The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 176 Enclosed Spaces

Chapter 176 Enclosed Spaces
While Luffy and Sanji were discussing secretly, the Straw Hats, under the leadership of Nami, found an extremely remote place, a small shop that was very dilapidated compared to other areas of Liuli Island, and lived there. .

Nami and Sanji started the official retreat. They need to use this last bit of time to make final preparations. At this time, Luffy walked out alone after saying hello to everyone.

As soon as Luffy got out of the small shop, he got a big cloak from there and put it on. Luffy also put away the obvious hat, and then walked towards a place. past.

"Master Ming, I heard that the young man made a dish at the cooking competition just now, and even the three ghosts were amazed by its deliciousness. I heard that you were there at the time, and that person really just used the dish from Sister Qian. Materials." The owner of Liuli Restaurant asked Mingde for confirmation in disbelief.

"Yes, I was there just now. The dish he cooked was indeed very good, and the ingredients were indeed found from Xiaoqian." Mingde said simply, and then looked at the boss's still worried face, and couldn't help but He added again: "Don't worry, that person is not from our island, he is just a pirate who travels around, and he won't stay on our Liuli Island for a long time, you can rest assured about this, and, at the beginning I promised your father that I would never betray Liuli Restaurant, and I will definitely do it, and I will put away your little thoughts in the future." Mingde's tone became more serious as he spoke, as if it was a lesson from the elders Same as juniors.

But the owner of the Liuli Restaurant listened to Mingde's instruction very respectfully at this time.

"Then I'll go to the back kitchen." Mingde was very satisfied with the attitude of the current owner of the Liuli Restaurant, and after a simple sentence, he went back.

The owner of the Liuli Restaurant looked at Mingde walking past, and once again had a happy smile on his depressed face.

As long as the top chef of Liuli Island can be tied down, the golden sign of Liuli Restaurant will never fall down. When he is happy, the owner of Liuli Restaurant always likes to eat some biscuits made by the old Xu's next door.

"Jian Ren, come here." Seeing Jian Ren who had just delivered the food, the owner of Liuli Restaurant stopped him immediately, and then threw some money to him, asking him to buy some Xujia biscuits for him to satisfy his hunger.

"Come on~ wait a moment." Of course Jian Ren was happy to run errands for his boss, so he couldn't help but ran towards Xu's house not far away with brisk steps.

For more than two months, Jian Ren has been living on this Liuli Island. After being hired by Liuli Restaurant, he has lived a small life. Although the daily work is quite tiring, at least it is There is no danger to life, and you don't have to worry about the guy who is eating on your head all of a sudden, being blown away by someone's unhappy press of a button that day.

Although I met that devil-like boy again today, but fortunately the other party didn't find me, it seems that the other party was just passing by Liuli Island.

However, Jian Ren admired this devilish young man for appearing here safe and sound after doing such an earth-shattering thing.

In fact, deep in Jian Ren's heart, he is still grateful for this young man. If it weren't for this young man, he would not be able to escape at all, and the news he obtained after that clearly knew that his former master, Charros, was dead. up.

This also ended his fate of being chased and killed. Although he was unintentionally brought into this more chaotic new world, he thought that after entering this new world, he would no longer have a happy life, but Who knew there was such a place as Liuli Island in the New World.

For Jian Ren, being able to spend his life in peace is the greatest happiness.

So he is very satisfied with his current life, and he cherishes it very much, so he is extraordinarily diligent and conscientious when working in Liuli Restaurant, so the boss gradually likes him, and he will do everything for him.

This made Jian Ren even more satisfied.

"The biscuits made by Xu's family are really delicious. After buying them back later, the boss will still give me a few dollars like last time." Jian Ren thought so in his heart, and his pace accelerated a bit.

"Hey, you still recognize me." Suddenly a man in a black robe appeared in front of Jian Ren, and then he opened the robe to reveal the smiling face inside.

"What do you want to do?" Although he recognized this devil boy just now and was worried in his heart, Jian Ren never thought in his heart that he would have the idea of ​​meeting him face-to-face again.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, I just want to ask you a few questions." Lu Fei smiled again, and then put a hand on Jian Ren's shoulder to prevent Jian Ren from turning around and running away.

"Benefactor." Jian Ren knew very well in his heart that even if he ran away at this moment, even with the protection of the guardian light, Jian Ren still didn't dare to try it. He didn't want to take risks, and he didn't want to ruin his hard-won comfortable life. , but Jian Ren is also a character who has been with Charros for so long, and he directly counted Luffy as the benefactor who saved his life at the first time, and knelt down in front of Luffy all of a sudden, with a look on his face. He looked grateful, like a gentleman who was grateful to Lu Fei for saving his life.

"Okay, get up, I know your details, you don't need to act in front of me, it was just a whim when you were saved, but I care too much, I will ask you a few questions now, you answer seriously After that, it will be regarded as your repayment, and we will be passers-by when we meet again in the future." After Lu Fei said a few words lightly, he moved a few steps to the side, and directly avoided Jian Ren's kneeling.

"En~ Feel free to ask, young man, as long as I know, I will tell you everything." Jian Ren also knew that it would be the wisest choice to stop the other party at this time.

Next, Luffy asked what he wanted to know, and Jian Ren told Luffy everything he knew.

Needless to say, within two months after arriving at Liuli Island, Jian Ren gave answers to most of the questions Luffy asked very well, which surprised Luffy a little.

At this moment, Luffy had let Jian Ren go, and he officially followed the information provided by Jian Ren and moved quickly towards Liuli Island. Of course, the robe once again wrapped his thin figure.

After a while, Luffy came to the place Jian Ren said. Looking around, there were no other notable buildings except for a very tall closed building.

After getting closer, Luffy also clearly saw a sign hanging in front of this tall and closed building, on which some important news for Luffy was written.

But in addition to knowing that the name of this building is a closed space, there are still five days later, and a program that Luffy must participate in here will officially start.

Afterwards, Luffy turned around the periphery of the closed space again, wanting to take a look at the familiar figure again, but still didn't gain anything.

Luffy didn't push too much. Now that he knew it, it was enough to do a little investigation on the date and place of the official event. Without stopping too much, Luffy headed in the direction of the small shop where he and others lived. gone back.

After returning, Luffy went straight into the room where Sanji was making final preparations, and told Sanji some information about Mingde from Jian Ren.

In fact, there is not much news. After all, Jian Ren has not worked in Liuli Restaurant for a long time, but he only learned some news from chatting with his colleagues on weekdays.

"Mingde is the best chef in Liuli Island and the surrounding area, and he is a good friend with the father of the current owner of Liuli Restaurant, and it is precisely because he promised his father that he has been in charge of the future in Liuli Restaurant. Chef, as for the others, there is no news."

After finishing speaking, Luffy returned to his room and played with Usopp and others.

(End of this chapter)

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