The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 214 The Dragon's Decision

Chapter 214 The Dragon's Decision
"Ivankov, now we have the West Sea, and then the South China Sea and the North Sea." A man with a strange mark on his face said to a person with a huge face beside him while looking at the east not far away.

"Dorag, have you really decided? You must know that those guys' plans have come to an end. Apart from the East China Sea, there is nothing worthy of their attention in these four sea areas. We must hurry up and hold the East China Sea in our hands. Otherwise, once their plan is successful, what use is it even if we control the West Sea, South China Sea, North Sea and all the attached lands." Ivankov said to the man in front of him who could never be understood The doubts in my mind.

"Ivankov, you should know that we of the D family, our mission is to let all mankind get rid of ignorance once again, and return to the world of the past, instead of being ignorant by those people now, just I have been living a lie all my life, so my historical mission must be to enlighten the people first, to let everyone know that some things the world government wants to cover up, and then other things.”

"However, what about those people's plans? You have to know where even the powerhouses with the strength of the Five Old Stars have gone. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to get Xihai so quickly, relying solely on what Roger left behind." Can those who are fully deployed be able to stop their plans?" Ivankov still wants to fight for it, and he must open up the wisdom of the people and let everyone know what is being covered up by the world government. This kind of thing is to stop those people's plans first It's not too late to do it later.

"Ivankov, do you know that I have a son, his name is Meng Qi? D Luffy, he is a more suitable candidate than Roger, that's why Roger gave up stopping the five elders at the last moment Star resurrected that person, but the life shocked by the power he released almost died. All this is to completely wipe out that thing, otherwise the crisis that can exist in this land we live in cannot be lifted Lose."

"Then we should help your son and deal with those people at this time, don't you think so?" Ivankov seemed to understand something.

"Hahaha sons have their own way of sons, and I should also have my way. No matter what, we must first take down the South China Sea and the North Sea, and then attack the East China Sea with all our strength. Get the information that Xiong has acquired over the years, and then take Solving Vegapunk is what must be done, don’t you think so? Ivankov.” Long finally turned his head and smiled at Ivankov.

"Uh, well, since you've decided, then count me in." Ivankov stood firmly behind the dragon at this moment.

At this time, there was an endless crowd behind them. They were all powerful soldiers, and they wore a very white cloak on their backs, with two words "justice" written on it. .

However, contrary to the justice on the world government's cloak, the word "justice" is pure white, whiter than the pure white cloak, and it looks very clear from a distance.

"Justice without any delay." This is the dream that Drago has fought for all his life, and he finally has the great strength to realize this dream today.

"Partners, let's go." Suddenly Drago said loudly to the huge crowd behind him, and then the whole person took the lead in embarking on another journey.

Not long after, the South China Sea was finally conquered by the dragon. The world government retreated step by step, making the dragon's formula extremely fast, and conquered the North Sea like a broken bamboo. At this time, only the last East China Sea was left. It is still under the control of the world government, and at this time the obstruction of the world government is becoming more and more intense. Among them, a large number of powerful armed forces of the world government have begun to gather in the East China Sea. The world government is like a dragon headed The rebel army began a formal head-to-head confrontation.

The situation is in the East China Sea, the weakest East China Sea has fallen into a stalemate, and at this time the situation in the New World is even more noisy. With Xiangkesi as the leader, a new huge force has emerged in the New World. They gradually took control of the northwest corner of the New World and became the overlord of one side.

At this time, it has been more than two years since White Beard was killed in the big incident, Bi Gu, one of the Four Emperors?Mamu finally showed her big face in front of the world.

The newly rising pirate Blackbeard Pirates invaded Bigu?The sea area where Mamu is located broke through all its defenses in one fell swoop and successfully killed the four emperors who had a very mysterious name in the new world, but the news from the Blackbeard Pirates made everyone People are very surprised, because this one of the four emperors is just an empty shell, because when the black beard rushed into the palace, what about the four emperors Bi Gu who has dominated here for countless years?Ma Mu didn't even have the courage to resist, so he knelt down at the feet of Black Beard, and after being tested by Black Beard for a while, he found that this person was indeed Bi Gu?After Ma Mu was killed without any substitute, he killed the character directly.

Afterwards, there was no more news about the Four Emperors in this area of ​​the sea, only the base camp temporarily established by Xiangkesi, Blackbeard and the World Government in the New World, and the five old stars that existed for a long time also came here. into the new world.

At this time, even Xiangkesi and others dare not make big moves. After all, the strength of the five old stars is indeed terrifying, and the sea area is still quiet for a while.

It's just that everyone who lives in this sea area understands a truth, that is, it is too quiet here, and after the quietness, the outbreak must begin.

At this time, a ship that sank below [-] meters deep in the sea slowly emerged, and when the pirate flag with the straw hat appeared under the sunlight again, a The bright light became extra dazzling with the light reflected from the pirate flag.

"I finally saw the sun again." On the sheep's head of the Meili, Luffy shouted happily towards the distant sun, and beside him was a dignified and beautiful woman with a beautiful figure He was holding a tempting snack to accompany Luffy looking at the dazzling light.

At this time, the empress no longer has the entanglement of lovesickness, and in addition to tempering herself crazily under the deep sea of ​​[-] meters, the whole person has already been reborn.

The already incomparably noble temperament now has a different background in it, and the beauty of the empress is not only dazzling at this time, but also adds a bit of unique deep-sea temperament.

"Chichi." A small snake that gradually became fiery blue jumped around in front of the Meili, appearing in Luffy's sight range, and at the same time a small octopus also jumped out one by one. In front of Luffy, happily feeling this world they have never seen before.

"Xiao Zi, Xiao Hei, if you don't have my instructions, you will always maintain this form. Franky will tailor a room for you in a short time, and then you will be able to be with us." Luffy said to the deep sea python and Kurakon who were still swimming in the sea.

"Chichi." Seeing Xiaozi and Xiaohei's happy faces, Luffy was also very happy. Unexpectedly, the discomfort of leaving the deep sea at the beginning was solved by the two of them in an instant. It is much better to adapt to the sea area of ​​[-] meters.

"Zoro, aren't you going to tell us about your eyes?" Luffy raised his head and asked aloud to Sauron who was still exercising his body not far away.

"Well, don't tell." When he first saw Sauron, the clear scar above his left eye surprised Luffy, but Sauron just said it lightly, and he didn't talk about other things when he was fine. It made Luffy very anxious.

However, under the repeated insistence of Ai Sauron, Luffy couldn't force Sauron to speak out, so he didn't care much about it. On the other hand, others have changed to a certain extent.

Chopper has become a little bigger than before, and his hands are more flexible than before, and since Chopper has been going deep into the laboratory to do various strange experiments, it can be seen that Chopper has gained a lot in the past three years Yes, and Lu Fei can vaguely feel that Chopper has gained not only those medicinal materials in the past three years, but in terms of his own strength, Chopper's progress should also be great.

Robin's hairstyle has become more feminine, even more beautiful. At the same time, the aura released by those hands makes one can clearly feel that the Huahuaguo ability has been used to the extreme, and even flows from Robin's limbs. A vague sense of power came out, and people could clearly feel that the current Robin is stronger than the previous Robin.

Of course, the biggest changes belong to Nami, Usopp, Sanji and Brooke. Nami’s weather bar was once again modified by Usopp in an advanced version. It can be felt that in the past three years, Nami has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Usopp has changed the least. Apart from being more burly than before, only the ammunition box is more bulging than before.

As for Brooke, his whole body became crystal clear, and his body, which was originally only bone, made people feel a strange feeling at this time, as if he had been soaked in some other liquids and had obtained a certain improvement.

Sanji, as usual, chased after the beautiful women and offered them crazy courtesies, but he was more active than before, his hairstyle was changed again, and his left eye was hidden again. It seems that Sanji His gaze was used again during his nearly three-year deep-sea career.

The shallow beard makes Sanji more manly than before, and also has an extra masculine charm. Of course, the most outstanding thing is Sanji's feet. He wears a pair of strange black shoes on his feet. Knight boots, no one has seen Sanji wearing such a pair of boots before, obviously this pair of boots is also a treasure that Sanji obtained under the deep sea.

Of course, there is one more point that I haven't had time to say, that is, Nami, Robin, and the empress have gradually developed some tacit understanding after the group adventure in the past three years, and even practiced several tricks in the form of a three-person combination. The power is also extraordinary.

"Everyone, it's time for dinner. Xiao Zi and Xiao Hei are on Lu Fei's feet. Franky has prepared their seats for them." Suddenly Sanji yelled loudly at Luffy, and at the same time his feet rushed Going to the side of the empress, she said very gently to the empress.

"Miss Hancock, it's time for dinner, please come with me." Then Sanji walked away with the empress in a very gentlemanly manner, while Luffy waved to Xiao Zi and Xiao Hei who were wearing the bottom, Xiao Zi Zi and Xiao Hei jumped directly onto Luffy's body.

Holding Xiao Zi and Xiao Hei in his arms, Luffy swayed to the special dining table on the Meili, where there were two large pools that Franky had prepared a long time ago, and Lu Fei directly took Xiao Zi and Xiao Hei Put it into one of the pools, and in front of them is a super-sized dish that Sanji specially made for them.

"Nami, what is our goal next?" Luffy sat on his seat, started to eat a piece of barbecue no smaller than Xiaozi and Xiaohei, and asked Nami at the same time .

"I discussed it with Robin. Next, we will forge the glazed heart as soon as possible. The fire essence you collected and the silver marrow that Sauron found have far exceeded what is needed to forge the glazed heart. share, and our next goal is to have this "craftsman city" of the god of craftsman. At the same time, we must also understand clearly what kind of environment this sea is in the process of our deep sea dormancy in the past two years. Clear." Nami elegantly ate the dish made by Sanji mixed with the sauce that Sanji recently developed, and explained to Luffy at the same time.

"Craftsman City, is it the man with Thor's Hammer who built Heath?" Sauron hesitated to ask when he heard Nami talking about the God of Craftsman.

"Yes, it is indeed that person." Robin explained, and at the same time smiled at Sanji, the cuisine is indeed of a higher standard than before.

"It seems that there is hope for Qiushui." Sauron murmured alone, but at his waist, the thick and heavy sword twenty-work black knife Qiushui that was originally entrusted by Ryoma had been put in by Sauron at this time. From the scabbard, it has never been pulled out once.

Moreover, Sauron also vaguely felt some melancholy in his expression, as if he had been unable to concentrate all the time.

"Okay, now that the goal is determined, let's eat quickly, I will show you the last layer of the Eight Diagrams exercise a few times later, when you understand the last layer of the Eight Diagrams exercise, you I can also feel the power of this technique, hehe." Lu Fei said with a faint smirk.

(End of this chapter)

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