The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 192 Lovesickness

Chapter 192 Lovesickness
"Are you okay?" Luffy asked with concern, stretching out his right hand to the empress who was lying on the ground.

"Ah." At this time, the empress is charming, the indifference and arrogance that always hung on her face disappeared without a trace in an instant, and the whole person was filled with a kind of incomparable happiness.

"I~I~ I'm fine." The queen's voice was very thin and gentle, and then she let Luffy hold his hand and stood up slowly, but she staggered and fell directly into Luffy's arms middle.

"Hey." Lu Fei sighed deeply in his heart, glanced at the haggard face of the woman in his arms, and immediately felt pity in his heart.

The right hand was placed directly on the shoulder of the empress, and the empress was completely hugged in her arms.

The empress's body, which was already sore and numb, suddenly became softer, and her face was even more blush.

At this moment, the curtain covering all the stages was pulled up, and Lu Fei suddenly appeared in front of everyone holding the empress.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." This scene was seen by everyone, and all the people couldn't help screaming crazily.

However, it is not a roar of anger and jealousy, but a roar of congratulations when lovers finally get married.

Because before, the swallowtail man said the following passage.

"This is a beautiful woman. She lives on a small island in the windless belt. There are all women there. It is the legendary man's dream island, the Island of Women, and this beautiful woman is on the island. The king of the king, and also one of the seven martial arts under the king."

"They live carefree in the place that belongs to them, but in this man's dream island, there is a nightmare-like horrible disease that has plagued them for generations."

"However, this empress, known as one of the Seven Martial Seas under the King, suffered from this disease, which made her haggard day by day. In the end, she had to go out to find the legendary cure for this disease. .”

"Today, this stage is the best recipe and the last hope of this stunning beauty. Regardless of the goals of the guests who came to celebrate the tenth anniversary of our enclosed space, as long as you If you can help this beautiful woman, as long as you can make a real smile appear on this beautiful woman's face again, our closed space is willing to pay all his demands, because we don't want such a She is looking for love, she is not haggard at all."

The swallow-tailed man choked up sobbing as he spoke, and finally fell to his knees on the ground, looking more painful than the empress who was entangled in a horrible and strange disease.

"Let's pray for her together." Suddenly, in a corner of the auditorium, a man with a long nose stood up with a strange prop in his hand, making his voice heard by everyone.

"Let's pray for her together." Surprisingly, after the man with the long nose said this, none of the many people in the audience objected. Instead, they all stood up and put their hands together at the same time. Silently praying for that beautiful woman.

"Usopp, it seems that what Luffy said is correct. The empress is indeed lovesick. If she can't find her spiritual sustenance for a long time, she will gradually become weak and haggard, and finally she will be like a withered flower. But can Luffy really help her?" A girl with orange hair next to the long nose naturally felt very sorry for what happened to the Empress, and asked with concern.

"Don't worry, we should be more worried about Sanji now."

Usopp couldn't help but affirmed Nami, and at the same time couldn't help but feel a little worried about Sanji.

After all, before going in, Luffy had already told Usopp about something, and according to the situation at the moment, behind the curtain, terror was the biggest problem for Sanji.

Amidst the anticipation of the crowd, the curtain was gradually opened, and at this time, everyone in the audience focused their attention on the center of the venue.

There was a thin man wearing a low straw hat, standing aside without saying a word, and in his arms, that beautiful woman was lying on his chest with a contented face .

Looking at the woman, it seems that she has really found a cure on this stage. Although she is somewhat jealous in her heart, it is more important for a beauty to avoid serious diseases than others.

Immediately, the whole audience cheered for an instant, blessing the two hugging each other in the venue.

"It's time for us to play."

At this time, Sauron, who had been monitoring the changes in a corner, suddenly looked certain, and glanced in a direction in the distance, and then said to Robin and others, and at the same time, the whole person recommended to the front with a very special pace. stand up.

Although there was a crowded and crazy crowd in front of them, Sauron and his party passed through surprisingly smoothly, and finally arrived at a designated place, and with a light jump, they came to a corner of the venue.

At this time, the swallow-tailed man finally finished all the words of thanks in a burst of excitement, and signaled the empress to help those people get rid of the petrified state.


A very clear voice suddenly rang in Luffy's ear, and the whole person became vigilant for a moment, and at the same time turned his head to look in the direction of the voice.

I saw a very special nose appeared in Luffy's sight, and then retracted in a flash, which immediately made Luffy feel more enlightened.

"It seems that someone is still watching us."

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Fei patted the back of the person in his arms, signaling him to quickly undo the petrification state for those people.

Although she was very reluctant to leave this warm and comfortable embrace, the empress still stood up, and the shape of her hand changed, and those petrified people regained their sobriety, and the petrification on their bodies gradually faded away. I moved my body for a while, but didn't feel any problem. I glanced at the indifferent face of the empress, and the way she didn't leave the man wearing the straw hat five meters away, and suddenly I felt a little more enlightened.

"Sanji, come here." At this time, the man in the straw hat called out to one of them who looked very handsome and gentlemanly.


Although Sanji had already prepared in his heart, he still had a feeling of unwillingness to accept it at the moment, but in the end he walked in the direction of Luffy.

At this time, after Lu Fei whispered a few words to the man in the tuxedo who had been by his side all this time, he hugged the Empress directly, and at the same time turned towards the mountain who was driving towards him. Zhi glanced at it, beckoned him to follow him, and then ran towards the long nose.

"What happened to Usopp?"

In a few steps, Luffy brought the empress and Sanji to appear at a corner behind the stage at the same time, and there were also the second and third of the three Gorgon sisters there.

"There is an ambush, we must finish that thing immediately, and then leave this island." There was a little more haste in Robin's voice.

"Do you have that red star on you?"

Suddenly, a smiling woman with orange hair appeared beside the empress, her voice was full of pity and love, as if she wanted to applaud the empress.

"I'm carrying it, is this it?" The empress took out a red brocade box from her arms, and handed it to the orange-haired girl at the same time, then ignored everything, and continued to fall into Luffy's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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