The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 227 New Harmony 1 Text

Chapter 227 New Harmony Words
"I want to snatch the seat of the world's number one swordsman from your hand." Sauron said loudly to Hawkeye, and at the same time slowly pulled out the three knives from his waist, waiting for this break With three heads, the world's number one swordsman who has already cultivated enough energy and spirit is recognized by the whole world.

"It seems that you have grown a lot in these years." Mihawk's eagle-like eyes kept looking at Sauron's eyes with a hint of evil spirit when he said the challenging words in the prison, but Sauron was not affected in the slightest by how the hazy evil spirit burst out from the eagle's eyes from the beginning to the end.

"Okay, I accept your challenge, but the way is up to me." Mihawk said to Sauron very seriously after thinking for a while, and at the same time turned back to his room.

"Three o'clock in the afternoon, North Slope." With only a faint sentence left, Hawkeye once disappeared from Sauron's line of sight.

"We can't fight recklessly. We still need him in the road ahead. It seems that this time we can only use that one." After thinking for a while, Hawkeye slowly took out a small pocket sword from his chest and pointed it at himself. muttered.

When the sun slowly became hot and then gradually cooled down, Sauron was already standing in an open space on the north slope, waiting for the arrival of Hawkeye.

"You came early." A slightly lazy voice came from the bottom of the northern slope, and at the same time a man with a huge black knife appeared in front of Sauron.

"Method, let's talk." There was no sloppiness in the slightest, Sauron's eyes seemed to be on fire at this moment, and the fighting spirit rushed directly against the sky at this moment.

"Since you are in such a hurry, then I won't delay." Hawkeye directly untied the big black knife on his back, put it aside, and at the same time took out a small pocket sword from his chest.

"This is it." Raising the small pocket sword in his hand, Hawkeye said to Sauron very seriously, and at the same time slowly pulled out the brand new small sword from the scabbard.

The little sword was completely black, without any flaws, but it was because of this that Sauron felt awkward when it first appeared, as if a gorgeous and perfect thing was covered with a layer of sticky dirt.

"The name of this little sword is Hiss. It is a legendary sword, the crystallization of the essence of the life of the craftsman Lei Wanhammer. It is a sword blade that far surpasses ancient weapons. Although it does not have the legendary top ten The famous ancient sword is so powerful, but it's not much worse." Hawkeye explained while showing the sword in front of him.

"However, the biggest function of this sword is that it can rely on the main sword in the swordsman's hand to form a sword array. The higher the degree of fusion between Hiss and the main sword in the swordsman's hand, the greater the power of the sword array." Hawkeye said. Said, while walking to the side of the big black knife, Hiss in his hand slashed directly on the big black knife, and then when the sword touched, Hiss bounced away, but the magical scene began from this moment , Nahis miraculously did not fall due to exhaustion, but instead flashed a series of very clear phantoms along the big black sword. These phantoms made Sauron unable to feel the specific position of the small sword at all, and his eyes could not keep up with it. The speed of this little sword.

"Hey." Hawkeye took advantage of the situation and directly picked up the big black knife, and the small sword was directly attached to the big black knife. "Let's start, if you can hold this sword array for a quarter of an hour, you will win." I believe you should also know what the sword array means." After Hawkeye finished speaking, he waited quietly for Sauron's answer.

"I can't accept this. Although the sword array is powerful, it is only a part of the swordsman. If I can't break through the shackles of the sword array, then I will lose. Let's start." Sauron gave the words He Dao directly from his waist. Pulled it out, and then bit hard on the blade that had a deep memory of Sauron.

"Guina, look at me." After silently saying something to himself in his heart, Sauron jumped directly into the sword array formed by the big black knife and Hiss.

"So you're welcome, Sword Formation, Black Blade Sleeve Formation." Hawkeye smiled slightly. Sauron's choice had already been expected, so he didn't speak any more. Dao, Hiss immediately jumped up directly above the big black knife, and phantoms suddenly appeared around the big black knife, making Sauron feel waves of strange energy fluctuations.

"Three Swords Profound Truth? The Way of Heaven's Wrath." The three knives in his hand took a strange shape, and then directly slashed at Hawkeye who had completed the formation of the sword formation.

"You really have become much stronger, Roroa? Sauron." Feeling the hissing and terrifying breath in Sauron's sword, Hawkeye couldn't help laughing, and then the big black knife in his hand changed and appeared again. Strange movements, the sword array also changed at this moment.

"Kakakka." The three blades didn't fail at all, and after Sauron suddenly slashed at Nahis with a flash, a golden star appeared on his face, and A little bit of dirt-like thing was chopped off by the sword in Sauron's hand.

"Way of God's Wrath." It is one of the strongest moves created by Sauron's comprehension under the [-]-meter deep sea. Yes, and this time under Sauron's full strength, it will not be the case.

The moment the three swords resisted, Sauron's three swords followed the rebounding force and were directly slashed by Sauron again, facing Hawkeye's hands holding the big black knife.

"Hmph, the same moves are ineffective against the Black Blade Sleeve Formation." Hawkeye smiled slightly, his body moved with Sauron's attack, and Hiss on the big black sword accelerated a little bit, The phantoms appeared more intensively, so that the three swords in Sauron's hand did not cut on Nahis or the big black knife when they were at their maximum strength. The trajectory of the blade in Sauron's hand was directly in line with that of it, but the sound of the two colliding with each other continuously made the dirt-like black substance on Hiss gradually fall off.

The three-sword style of the three swords, but at this time, in actual combat, this kind of move that requires the full cooperation of the three blades has always been unable to exert its maximum value because of the slightly fragile He Daoyi characters.

"Break it." The Yingying sword in his hand finally exerted all his strength in the institute, and obtained the power bonus of Qiushui and He Daoyi, and directly slashed at Nahis.

"Touch." The expected break did not appear, but the Shadow Bearing Sword was directly bounced back by Na Hiss. It seemed that the power of the Shadow Bearing Sword had no effect on Hiss in the sword formation. No, and even a little bit of black dirt on it was not scratched off in the collision.

"Bah." At this time, Sauron made the most fragile word "Hedao" scratched on Hiss by a strange accident, and a piece of black dirt was directly crossed out by the word "Hedao". It seemed that Sauron did it unintentionally, and he didn't use much strength at all.

"Huh." Sauron was completely stunned. At the same time, he looked at the word "He Dao" in his hand, and at the same time, pictures one after another kept flashing in his mind. Among them were Gu Yina, the teacher, and Lei Baijun. Seeing the expression of He Daoyi's words, it has Lei Wanchui's kind look.

And when he faced danger countless times, He Daoyi flashed out to save himself, and it was he who made himself realize that everything has its own breath, and can follow the breath of all things to make the most terrifying cuts.

Thinking of this, Sauron once again looked at the little sword that had part of the black dirt wiped off by the Hedaoyi characters, and suddenly thought of something in his heart, and then he flicked his wrist, and directly started to use the Hedaoyi characters as the main , attacking the position of the little sword with all its strength, while Qiushui, like Chengying, blocked the various changes of the big black knife, allowing He Daoyi's words to have a chance to attack the little sword.

"One piece, one piece." The dirt on Heath was gradually peeled off by He Dao's words. At this time, Sauron's heart was violently tumbling as if a five-flavored bottle had been turned upside down, and a strange thought continued. The ground was clearly presented one by one in Sauron's mind, and finally a conclusion came out.

"This Hiss has something to do with the word He Dao, and the relationship is very close." After making this decision, Sauron worked harder to use the word He Dao to get in touch with Hiss, and every time he tried his best to let He The contact time between Dao Yiwen and Nahis gradually became longer.

Finally, in another touch, the last piece of dirt was removed by the Hedaoyi character. At the same time, the original phantom-like sword of Hiss stopped suddenly, and was directly glued to the Hedaoyi character. At this moment, the reader actually started a strange fusion.

And this battle to challenge who is the number one swordsman in the world also paralyzed the sword formation that Hawkeye set up because of Heath's temporary defection. Long Ying, but at this time, no one cares about this kind of thing. Instead, they all focus on the fusion between He Daoyi's words and Hiss.

The two swords are both extremely sharp and tough. It is impossible for the two of them to fuse together, but when the two are stuck together, a huge lightning force directly follows Heath. It burst out from the hilt of the sword, and Hiss' hilt was also annihilated at this moment, leaving only a small section of the blade, swinging there.

At the moment when the thunder and lightning erupted, as if the words of Dao Yi had been stimulated by something, a very small gap was opened on the side of the blade, and at this critical moment, Heath went straight into the gap with a "whoosh." It has been completely integrated into the words of He Dao Yi and has become a part of Hiss.

"呵呵呵." After Heath merged into the He Dao Yi text, he didn't touch it, because at this moment, the power of thunder and lightning erupted from the hilt of the sword completely exploded, and the He Dao Yi text was baptized by such thunder and lightning. Underneath, all kinds of strange lines appeared continuously, appearing on the blade, and the slightly fragile blade also burst out a crystal clear feeling at this moment.

"Boom." Suddenly, a thunderbolt flashed across the sky and blasted directly on the Hedaoyi character along with the force of the lightning, and the fusion of the Hedaoyi character and Nahis was completely completed.

Holding the Hedaoyi character in his hand all the time, even when the thunder and lightning struck it, he never let go of it, and when the Hedaoyi character returned to calm, Sauron's hand had already turned black. up.

With a slight shake, all the fine powder on the hand and on the blade was immediately shaken off, and what appeared in front of Sauron was a Japanese sword with a very clear nine lines. a text.

And from that flick, Sauron could clearly feel the power of the Hedaoyi character. At this time, the Hedaoyi character finally allowed Sauron to fully exert all the abilities of the three-sword style.

"Swish." When the nine lines looked at it intently in the place, they suddenly felt a very familiar feeling, as if the continuous flow wrapped around the big black knife burst into phantoms one after another. Just like Heath, at this moment, Sauron suddenly had a feeling that if he wanted to, these nine lines could once again transform into a phantom, and then form a brand new sword formation with the cooperation of Dao Yi's characters .

"Indulge your thoughts into the sword, and feel the sword itself. In that way, you may be able to feel something." At this time, Hawkeye, who had been silently watching all this, suddenly said, as if he was guiding Sauron .

"Thank you." At this time, Sauron didn't have time to discuss other things. Hearing what Hawkeye said, he immediately immersed all his thoughts into He Daoyi's words, and all the words became clear immediately. Following the nine patterns, the aura of the sword flashed in Sauron's mind, and at this time Sauron also followed the routine in his mind to practice his other set of sword arrays.

"It seems that the most proud work of the craftsman in his life is indeed very powerful." Seeing that Sauron was able to form a sword array in an instant, it seemed that this was much stronger than the black blade sleeve array developed by Hawkeye himself. He couldn't help sighing for a while, then picked up the big black knife that belonged to him, and left here.

"No, no, no." Repeated again and again, but denied time and time again, Sauron felt that the sword array was not what he used, and Sauron has been studying the words of Hedao with all his strength. Looking at the nine lines on it, I want to find something from it.

"Could it be so." Suddenly a bright light flashed across the mind of the institute.

(End of this chapter)

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