The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 180 Blue Star

Chapter 180 Blue Star
When Nami waved the middle part of the weather stick with both hands, the hot and cold air bubbles frantically escaped from the upper and lower joints to the outside, and a thick layer had formed in the air not far in front of Nami. Cumulonimbus.

Moreover, this cumulonimbus cloud maintained a delicate balance in the generation of Nami's excellent weather bubbles, and did not drop any drop of rain without Nami's instructions.

Nami glanced at her surroundings. Although they were far away from each other and couldn't see the specific appearance of those people in the distance clearly, the clouds formed in the sky could be seen at a glance.

About half an hour later, several clouds gradually appeared in the sky. Although they were not as thick as the cumulonimbus created by Nami, the clouds could still produce some rain.

"Huh." I was a little surprised in my heart, and after a second thought, I seemed to understand again.

"I have a weather stick that can generate hot and cold air bubbles to make clouds. How can I be sure that others don't have something in this area? And since the scholars who studied climate in Visalia Island just now arranged Such a competition should be able to produce cumulonimbus purely based on the change of airflow." Thinking of this, Nami's complacent expression returned to normal, and then she urged the weather stick in her hand more seriously. , Then I thought that since the old man only asked them to work in the specified place, he didn't specify the range of cloud and rain layers they were looking for.

"Since this is the case..." Nami couldn't help but have an idea in her heart, and put it into action through the movements of her hands.

I saw that a small cumulonimbus cloud that originally formed not far in front of Nami gradually grew larger under Nami's control, spreading to the surroundings, and at the same time, new hot and cold With the addition of air bubbles and the replenishment of the surrounding airflow, a cumulonimbus cloud spanning half of the thirsty zone was formed under Nami's control.

At this time, those people who were begging for rain near Nami also stopped, watching the change of air flow in the sky, and under that, Nami was beating like a flying elf.

And the old man in the small stone house had already stood up early, watching Nami's elf-like movements in shock.

"Let's go, rainy weather? It's raining."

Nami gave a coquettish drink and threw a faint bubble into the cumulonimbus cloud in the sky along with the weather stick in Nami's hand. Then some hissing silver arcs shone, and the whole cumulonimbus cloud suddenly changed drastically. The balance has been broken.

As the first drop of rain fell, the place surrounded by cumulonimbus immediately began to rain crazily, and while the rain continued to fall, the layer of cumulonimbus continued to expand, and the area covered by the precipitation It is also constantly growing.

"Sure enough, it's the best, but this kind of role is definitely not something I can touch." The middle-aged man who was still thinking badly at this time saw the great changes caused by Nami, and suddenly gave the original plan to him after some thought. He directly denied it. After all, middle-aged men are not the kind of impulsive and reckless people.

"This little girl." The old man in the small stone house watched that a good match was directly ruined by Nami's heavy rain.

But the old man obviously didn't mean to blame Nami, and there was a bit of love in his words.

After whispering a few words in the ear of a gentleman-looking man, the old man walked towards Nami's direction, and the gentleman-looking man directly said what the old man said just now among other gentleman-looking men After doing it again, they took those who originally needed to complete the rain-seeking competition to another place, and had a new competition, where they could no longer use their abilities.

As for their final results, it doesn't matter anymore, because No.1 has already been produced. Of course, they won the championship with a record-breaking three minutes and 12 seconds in the first level and directly won the championship with a big one in the second level of rain-seeking. The cumulonimbus of No. [-] completed the task assigned by the old man first and to the highest degree.

Those who interrupted the progress of the game because of Nami were of course a little uncomfortable at first, but when the gentleman told them that they would rearrange the place for their contest, and at the same time change it to a more normal way, these people After the talent yelled a few words, he didn't say anything more.

Of course, all of this is not known to Nami at this time, because at this time she is concentrating on controlling the cumulonimbus clouds in the sky, and she wants to pour rain on all the thirsty places in this area to let them Rekindle life.

Nami's whole body is also in this layer of cumulonimbus clouds, and her whole body is completely soaked under the torrential rain. At this time, something like a faint light film covered Nami's body. The whole body was wrapped up, and at the same time an old man formally appeared beside Nami.

Turning her head and smiling at the old man, Nami didn't say much, and continued to control the cumulonimbus clouds in the sky. Finally, after the last thirsty area was wrapped in by cumulonimbus clouds, Nami's whole body As soon as he loosened, the connection with the cumulonimbus was broken.

Only then turned her head formally, and bowed slightly to express her gratitude to the old man who was always smiling and looking at her. After all, the light film suddenly formed around her body has the function of isolating rainwater. Beauty is not always in the rain, and there is no third person who can form this film of light around him except for the old man who is looking at him kindly.

"Little girl, you are very interesting, are you interested in talking to us old guys?" The old man seemed to see that Nami had stopped controlling the cumulonimbus, and asked involuntarily.

"Of course." Without the slightest hesitation, Nami agreed, and after going through so many things, Nami was also very interested in the scholars on Visalia Xiaokong Island.

The next step was much easier. Under the guidance of the old man, Nami got into the carriage again, and after a while, she came to the original square and entered a hut.

At this time, the gentleman had notified the reason in advance, and the other four old men had already sat in the hut early and waited for Nami's arrival.

"Is this the little girl who formed a cumulonimbus cloud from thirst?" The old man surnamed Wei who gave Nami a record-breaking reward in the first level watched Nami walk in with another old man He couldn't help asking, after all, in the first level, this little girl had already made me appreciate it very much. At first, she just thought that the other party, as a navigator, has rich experience in sea navigation and has a special method in airflow sensing. That's all, but I didn't expect the other party to be able to create such a large cumulonimbus cloud.

"Brother Wei, yes, this is the little girl named Nami." The old man who brought Nami in gave a slight nod to the old man surnamed Wei, and then replied respectfully.

"Hello, seniors." The middle-aged man told him that he was an old man who had made great achievements in meteorology from Visalia Island, and Nami naturally did not dare to make mistakes easily.

"Okay, I can't help being restrained. Since I was able to complete the entire schedule with a record-breaking score in the first level, and was able to create such a large cumulonimbus cloud in the second level, the weather forecast this time You are the No.1 in the competition, so take this first." As he said that, the old man surnamed Wei took out a brocade box from a small box beside him, and casually threw it to Nami.

Seeing this sky-blue brocade box, Nami couldn't help but pause in her heart. Could this be the purpose of her trip.

Gently opened the brocade box, a sky-blue star-like stone appeared in Nami's eyes.

Is this the "Blue Star."Nami asked in disbelief.

"Yes, this is, although it is very important to you, it is of no use to those of us who are determined to study the vast astronomical phenomena and climate all our lives." The old man surnamed Wei said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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