The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 234 Nami and Usopp's Devil Fruit

Chapter 234 Nami and Usopp's Devil Fruit

After passing through the [-]-meter-long staircase, the tower door that reveals a trace of mystery appeared in front of Nami and the others. With a slight push, the door opened in response to a sound, and they walked in.

In this lighthouse, apart from a wick that extends all the way to the top of the lighthouse, the only thing that Nami and others care about is the neatly arranged ancient equipment. The equipment left on those guys who have absorbed all the essence of life is somewhat similar.

"Hey, Franky, bring a box over there." A dark box at the wick on the top of the Nami Lighthouse shouted to Franky on the side.

"Can you open it?" The box was placed in front of Nami and the others, but it was fully enclosed, with no chain buckle. If you didn't feel the sound of something rolling inside, you might even think it was just a Just a dark black lump of iron.

"Look at me." After a sudden change in Frankie's magical right hand, a sawtooth appeared, sawing along the edge of the dark black box, and after a clang, the edge of the box was opened by Frankie A gap, two strange spherical fruits appeared in front of their eyes.

"Devil fruit." Nami and the others are no longer newcomers to the sea. They still have a little understanding of the shape of devil fruits, but they are not sure what the two fruits that roll out belong to. Careful After searching in the lighthouse, they finally confirmed that the most important thing in the lighthouse had been obtained by them.

"Go back and let Robin see what these two devil fruits are." Nami smiled slightly, and with two devil fruits in her hands, she was about to walk out of the lighthouse and return to the Meili.

"Wait." Usopp, who had been watching the lighthouse silently, suddenly shouted loudly, then took out a strange bullet from the ammunition bag, and shot it at the wick at the top of the lighthouse. The side of the tree vine connected to the top of the lighthouse, and then Usopp climbed to the top of the lighthouse along the tree vine.

After a while of fiddling, a strange branch appeared in everyone's sight, and from the position, the dark black box just now appeared from the place of this strange branch.

"Nami, look at the bottom of the box just now." Usopp looked at a node in front of the branch in his hand, and couldn't help asking Nami excitedly below.

After carefully looking at the bottom of the box, a very small hole appeared in the line of sight of Nami and others.

"Sure enough, this is a branch of the devil tree. No wonder there are so many strange plants around this lighthouse." Usopp seemed to have a clear understanding, and immediately continued to search along the path of this branch, trying to follow along. With this little branch, I found the legendary devil tree.

"No, this branch is actually disconnected from here." When Usopp searched for the branch that came out a little bit, he could no longer find the extension point of the branch at the wick. Suddenly, a strange spot of light bounced off in one direction. Usopp and others hurriedly ran to the window of the lighthouse and looked into the distance, only to see the spot of light stop and land on On the surface of the sea not far from here, a strange light flashed, and a strange circle of light suddenly appeared there. Looking carefully, this circle of light was the same as the teleportation circle they had experienced twice.

"Is that the place to go to the third floor? Usopp, come down quickly, we have to go back." Nami shouted loudly, and then, regardless of whether Usopp could keep up, she tightly held the gun in her hand. things, and then the whole person rushed towards the distance regardless of anything.

"It's a bit of a pity that I couldn't find the Devil Tree, but it's good to be able to find the teleportation array leading to the third floor." Usopp muttered regretfully, "But the Devil Tree must be in this Myslwanfon Tower. The possibility is very high."

After muttering a few words, Usopp didn't say much, jumped off the lighthouse, and rushed towards the location of the Meili. Nami still had two devil fruits in her hand, maybe there is something suitable for her, Gotta hurry up.

"Nami, just now." The people on the Meili who were circling anxiously saw Nami and Frankie finally came back, they shouted loudly, they all saw that strange lighthouse coming out of it just now A strange spot of light fell not far from them.

"Frankie, sail the boat at one o'clock, at full speed, Robin, look at these two things." Nami took a closer look, combined with the information she had just observed from the lighthouse, and said directly to Frankie, Then he took out two strange fruits and threw them to Robin, beckoning him to study them.

"Devil fruit? Do you still need the kind in the illustrated book, but this kind of Superman is a natural one, and it shouldn't be bad." Robin took the two devil fruits thrown by Nami and took a closer look. Afterwards, after dropping such a sentence, he went back to his room and took out a very thick letter.

"This is the most complete devil fruit illustration book. Almost all the drawings of devil fruits are included in it. There will definitely be introductions in these two." Robin opened the booklet and began to look it up with all his heart.

"Sanji, are Luffy and Zoro still thinking?" Judging from Robin's posture, the research will take a while to produce results, so Nami glanced at Luffy who was still closing his eyes slightly He Zoro couldn't help but asked Sanji beside him.

"Well, I haven't opened it all the time, but above Luffy's fist, the ten-fist sword will occasionally appear. It seems that the horrible monster mirage has not been digested." Sanji joked, and then there was a feeling in his heart. It's a sour feeling, Luffy and Sauron are constantly improving, and although I still have some hole cards, I don't have the almost demon-like strong improvement ability of Luffy and Sauron.

"Nami, Usopp, it seems that this is a devil fruit that belongs to the two of you." Nami smiled slightly, and said to Nami and Usopp who were not far behind.

(End of this chapter)

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