The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 222 Facing Akainu

Chapter 222 Facing Akainu
Following the direction provided by Zhantaomaru, the Meili sailed forward against the increasingly bad weather. Their target this time was a sea area called Bolves, which was very strange, and besides that sea area There is no change in the current in the middle of the sea, and it is sailed purely by sea wind. Of course, this is not a big problem for the Straw Hat Pirates with Xiao Zi and Xiao Hei, although the surface salinity of the sea area is too strong, causing some water Humanoid creatures cannot survive, but there are still a large number of aquatic creatures living in the deep sea area of ​​Polves, and once Xiaozi and Xiaohei have a situation that is not suitable for the slightest, they can dive directly into the deep sea of ​​Bolves. Go to the sea area of ​​Elvis, and float up again after the body recovers. Of course, the interval between each time they feel uncomfortable is constant, and they can also change the size of their bodies and come aboard the Meili, but in that case, They will not be able to absorb the rich microorganisms in the seawater to supplement the necessary nutrients in the body.

Of course, all of this is just the conclusion that Robin has analyzed based on the information found in some ancient books, and they are still some distance away from that sea area at this time.

"Xiao Hei, does your ink have this ability?" Luffy, riding on the protruding horn on Xiao Zi's head, pointed at the jet-black wisp of Xiao Hei who was not far away. sap, and formed a condensed ink gun in front of him, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Hmph, Lu Fei-san, do you really think that only your little Zi can keep growing? Our little black can also grow." There are three people sitting on top of little black, respectively It's Usopp, Chopper and Franky.

"Hahaha, Xiao Zi, overtake them." Luffy laughed loudly, then motioned to Xiao Zi under him, pointed at a very small island not far ahead, and shouted loudly.

When I came back with Xiao Zi and Xiao Hei, I was beaten by Usopp and others, plus they launched a series of peachy offensives against Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei liked this long-nosed person very much from the beginning. The wretched man finally swiped Xiao Hei from under Luffy's tent, but of course Xiao Zi has always stood firmly on Luffy's side, no matter how tempting others tried to tempt him, he was never moved by him.

"Huh." Just after crossing the small island, Lu Fei couldn't help being taken aback by the scene that appeared on the sea not far away, and suddenly looked into the distance with a little surprise.

"Xiao Zi, let's go over there." Signaled Xiao Zi to swim towards the place in the distance that was constantly emitting thick black smoke. You must know that they have seen many volcanoes erupting on small islands during this journey, and every time Xiao Zi Zi will lean forward, absorb the essence erupted from the volcano, and then integrate into her body. Every time she absorbs, Xiao Zi will grow a little bit, and the horn on her forehead will also grow a little bit.

"Big fire." Just as Luffy and Xiao Zi approached, a vicissitudes and anger sounded from the thick black smoke, and then a huge pillar of fire pointed at the oncoming Luffy He and Xiao Zi rushed over directly.

"Xiao Zi." Lightly patted Xiao Zi's forehead, Luffy's whole body shortened, and he hid behind Xiao Zi's body, and suddenly saw Xiao Zi opened a huge mouth, and the huge pillar of fire suddenly It was directly swallowed by Xiao Zi, and a moderate hiccup came out along with a plume of thick black smoke.

"Hey." There was a light hey in the black smoke, and it seemed a little unbelievable that this huge sea king could easily swallow his big flame, but at this moment, there was a sound in the black smoke. Another voice said, "Akainu, how about you leave this person to me, and you go deal with the others." Some sarcastic voices came out of the black smoke coldly.

"Jacks, this person is mine. Others, you go and deal with them. You must know that this time, you are just my deputy. You can either deal with other people or watch from the sidelines. I can deal with these people alone. The vicissitudes of life sounded again, and then a shocking huge flaming rock flew out of the black smoke, and a figure stood on the flaming rock, and appeared lightly in front of Luffy and Xiao Zi. before.

"Cut." The person who was called Jocks by Akainu was speechless when he was "you are just a deputy." Those who dare to go here.

"Maybe those people are not as strong as the Straw Hat Boys, but it's good enough to warm up." The man named Jocks muttered in a low voice, and then he stepped towards a rock that had been soaked by sea water under his feet, and then the whole body Flying towards Luffy not far behind at a fast speed.

"Go there." Luffy's fusion of arrogance unfolded at the moment when the thick black smoke appeared. Naturally, at this moment, he would not let the man with a giant sword pass him easily. It was not for Sauron. Looking for snacks?Luffy seems to feel good about Sauron's simmering feeling, and of course he won't let Sauron release it easily.

You know, the longer you hold it back, the purest essence will be when it is released.

Luffy blasted a JET pistol directly at the figure, but at this moment, the red dog who had already appeared next to him once again released a big flame at Luffy's side, and Xiaozi wanted to prevent this The fire-breathing hit Luffy, and he couldn't help shaking his body, so that Luffy's fist brushed past Jock's voice.

When Luffy came back to his senses again, Jocks had already left more than 100 meters away. The idea of ​​trying to stop two people at the same time seemed to be bankrupt. Then take the former three generals of the Navy Headquarters in front of him, and the current world Let the government lackeys vent their anger.

Luffy exerted a little force on his feet, and suddenly his whole body was like a rocket, blasting towards Akainu, JET jet rocket, and a flame of magma bursting directly from Akainu's body, directly blasting towards Luffy fists up.

"Domineering entanglement, Yangquan." The most important thing about Yangquan is to use all the energy that can provide Yangqi, such as the sun's rays, such as the red magma flames in front of you, all of which can be used by Yangquan, so Luffy This blow of Yang Fist is more ferocious than the Yang Fist used in ordinary times.

With a sound of bumping, it directly hit the flames coming out of Akainu's body, but that layer of flame was directly broken the moment Luffy blasted past, and Luffy's fist directly aimed at Akainu's body and go.

"Flame of fire." As one of the fruits of the natural system, the magma fruit, Akainu directly transformed his body when the defense formed by the magma flame failed to resist. Before being caught by the armed domineering, he transformed into a A clone resists Luffy's attack, and his main body will quietly appear not far away, ready to launch a thunderous blow when Luffy is careless.

But obviously he still underestimated Luffy, because not only does Luffy have armed domineering energy that can restrain the illusion of natural fruit abilities, but he also has a gossip skill, which can directly Ignoring the illusion of the natural system directly caused damage to it, and at this time, the Yang Fist in Lu Fei's hand was officially performing one of the highest moves of the Bagua technique. Naturally, when Akainu was just about to transform, it had already trembled slightly. The transformed Akainu was directly locked by the kungfu, and then with a blast, the rocket launcher with the Yang Fist directly hit the Akainu's body, knocking Akainu back a distance of more than ten meters at once, and at this moment Suddenly, an excited and excited voice came from behind Luffy.

"Hahaha, you have swords, Sanji, Nami, it seems that this time you have to wait obediently, leave this person to me." A figure jumped directly from the Meili with three sharp blades Come down, and at the same time stand still on Xiao Hei's body, although facing this person, he directly pulled out the Qiushui Wuhen, and used the lion's dirge in an instant.

"That idiot Sauron, it seems that he has held back for too long." Glancing at the corner of his eye, he noticed the clarity on Sauron's side, and Luffy couldn't help sighing.

"Boy, you still care about other things while fighting with the old man. It seems that you are indeed a little too crazy." After being hit by Luffy, Akainu flew into the air again, and his feet were born again Several flaming magma stones dragged his old body.

"Devil dog." Following Akainu's words, his hands directly transformed into two dog-headed things, and then once again erupted a more terrifying fire-breathing blow at the huge sea king under Luffy's feet, and then The whole person rushed directly to Luffy, the dog's head in front of his hands suddenly opened its mouth wide, revealing the huge fangs inside, and swarmed towards Luffy.

"Xiao Zi, you continue to absorb the power in the flames, and it is enough to leave this person to me." Since the first time Akainu's big flame was directly absorbed by Xiao Zi, Xiao Zi's body has undergone some changes. , Luffy has been asking Xiao Zi to absorb the fire-breathing each time he absorbs. Although this cannot participate in the battle with Akainu, it is indeed very critical to Xiao Zi's growth.

And just when the red dog burst out of the dark dog, Lu Fei felt Xiao Zi's thoughts of wanting to fight and couldn't help but speak, and then a momentum flowed along the unknown liquid in Lu Fei's body in Lu Fei's body A strange armor was formed in the body again.

"I don't want my tender skin to be burned by the high temperature." After doing all this, Luffy raised his head slightly, and kicked Akainu directly at Akainu who was rushing towards him with a JET volcano the jaw area.

"Huh." Akainu didn't change his attack route according to Luffy's attack, but formed a dog's head again under his feet, blocking the leg that was facing his jaw.

"Hmph." Slightly snorting, Lu Fei retracted his feet again, and immediately took an empty step, allowing him to rush directly to the upper back and upper part of Akainu's body in a few moments, and then put his feet together, a JET spear gun directly It hit Akainu on the back.

As if aware of the situation behind him, the body of the red dog changed again at this moment, and then three strange dog heads appeared on the back of the self-love red dog, and at this time, on the back of the red dog In addition, several dog heads suddenly appeared on his head and chest to replace his feet.

And Luffy's attack hit the dog's head directly on the forehead, and the dog's head shattered in response, but Luffy's full blow was also missed, and the shattered dog's head that resisted Luffy's blow was in the red The magma flame on the surface of the dog's body returned to its original state again after a tremor.

"Ten Thousand Dog Flames." Akainu, who had just resisted Luffy's attack, directly caught the impact caused by Luffy's attack. This person spun directly in the air, and then faced Luffy. Those in front of him The huge ghost dogs also opened their huge mouths one after another amidst the low cry of the red dog, and a stream of thick magma juice burst out from the mouth of the opened ghost dog. The most shot out, and one meter in front of the red dog, they merged together strangely. The thick magma juice bubbled from time to time at the beginning of its formation. When each bubble exploded, A huge wave of scorching fire rushed towards Luffy, and in the process, the thick magma juice that gathered all the ghost dogs that formed the words on the body of the red dog was finally released A round fireball formed in front of Akainu. The fireball was not big, the size of three fists, but these three fist-sized fireballs escaped into a smaller fireball during the continuous rotation. After dispersing, he instantly got rid of the shackles of the big fireball and shot directly in the direction of Luffy.

"Hmph, is it this move again?" Fusion Domineering always focused on every single move of Akainu, and all movements of Akainu were basically under the supervision of Akainu. When the fireball shot towards Lu Fei, Lu Fei Fei clenched his fist with his right hand, and punched directly in front of him.

"Puchi." With a sound, the fireball was directly shattered by Luffy, and it seemed that it was vulnerable to a single blow, but Luffy, who had personally felt the fireball, exclaimed, and the whole person immediately dispersed the airflow in his body completely. After all, the strange armor attached to the body became even stronger.

And the fireball that was crushed by Luffy actually attached to Luffy's arm directly, eroding the strange energy on Luffy's body that played a protective role.

"Hush." ​​The big fireball in front of the red dog seemed to escape the first small fireball, and the speed of the transition became even faster, and a series of small fireballs suddenly formed in front of the red dog. , and then followed its control to shoot at Lu Fei again.

(End of this chapter)

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