retreated a large distance in an instant, almost leaning against the wall of the fortress.

Only Usopp was left alone in the front position, and then looked at Usopp with a very admiring look.

After seeing that kind of low self-esteem words, no one wants to demonstrate it. Even the box that traps the girl has such power, let alone the girl's body.

In the end, only Usopp, who is immune to Shiro Shadow, did this kind of hard work.

But after taking this girl out just now, a new problem appeared, although Qiaoba's medical ethics made him recklessly treat the weak girl in front of him.

But at this moment, there was nothing he could do, because just as Chopper touched the girl's forehead, a white shadow rushed into Chopper's body.

And Chopper also replayed the scene between Sanji and Zoro.

Chopper's depression made Luffy and others suddenly feel at a loss.

"Usopp, put your hands on Chopper's body~." At this moment, Robin smiled faintly, as if he understood something, and then said to Usopp.

Sure enough, when Usopp put his hand on Chopper's body, the white shadow who had seen Usopp's power did not dare to enter Usopp's body through Chopper's body.

Moreover, the waves of emotions belonging to Usopp transmitted from Usopp's palm are also constantly affecting Shiroying and being constantly weakened.

In the end, Shiro Shadow followed Chopper's hand and fell into the girl's body again.

Chopper woke up. In order to allow Chopper to concentrate on treatment, Usopp was next to Chopper, always putting his wretched hands on Chopper's furry back.

"Luffy, you seem to know ~this kind of thing~." Robin pointed at the girl's body and said to Luffy.

Because from the beginning, Luffy didn't let them get close, but let Sanji touch the evil smile that was exposed, and Usopp's immunity to this white shadow, all of which were shown by Luffy to be very sensitive to this white shadow. The look of understanding.

"Well, I know, but Robin, one thing I really don't know is why Usopp was able to drive this white shadow back from Chopper's body." Luffy didn't explain anything, but asked Robin directly road.

"Hehe." Robin smiled, and then told Luffy and the others what he knew about this white shadow.

"Lingling fruit can transform into a ghost. It is obvious that this girl is a fruit capable person who ate the Lingling fruit, and judging from her current appearance, her own vitality is being threatened, and the Lingling fruit automatically protects the master. function is triggered."

"And, as far as I know, being able to make this kind of fruit ability automatically protect the lord explains a problem." Robin paused for a moment, then continued.

"This girl is the best carrier of this spirit fruit, also known as Princess Lingling. As for why Bai Ying was able to drive Bai Ying into the girl's body, it is mainly because the vitality of these ghosts has also been severely weakened at the moment. If Usopp's breath is approached, wouldn't it accelerate their weakening? They have saved the last energy to maintain the girl's life, otherwise, in this environment, it is impossible for the girl to still be alive. "Robin said all the things he knew in his heart at once.

"Princess Lingling, how deeply does this girl have to integrate with the fruit ability to be called a princess. I didn't expect this girl to be so lucky." Nami seemed to have some understanding of this aspect, and she couldn't help sighing.

"Nami, you still have a chance~, that Fengfeng fruit looks very good." Robin couldn't help reminding.

"Heh, although after killing Wu Suo, a message was transmitted to my mind the moment the fruit dissipated, but it's too far away from our location." Nami shrugged and said helplessly.

Chapter 150 Four: A Bone

"No, I have to get back to the Mei Li as soon as possible, otherwise, her life will be seriously threatened." Chopper, who had calmed down to examine the girl in detail, suddenly stood up and looked at the girl who was still there. Luffy and the others who were communicating said with a heavy expression.

"Then, let's act now~." After pondering for a while, Luffy gave a simple order, and let Usopp and others take Sanji and the girl away first, while he slowly propped up behind After leaving Sauron, Usopp also expelled the Shiro shadow in the bodies of Sanji and Sauron just now, and returned to the girl's body, but obviously, under the influence of Shiro shadow for a period of time, Their emotions obviously did not recover immediately.

"Okay then, Luffy, be careful." Robin, Nami and the others smiled slightly, then led Sanji and the others out through the gap, and then walked towards the place where the Meili was moored.

At this time, Luffy put Sauron aside, let him slowly recover his emotions, and started looking for something in this fortress.

About a quarter of an hour later, Luffy had searched the entire fortress, but he couldn't find what he was thinking about, which made Luffy's face more and more depressed.

"Luffy." Just when Luffy was frowning, Zoro finally recovered. Looking at Luffy's anxious figure, knowing what he was looking for, he couldn't help calling out to Luffy.

"Soron, you've recovered~." Sauron has come to his senses, which is not very good news for Luffy.

Just now Sauron was always in that low-key look, and Luffy didn't ask anything, but at this moment, Sauron still had a little bit of low self-esteem. The competition for stocks to win has actually become more intense.

"Could it be that the ghost here also has the function of enhancing people's positivity." Luffy couldn't help discussing in the bottom of his heart, and then asked what he had told Zoro.

"Look, isn't this?" Zoro took out a box smelling of sandalwood from his arms, and handed it to Luffy.

Although the box is not big, it can be seen from its meticulous workmanship that it is extraordinary. Luffy slowly peeled off a seal on the box, opened the box, and then saw a black bottle.

The bottle is very dark, with no light at all, which makes Luffy dare not open the bottle cap easily, but observes the bottle carefully, trying to find out some different marks on the bottle.

"Nige Sanding." Suddenly, Luffy saw four words written by a very small boy on the lower part of the bottle, and he couldn't help but overjoyed Luffy.

Then he put the bottle beside him, fully opened his domineering color, and slowly wrapped the bottle around him, and then felt the tiny breath coming out of the extremely small part of the bottle with all his strength to feel the objects in the bottle.

After a while, Luffy put away his knowledge and domineering, and the expression on his face became sunny in an instant.

"What, is it him?" Zoro asked excitedly.

"Yes, it's him, but we still have to find his body now~" Luffy could not help but prepare to dig the whole fort three feet into the ground.

"You don't need to look for it, I know it's there." Sauron's voice became depressed again in an instant.

"Where is it?" "In that girl's arms, although I also felt the weirdness of this box at that time, as soon as I got close to that box, the box would tremble slightly, as if it had been summoned by some kind. So I wanted to open this box to find out, but as soon as I touched this box, my whole body seemed to have lost all my strength in an instant, I had no strength at all, and my whole body fell into an extremely low state Emotionally gone."

"Then let's go to the Meili first to see if the girl's body is what we want. If not, it's not too late for us to come back and look for it." After careful consideration, Luffy made a decision , and then jumped out of this fortress first.

"I really hope that girl has that thing there." Sauron said with a little expectation.

"Don't worry, since there is someone in her that can attract each other with the things in this box, then it must be right, we have to hurry up, Nami and the others don't understand what's going on, if they accidentally put If that thing is lost, that would be bad." Speaking of this, Luffy accelerated towards the front.

Without talking all the way, the two of them arrived at the place where the Mei Li was moored in less than a quarter of an hour, but at this time it was a very busy situation here.

Under Taylor's command, the crew of the Sun Pirates is responsible for clearing out all the remnants of West Asia.

A young man saw Luffy and others coming, and immediately told Taylor, and Taylor also walked towards Luffy with steps.

Seeing that Taylor came up directly and there seemed to be no figure on the Merry, Luffy was not in a hurry to catch up with the Merry, but stopped directly.

"Where are Nami and the others, there is no need to say anything else." As soon as they met, Luffy asked Taylor anxiously.This made Taylor, who had prepared a lot of words of thanks, dumbfounded. This guy, like the guys just now, doesn't let people talk.

But Taylor is not a long-winded person, knowing that Luffy and the others seem to have urgent matters to do, he directly assigned a middle-level cadre of the Sun Pirates to take Luffy and the others to a relatively secluded place.

On the way, I explained why Nami and the others were not on the Meili.

It turned out that as soon as Nami and the others came back, seeing how noisy the entire temporary port was, Chopper went directly to the Meili to get some needed medicines and tools, and then took Nami and others to find a place a short distance away. I made a temporary tent a little farther away, and started to diagnose and treat. By the way, I asked Taylor to help lead Luffy there when Luffy came back.

It's not that far away, in a matter of minutes, Luffy and the others saw where Chopper and the others were.

Signaling the middle-level cadre of the Sun Pirates who led the way to go back first, Luffy led Sauron and rushed towards the tent at an accelerated speed.

Hurry up, who knows what will happen if Nami and the others throw that thing away.

Just approaching the direction of the tent, an exclamation came out from the tent, it was Nami's voice.

"What is this?" Throwing it out in fear, a box was thrown out with Nami's coquettish drink. At this moment, the box that was lying quietly in Luffy's arms suddenly burst violently. Trembling for a bit, the direction was exactly the direction of the box that was still in the air.

"It's you." After feeling the change in the box, Luffy understood that the thing that surprised Nami and was thrown out at the same time was what he had been looking for.

Reaching out and grabbing it directly, Luffy also rushed into the tent directly, just in time to bump into the startled Nami.

When Nami was about to complain, Zoro also rushed in, and in a building, the three of them happened to press on Sanji who was about to come over to join Luffy.

For a while, Nami, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji at the bottom came to a friendly stack of arhats.

"Zoro, get out of the way, I have to see if it's him." Luffy's voice was very anxious, and he didn't seem to notice that he bumped into Nami just now.

After Sauron got up, Luffy also opened the box that Nami threw out, and a bone in the box appeared in front of Luffy and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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