The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 158 The Domineering of the Empress

Chapter 158 The Domineering of the Empress

"Empress, since our lords have taken a fancy to you, follow our lords." A three-meter-tall person who is neither fat nor thin is standing on a square, facing an absolutely perfect person fifty meters in front of him. said the beautiful woman.

"Huh." The beautiful woman didn't say anything, but directly ignored the man in front of her, and then raised her head backwards, the empress' contempt.

The contempt towards the empress passed on, and the man suddenly felt a sense of depression for no reason, as if he had done the most immoral thing in the world, a strong sense of self-ashamedness erupted.

I can no longer bear this oppressive feeling mentally.

"Zonello, Jimmy is my most capable subordinate, don't let him hang up like this." Suddenly a high-ranking voice came from the covered sedan chair that had been watching all this quietly, and then As soon as his words fell, a heavily armed man who had been standing quietly next to the sedan chair echoed in a low voice, and then he swung in front of that person named Jimmy.

"Explosion." With the thought of a blasting sound, the group of severely shocked emotions that had been wrapped up for a few meters was relieved, and this fully armed man named Zonello appeared in front of the empress.

Moreover, a faint smell of sulfur erupted instantly in front of him, forming a thick smoky armor in front of the man, no matter how much the empress despises it, it has no effect.

"Choxie, go and kill those two weird and ugly girls. Seeing them makes me feel sick." The man in the sedan chair turned to a strong man on the other side of the sedan chair. Said the bald man holding a four to five meter long wooden stick.

"Yes, honorable master, your will is the will of the Buddha." After the bald head respectfully bowed deeply to the mysterious man in the sedan chair, he walked towards the direction pointed by the man in the sedan chair .

At this time, other soldiers in strange costumes who came with the man, left behind a group of about twenty people protecting the sedan chair, and then began to surround the Nine Snake Pirates where the Empress was. .

"Hmph, you ugly guys dare to touch my Nine Snake Pirates, sweet and sweet." As the queen's face became more and more angry, her hands instantly formed a heart shape, and then Facing the strange group of guys who wanted to close themselves and others on the opposite side.

"Chrysanthemum floating bomb." This man named Zonello, when the queen just launched a sweet wind and formed a wave of love wind in the air, he pulled out a revolver-shaped gun from his waist in an instant. Firearms, and then a shot in front of him.

Afterwards, the countless bullet-like particles blocked the wind of love shot out by the empress, and also attracted the small handful of wind of love that originally wanted to overflow.

"What, my lord's wind of sweetness is actually blocked like this." The wind of love, which is omnipotent, was suddenly blocked by countless numbers, which made the second child Bo Ya?Sandersonia and the youngest Boya?Marigold and the crew of the Nine Snake Pirates froze for a moment.

The person in front of him obviously didn't use the legendary domineering direct isolation, but used such a popular move to resist the Empress' Wind of Love, and it also has the function of absorbing the Empress' Ganfeng.

Just when the Nine Snake Pirates were surprised by the fact that the Queen's Gan Feng was blocked, a weird monk-like monk rushed over with a long wooden stick, and instantly gave the three Gorgon sisters The second child and the third child were stopped.

And other people also began to surround the other crew members of the Nine Snake Pirates in an instant.

"Bo um~." A voice full of extreme temptation suddenly came from the place where the beautiful woman was, making people feel numb.

It was like falling into a gentle trap, without any feeling of wanting to fight.

"Sure enough, it is the best. If I get this empress, it will be enough for me to play for a while." A low and dirty voice sounded from inside the sedan chair, and it seemed that the man's evil tongue could be seen from the gap in the curtain of the sedan chair. Doing extremely obscene actions.

But all this was overshadowed by the noisy scene.

The queen's lips closed slightly, and the sound of nature that had been swallowed by her gradually formed a kiss in the air, and then stretched out with the tip of the kiss towards the person in front of the queen called Zonello. The man rushed over.

"Huh~." The man was surprised, kissed the gun through the layer of thick smoke that looked like a shield that smelled of sulfur in front of him, and then broke through the isolation zone formed by its "chrysanthemum floating bullets." He came out and attacked Zonello.

"Alarm bell ejection." Before Zonello's body could react, a small button-shaped thing installed on his shoulder was launched in an instant, and then pointed at the air in the air. Kiss the gun and hit it directly.

"Pfft." With a sound, a puff of smoke erupted after the kissing gun collided with the button, and then dissipated in the air. When there is no response and all the equipment on his body has not had time to respond.

It hit Zonello's chest fiercely.

"Uh~." Such an impact suffocated Zonello's chest for a while, as if he was about to explode at any time, but fortunately, the strand of air mass had been weakened a lot by the impact just now, otherwise, this blow would be enough Zonello took it.

"It seems that you can't be careless." Zonello took three steps back abruptly before he stabilized his body, and took off the windbreaker that was draped over his body.

However, the equipment that should have been outside the windbreaker miraculously continued to be well equipped on Zonello's inner armor.

After taking off his coat, Zonillo is covered with various equipment all over his body, and there are countless tricks. There are not only revolver-like firearms, but also high-density suppressed heavy weapons.

However, those few button-sized objects were particularly eye-catching. It seemed that the gun kiss just now was blocked by such a little guy.

"Huh~." The empress glanced at the various equipment on Zonello's body, snorted softly, and then started to kiss Zonello again, and at the same time, after the kiss gun shot out , to the people in the distance who were entangled with the strange costumes of the crew of the Nine Snake Pirates, it was a sweet sweet wind and launched them.

However, the dense sulfur-smelling smoke layer that was passed through wantonly by the kiss gun was automatically absorbed, and nothing was missed.

The smoke layer expanded the area in an instant, covering a large area in front of the empress.

Without the control of the empress, Zonello easily dodged the kissing gun, and even the button-shaped "alarm bell ejection" dodged without firing.

And this time, the air mass above the kissing gun did not cause any harm to Zonello.

"Go away."

The smoke in front of her eyes made the empress feel annoyed for a while, and she couldn't help but suddenly opened her eyes after slightly closing them, and an aura burst out from her body involuntarily.

The same domineering arrogance that Luffy used to display.

Following the empress's body, she rushed towards the smoke in front of her.

The smoke layer dissipated after struggling and resisting for a while, but after the smoke layer weakened, the aura also eased a lot.

Like a strong wind, it blew towards Zonillo and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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