The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 219 Complete Body PX Series

Chapter 219 Complete Body PX Series
Just when Lu Fei and others were still admiring the magic of Lei Wanchui's casting technology, a rumbling sound came, and Lei Wanchui, who was originally sitting on the ground drinking wine, slowly stood up.

"It's still here." Lei Wanhammer muttered helplessly, holding the Thor's Hammer without the power of lightning at the same time, "Straw hat friends, follow Qianxun and evacuate from that corridor, the old man still has some small things to do." Let's deal with it."

"Frankie." Ignoring Lei Wanhammer's words, following Luffy's shout, Frankie walked out from the crowd, and at the same time took out a small button-shaped thing from the package, and then He directly took the Thunder God Hammer from Lei Wanhammer's hand.

Then Franky installed something in the shape of a small button directly under the hammer head of Thor's Hammer, and at the same time installed a small button on the handle of Thor's Hammer.

"Old man, I prepared this thing for you when you cast it. It's called a current collector. During thunder and lightning weather, you put it outside, and at the same time push this switch in the direction of the hammerhead. , so that those thunderbolts will be collected by this controller and stored in that small box. When you are casting, if you need to use lightning, just press this small switch down, and it will come out from under the hammerhead. There is a trace of lightning flowing out of the small box in the box, and it can still be controlled by you after passing through your Thor's Hammer. Of course, this is also a bit bad because there is not much lightning in this small box. According to the amount you used this time If it's not enough, it's definitely not enough, at most it's only half of what you used just now." Franky's words completely cleared up Lei Wanhammer's gloomy face, and he couldn't help but glance at the group of people in front of him .

"Next, old senior, you and Master Qianxun will leave this tunnel first. The craftsman city that the old man has worked so hard for most of his life is not meant to be destroyed if it is destroyed." It was detected through some means. At this time, the Carpenter City still looks like when Luffy and the others first came, and there are ruins everywhere.

And to be able to turn the Craftsman City into this in a short period of time, and to do this, there is only one force on this sea, and that is the World Government.

"Straw hat friend, do you think the old man will listen to you." While Lei Wanchui was speaking, Lu Fei shaved his whole body and appeared behind Lei Wanchui, and then punched Lei Wanchui with his fist At the back of Wan Chui's neck, a feeling of dizziness immediately spread to the head of Lei Wan Chui, the God of Craftsman who had stood in the new world for decades.

"Master Qianxun, please." Holding Lei Wanhammer's body, Lu Fei walked towards Qianxun slowly, and entrusted Lei Wanhammer's body to him.

"Don't worry, even if you risk my life, you will definitely send Master to that safe place." Chihiro took Lei Wanhammer from Luffy's hand, and then pointed at a person not far away. It shot quickly across the corridor.

"Boom." There was another violent shock, and this shock was getting closer and closer to where Luffy and the others were.

"Guys, it's time for us to go, Usopp, tell Xiao Hei and Xiao Zi to destroy all those guys' ships for me. I don't want to keep any of these people." The scene of Lei making ten fist swords for Luffy is still flashing in Luffy's mind at this moment, and this Carpenter City is Lei Wanhammer's painstaking effort, the person who destroyed his hard work, Lu Fei does not intend to let go Pass.

Since he chose the path of killing with the God of Bell, then kill it, or it will be too late if you don't kill him.

From the appearance of Lu Fei several times, there are traces left by Lei Li and Lei Wanhammer said that Lei Li will not be able to help him in the future. Everything depends on his own words. It seems that Lei Li and the others are preparing something, but According to the news that Sanji and Usopp got from Tea Beard, Luffy and the others seem to know some information about the World Government.

The world government, the five old stars, and most of the forces have come to this chaotic new world, and they all gather in one place to guard something.

As for the entire world, only the area close to the East China Sea is still in the hands of the World Government, while the other areas have already been occupied by the revolutionary army.

All of this is to show that the world is not peaceful now, and it seems that some major events are about to happen, but at this time Luffy and the others don't know it at all. This feeling makes Luffy and others who carry the mission feel that Feeling a kind of uneasiness, the best way to get rid of this uneasiness is to punch out your fist hard, and let yourself follow the wave that doesn't know where it will go.

Let's inject into the wave flow from this craftsman city.

"Let's go." Seeing Qianxun disappearing out of sight with Lei Wanhammer, Luffy slowly turned around, looking sharply at the land above his head that was still constantly rumbling. , and then the whole person rushed over first, and rushed out directly from the air vent of the Craftsman Pavilion.

At this time, in the corridor of the Craftsman's Pavilion, Qianxun and Lei Wanhammer, who were supposed to disappear, were sitting at the side. When they felt that Lu Fei and the others had all left the Craftsman's Pavilion, Lei Wanhammer stood up. Get up "Chihiro, it's our time." "Yes.".

After a while, the two of them came to the Craftsman Pavilion one at a time, stopped in front of the platform where Lei Wan Hammer had just finished casting, raised the Thor Hammer in their hands, and then struck with all their strength, directly hitting a corner of the casting platform , the hard casting platform also slowly cracked at this moment, and the crater that was covered up with only a small hole was completely displayed in the line of sight of Lei Wanhammer and Qianxun.

"Teacher, is this crater really going to burst? If it causes a volcanic eruption, then the Straw Hats will be in danger." Qian Xun asked Lei Wanhammer again worriedly.

"Hehe, don't worry, this is an explosion system I personally set up. Although it will explode in less than a quarter of an hour after it is activated, I believe that with the abilities of the straw hat friends, it is impossible to escape the eruption. It's not difficult, and if this place is not completely destroyed, no matter if the straw hats can eliminate those people, they will not be able to escape being traced by the world government. At that time, I finally used Liulixin's breath It is meaningless to cover up the marrow, because the breath of the ten-fist sword left here is too strong. After the metamorphosis of Vegapunk is imprisoned by the world government, he must provide the world government with consistent research results every ten years. , but this time his results are so powerful that he can detect the location of Liuli Xin with only a breath of Liuli Xin, who knows if he can trace the location of Shiquan Sword with a breath of Liuli Xin." Lei Wan Hammer explained, and then in his quick operation, all the settings were done.

"Let's go, we have to get out of here quickly, the world government has launched a plan, Lei Li and the others are also preparing, and we have to provide them with more excellent weapons." Lei Wanhammer whispered to Qian Xun Said, and then quickly walked towards the corridor with Thor's Hammer in hand.

Luffy and the others who just rushed out of the Craftsman's Pavilion were instantly targeted, and laser beams were aimed directly at them, "咻咻咻." Blooms bloomed where Fei and the others had just stopped, and deep pits were smashed out under the shooting of laser light.

"I didn't expect to meet an old friend this time." Looking up at the thing attacking him and others, it turned out to be a PX series. Luffy couldn't help muttering, and at the same time, he was ready to face a PX aimed at him in a few flashes. Let's attack, but at this moment, the PX, which was still in the aiming stage, burst out a series of laser beams directly towards Luffy. At this stall, several PXs came to Luffy and the others. coming.

The fusion of domineering unfolded directly, and the aura spread instantly, and the area of ​​one kilometer from the center of Luffy was completely controlled by Luffy.

"There are so many, and there are new PXs rushing towards me in places that can't be detected, and why are those PXs so flexible? It has to be infinitely more flexible, is the current PX so powerful?" Luffy muttered, and at the same time, he took advantage of the situation and directly avoided the attacks of those laser rays.

"Humph, Fragrant Feet." Just as Luffy dodged the few laser beams just now, a beautiful voice suddenly shouted, appeared in the air, and immediately kicked a PX with his long feet. go out.

If it was the empress three years ago, even without the shackles of lovesickness, such a kick would not be able to hit the head of PX at the current level so easily, but now the empress is the empress three years later, yes The empress who has undergone arduous training under the [-]-meter deep sea.

"Find the enemy, confirm the target, and attack in groups." A somewhat mechanical voice came to mind, and then a dozen PXs immediately aimed at the empress.

"Oops." Seeing this scene, Luffy was startled, and he was ready to go forward. If he didn't hurry up, when the PX's laser light burst out, at that speed, no matter how fast the Empress was, It is impossible to avoid all of them.

"The weather is great, the mirage...transfer..." At this moment, a demon woman with a voluptuous figure yelled, and at the same time, after shaking the weather stick in her hand a few times, the empress's body was not diverted for a moment, and she appeared in the line of sight Among them are the figures of countless female emperors. Although Luffy can find the female emperor's body in an instant under the fusion of domineering investigation, but PX can't find it, because the appearance of each female emperor's body is the same as the original body of the female emperor. There is no difference, so the original lock of the PX was disrupted at this moment, and the prepared attack also shot randomly at the group of female emperors in sight at this moment.

"Flowers bloom." Blossoming flowers dodged, a small hand formed in this messy place, and then directly wrapped the empress's body, leaving PX's sight in a few strokes.

There was no flaw in the whole process, and the coordination was seamless, which surprised Lu Fei and others. At this time, the empress moved again, and in an instant, she kicked a PX with a fragrant kick, and the petrification appeared again. Although PX, who was hit by the fragrant foot, can still move immediately, but has lost the function of scanning and aiming, and basically poses no threat to Luffy and the others.

This time, although PX quickly launched a laser beam to attack the empress, but with the cooperation of the enchanting Nami and Tranquil Robin, the empress once again escaped flawlessly.

"Hancock, Nami, Robin." Seeing this scene, Luffy finally couldn't help shouting to these three beautiful women.

"NICE." Smiling at him, Luffy raised his thumbs up, and then rushed directly to the three PXs in front of him, and then suddenly raised his right hand.

A white halo immediately formed in Luffy's hands, and then violently hit the place where the three PXs were, and a violent tremor instantly hit the three PXs through the white halo.

Without any resistance, the three PXs that were hit were directly blasted away without any resistance. From the way they fell out and the body that was torn apart by the hook, it could be felt that Luffy only punched power.

"I didn't even become a fan, it seems my practice is not enough." Lu Fei looked at the three PXs not far away, and muttered in his heart.

"Must kill? Huge magic algae." At this time, an extremely wretched voice came from behind, it turned out to be Usopp, and a huge black egg was shot out by it, instantly killing nearly ten people in front of him. PX is shrouded, and there is a feeling of constant contraction.

Originally, there were less than twenty PXs rushing here, but four of them lost any combat power in an instant, and ten were wrapped in the huge magic algae shot out by Usopp. It will take a little time to struggle out, so the PXs that Luffy and the others faced instantly changed to five.

And Zoro and Sanji, who were planning to shoot this amount, suddenly lost interest, but not everyone didn't care, at least there was a man, a cute boy, and a skeleton.

Frankie held a thin white bone in his hand, and then threw it out with all his strength. The bone that was thrown out spread his hands in an instant, and with the cane and sword in his hand, he hit the remaining bone directly. One of the several PXs, and the hit PX was directly pierced through the most important energy system at this moment.

And the huge fort in the male's hand had already emitted thick black smoke, and the wind cannon that had been prepared earlier swept over immediately, and the cute reindeer at the side also completed its transformation in this instant, a A huge figure appeared in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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