The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 190 Glass Stone

Chapter 190 Glass Stone

The moment this woman appeared, those people who were still crazily competing for the beauty were all stunned suddenly, because at this moment they found that the beauty they had won compared with that woman was purely a delusion of pearls of rice Compete with the sun and the moon for glory.

But at the moment when they were stunned, they were brought down to the bottom of the stage by a group of powerful men led by the swallow-tailed man.

After all, at this time, many men will resist because of some sense of loss, even relying on their own strong bodies, and these burly men just happened to group up and catch them.

As for the women they competed for, either the women were willing, or they paid a high price, otherwise very few could really become them.

"Okay, after the initial experiment, there are only less than twenty men with strong concentration left on our stage, and in front of you is the real protagonist, one of the king's seven martial arts, daughter country The emperor, Boa Hancock, the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates, is also the empress, the most beautiful woman in the world." Finally, the man with the swallowtail had a feeling that he wanted to put himself under the skirt of the woman in front of him immediately .

The swallow-tailed man finally calmed down slowly, and after a burst of random words, he asked his subordinates to carry some things to the table.

At this time, Lu Fei stared blankly at the stunning woman in front of him, and at the same time, there was an inexplicable pain in his eyes.

"Sure enough, she did have that disease, otherwise, with her pride, she wouldn't have come to participate in such a mess of blind date activities." Lu Fei felt a pain in his heart, like a needle prick.

I never knew that I would have such a feeling, and I never knew that I could still see the eyes that broke my heart in another world.

At this moment, Luffy suddenly wanted to turn back to the No. [-] island. When he saw the Empress for the first time, such a memory appeared in Luffy's mind at that time.

I remember, when I was on the lakeside of the campus, in the corner of the Internet cafe, I hugged her, and when I was watching my favorite "One Piece", I pointed to a female character in it and said to her.

"Ying'er, look, that woman is the most beautiful woman among One Piece, does she look very similar to you?" The woman looked in the direction he pointed, smiled, and pinched her gently His own face, said a little playfully.

"It's pretty similar, but she's not as pretty as me." "Of course." Looking at the woman in his arms, he couldn't help feeling a surge of love.

In my eyes, you will always be the most beautiful woman, you will always be the most beautiful woman, you, you will always be my favorite.

But now, how many days and nights, how many minutes and seconds have passed.

I don't know how you are now, but in this time and space, I discovered that the woman who looks like you also has flowing long hair and deep eyes.

But now, she is really tormented by that strange illness, Ying'er, what do you think I should do?
"Go and help her, don't worry, I won't blame you, I love you." Suddenly that familiar voice sounded in my mind.

"Ha~ You will always be like this, but this time, I'm sorry, Ying'er, believe me, the person I love will always be only you."

At that moment, Luffy had already decided in his heart that no matter what, he would help this woman and let him get rid of the torment of that strange disease completely.

The Empress's slightly weak eyes suddenly turned to a direction, and there was always a gaze staring at her in that direction, the kind of pity in the eyes emerged unreservedly, and the Empress could feel the care in those eyes Meaning, suddenly my heart warmed up.

When everyone in the audience was attracted by his beautiful face, only this gaze showed slow care, the most sincere concern.

"Okay, now, at the request of the empress, I have prepared a piece of high-quality glazed stone for everyone who stays. What you have to do now is to smash the piece of glazed stone in front of you with one blow. Otherwise, the opportunity will be lost." The swallowtail man didn't say anything about the structure of the glazed stone, but only stated the conditions, and let these people choose the others.

Lu Fei gently put his hand on the glazed stone in front of him, feeling the breath coming from the glazed stone, his expression changed, he didn't expect the glazed stone to be so hard.

It was harder than the cast iron block, and the one-meter-long strip-shaped glazed stone in front of me and the others had to have the strength of a thousand catties if it wanted to be crushed with one blow.

In the situation where I can't use JET, I want to break through it directly with my skills, but it's a bit wishful thinking, but this doesn't mean that Luffy can't do it.

I saw that a layer of faint air mass gradually formed in Lu Fei's hands, and then wrapped around Lu Fei's fist, forming a pointed cone.

"Drink." With a loud shout, Lu Fei took the lead and punched the glass stone loudly.

Under the gaze of the audience, Luffy's fist hit the glass stone like a howitzer fired.

"Crack." The glazed stone was split open without any resistance, and at this time, Luffy took a step back, expressing no pressure.

Seeing Luffy's movements like this, the others naturally became more confident, thinking that the glazed stone, which can be crushed with such a thin body of Luffy, is only harder than ordinary rocks.

But after hitting the glazed stone with fists one after another, there was no response, and after the fists became red and swollen, those who had underestimated the glazed stone were stunned.

Of course, there were also people who smashed the glazed stone very smoothly, including Sanji naturally. Sanji just took a few steps on his hind legs, took advantage of a few leaps, and then swung his legs, and a layer of faint spots suddenly appeared on his heels. The air mass is actually the same as that of Luffy just now, armed and domineering.

Although it is still limited, it can still have a certain effect. When the foot is split, the glass stone is broken immediately, but Sanji hugged his foot fiercely.

After all, the richness of Sanji's domineering is much worse than that of Luffy, and the armed color under the weakening of the guardian light cannot completely protect his feet.

Among the rest of the people, there were unavoidable people with armed colors, but one of them made Lu Fei and others open their eyes.

This person actually used his fists and brute force to directly hit the glazed stone as hard as steel, and even miraculously split the glazed stone.

Next, from time to time, someone smashed the glass stone, but those who were eliminated accounted for a large part.

Including Luffy, Sanji, and the brute force man, there are five people who successfully smashed the glass stone with one blow and successfully advanced to the next round.

At this time, the swallow-tailed man very politely asked those who failed to step down. After all, although these people did not smash the glazed stone with one blow, they had enough strength themselves. Do it yourself.

When all the eliminated people went down, a curtain immediately separated Luffy and others, and of course the swallowtail man was also outside.

As for the reason, it is necessary to arrange some things to complete the last level.

(End of this chapter)

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