The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 195 The Marionette Fruit

Chapter 195 The Marionette Fruit
"Of course the old man agreed. This time, he not only sent Qiao Zi here, but also sent us Luo." Xiangke immediately told the information he didn't know where he got it from.

"Hey, it seems that your domineering ability is getting closer and closer to the captain's ability to listen to everything." Lei Li said with a smile.

"Since the old man also agrees, let's go. By the way, those guys from Beckman will also go this time." Lei Li asked Xiangkes softly.

"They can't go. This time, it's enough for us to go. We're just a hooligan." Xiangkesi laughed and didn't explain where his capable generals were going at this time, and fell off the board. up the boat.

After a while, the boat passed a mysterious small island, and two people came over from the island, one was a young man with spots on his body holding a big knife, and the other was a burly diamond king, Joz.

"Rayleigh, Bucky, Shanks, I didn't expect to be able to fight with you this time, but Bucky, I really didn't see that you can lurk so deep that even the old man didn't see it." Joe Zizi looked very familiar with Bucky and the others, joking with Bucky as soon as he came up.

"Haha, these are all things that the captain has planned before his death, and we partners will definitely do our best to do it." Bucky said with a big laugh.

After that, the group of people stopped talking and sat on the boat, waiting to reach that place. The opponent this time was not very easy.

Of course, if you don't want to kill the opponent with lightning speed, and don't be rushed by those people, you don't need to dispatch so many combat forces at once.

In the depths of the new world, in a palace on a very prosperous island, a fierce battle is going on at this time.

As soon as a thread passed by, it wanted to entangle one of the few people who besieged it.

"Boom." A faint voice passed by, and the leg of the person who was entangled in the thread was split into two halves, but the expected blood stains did not appear.

"Hmph, how dare you look down on you, Uncle Bucky." This man is Bucky, and it is that rascal Don Quixote who was besieged by them?Doflamingo.

"Hmph, you people dare to attack me blatantly. Aren't you afraid of breaking the agreement with those people? Don't you really want to cause melee in the whole world?" Don Quixote in the middle of the battle circle At this time, he didn't panic much. He knew that as long as he persisted for a quarter of an hour, those people would appear. At that time, not to mention killing these people, but they were sure to repel them.

"Those people? Melee? This is what we want." At this time, Xiangkesi stood firmly at the end, and at the same time moved his hand, a faint breath like air silk was emitted along his fingers, It entangled a transparent thread coming from the bully.

"However, your marionette fruit is really difficult to deal with. Luo, Joz, let's do it. It's not good when those people come. It's not the time to officially start a war with them. The ability of that person is now We are still invincible." Shanks said lightly to Luo and Qiaozi on the side.

At the same time, the big sword was tightly grasped by him with one hand, and he drew it out. At the same time, he jumped into the battle circle.

"ROOM." A faint air flow, following the activation of Luo Guo's ability, immediately spread, enveloping the entire area.

"Hmph, do you think I can fight with this kind of worm-adjusting trick?" Don Quixote never panicked from the beginning to the end, even when several big figures in the legend joined forces to attack, he didn't have any surprises. Panicked, but under the slight movement of very skillful fingers, countless threads were launched towards the people in front at a speed that the naked eye could not see clearly.

"Diamond." Joz didn't hesitate much, and directly took a step forward, blocking Don Quixote's front with his whole body. At the same time, his whole body changed, and his whole body suddenly became like a diamond.

Those threads immediately tangled up when they touched it, but they couldn't move Joz at all. At this time, the red nose on Bucky's face slowly dissipated and merged into his body.

In his hand, it was suddenly clenched into a fist, and his whole body became extremely ferocious all of a sudden.

"The Fist of the Seven Injuries of Beidou Shenquan."

He punched Don Quixote vigorously, and the sword in Shanks' hand also slashed, and the light of Na Luo's room began to shrink in an instant.

At this time, Qiaozi also directly followed Don Quixote's pulling force and punched hard.

"Die." Several such terrifying blows hit Don Quixote's body, and each blow was wrapped with a thick layer of armed domineering.

Even if Don Quixote's vitality is strong, there is only one death at this time.

"Okay, let's retreat, those people are coming soon." After the beating, after Bucky's nose recovered, Xiangkesi gave a low voice, and immediately several people left under the leadership of Xiangcus this palace.

When they had just left the palace and boarded the boat, a figure arrived on the boat in a flash, with some injuries on his body.

"Hurry up, the red gold ones are here." Lei Li gasped a bit in his voice, as if he was the one who stopped these people just now.

"OK." Xiangkesi whispered something to the ship, and the ship sank to the bottom of the sea in an instant, and then left the vicinity of the island at a very fast speed.

At this time, a figure dressed in red gold appeared in the palace where Don Quixote was.

"Looks like he's already dead, it's still a step too late." One of the two said lightly.

"No way, Pluto Raleigh is on the move. Although we can have a slight advantage, it is impossible to bypass him directly." The other person was obviously injured, and the blood stains on the corners of his mouth were not yet in time. wipe off.

"Okay, we have to go back and inform the king. I believe that what Wang is doing will be successful in a short time. No matter what plans they have by then, it will be useless." The other person is obviously Said like a leader.

"By the way, Commander Xio should have arrived in the new world too. I hope he can complete the task that the king gave him perfectly. Otherwise, hehe."

"Okay, let's go." After having an inexplicable conversation between the two men in red-gold clothes, they turned into a shadow and left the palace.

"Wow, wow." A huge figure appeared in front of the old man surnamed Qiu, and at the same time, a large number of white shadows escaped from the figure, and instantly passed through the barrier between them, directly passing through the old man surnamed Qiu. The figure of the old man.

"Om." With a sound, those people led by Mr. Qiu were all hit by Perona's negative spirit in an instant.

After a recent period of tempering, Perona's strength has obviously improved, and those negative elves are obviously stronger than before.

This is all due to Usopp, who is more negative than a negative elf, always by his side to inspire Perona, and a tough guy like Sauron, who provides countless opportunities for Perona to experiment with her every day. ah.

"Hurricane fire." A huge artillery fire shot out from Franky's huge steel hand, and suddenly a ship ignited a thick fire on the sea.

"It's almost time, let's retreat." Nami glanced at the situation in the distance, and then said to Franky.

(End of this chapter)

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