The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 29 Breaking through the Upside Down Mountain

Chapter 29 Breaking through the Upside Down Mountain
The straw hats who understood the burden on themselves did not become dull because of this, but let them start the path of practice from the bottom of their hearts. However, there is no other change when everyone is practicing on weekdays. Joy, dancing the unknown dance together.

At this time, Luffy would often think of himself in the middle of the night when he was born. The wine from Binkes came from the earphones, and the music from dear friends came from the earphones. It will inevitably be a little monotonous, but fortunately, there are this group of partners to accompany, and it is also fun for everyone to rely on each other.

When there is nothing to do, Luffy and Usopp will sit on the bow of the boat, take a fishing rod and drop some fish and shrimps to supplement the lack of food in the cabin. Zoro will still practice and sleep as usual, and Sanji will He will fawn over Nami crazily.

But at this time, Nami hurried towards Luffy's direction. Looking at Nami's flustered posture, Luffy seemed to be able to see the eagerness in Nami's eyes.

Hurry up to greet her, "What's the matter, Nami."

"Where did you get this map, is it reliable? Tell me quickly." Nami said anxiously to Luffy.

Looking at the chart in Nami's hand that he got from the old man, although Luffy didn't understand what was wrong with the route drawn on it, it was obvious from Nami's eyes that there was something wrong with this chart, but Lu Fei Fei knew that the old man would not lie to himself, because if the old man wanted to lie to him, he would definitely not tell him so many secrets, so give him a fake picture and let him die in danger on the sea.

After thinking about it carefully, Luffy said decisively to Nami: "I got this picture from the old man, you know, he can't lie to us, so this picture must be real.", in fact There is another thing that makes Luffy say it with such certainty, because of Luffy's intuition, his intuition tells himself that this picture cannot be wrong.

"How is it possible, how is this possible." Hearing Luffy's words, Nami couldn't help but collapsed to the ground, paralyzed on the ground as if her whole body had lost strength all at once.

"What's the matter, talk, get up quickly." Luffy rushed over to help Nami up, made her stand still, and then let her sit on the stool that Sanji brought over in a hurry .

At this time, everyone gathered around, wanting to know what went wrong.

After stabilizing her emotions, Nami slowly took out the map in her hand, took out her left hand, spread it out, and said to everyone: "I got this map from Bucky. Go to the Great Route map.".

Spread out your right hand again, there is a map, this time everyone knows that it is the map that Luffy gave Nami, "This one is the map that Luffy got from the old man in the tavern, and this map is also The chart we're going to sail on."

Hearing what Nami said, Luffy and the others seemed to understand it, and then contacted Nami just now, the problem should be on these two maps, and they couldn't help but carefully looked at these two maps.

After a while, the four of them patted their foreheads at the same time, and said to Nami in unison: "What's wrong, there's nothing wrong, Nami, just tell us what's wrong."

Looking at the four anxious faces in front of her, Nami couldn't help but smile helplessly, yes, how could these idiots understand this map.

"I have been studying these two maps for the past few days, combined with a few maps I bought from Rogge Town to speculate carefully, and I found a very serious problem."

Speaking of which, Nami paused and then said again: "According to a map obtained from Bucky, the entrance to the great route is a mountain."

They were speechless for a while, but after thinking about it, they suddenly remembered that there was also an introduction in the script. The saying that the great route is a mountain has long been known, and there is a hole in one part of the mountain, where Luffy and the others can pass.

"Yes, we know that mountain, and we also know that that mountain is called Upside Down Mountain. In the middle of the mountain, there is an upward torrential waterway that we can pass through and reach the great route. However, our goal is not there, but The location on this map." Said Nami put aside the nautical chart obtained from Bucky, took the other map obtained from the old man in the tavern, and spread it out to Luffy and the others Look.

While speaking, Nami pointed to one of the points and said, "Here is the waterway of the inverted mountain. From this map, we can also reach the great route, but." Nami moved her hand from the original point to the Another place marked with a cross said: "This is our destination, the coordinates to the destination Ximi Village, but this area is all red earth mountains, and there is no waterway outside the waterway that can lead to the great route. other waterways."

"So, this time our destination is indeed a big mountain, and it's still a big mountain without waterways." Nami said everything she knew in her heart in one breath, and now Luffy and the others finally understood what Nami was thinking. Worried, where did they come from, it turned out that their real destination this time was really a mountain.

"Are you sure there is no other waterway in this area except that one waterway?" At this time, although Luffy was surprised, he also forcibly calmed his mind, and quickly asked the most critical question.

"No, I've been researching for a day, and the entire red soil, except for the waterway leading to the great route, is all mountains, and the distance from here to the calm zone also completely ruled out the possibility that this point is in the calm zone sex."

Nami's words caused everyone to fall into a moment of silence.

"It doesn't matter, let's sail somewhere first, and talk when we get there." As he said, Luffy turned around suddenly, walked towards the direction of the goat's head, sat quietly on the goat's head, and looked at the endless the sea without saying a word.

Seeing the resolution in Luffy's mind, everyone dispersed one by one, returned to their original seats, and continued what they said just now.

And Nami hurried back to the attic, and continued to study the map.

In this way, after a few days of silence, the figure of Hongtu finally appeared in sight. From Nami's mouth, Luffy learned that the entrance shown on the map is just ahead, and it doesn't take an hour. The sea route will get there.

Luffy stood up slowly, and everyone gathered on the ship armor, looking at the red soil standing up like Mount Tai in front of him.

Usopp hastily used the far eyepiece to look carefully at the distance, and seemed to be able to find a small waterway for them to navigate.

But in the end Usopp had to put down the far eyepiece, because Usopp had been able to search the entire area but couldn't find the waterway or tunnel they wanted.

Just when Cong Ren fell into a dilemma for a moment, Lu Fei slowly took off his straw hat, put it on his chest, closed his eyes slightly, and lowered his head slowly, thinking in his heart He said to himself: "Mountain, can you stop our steps?"


"Can the river block our way?"


"Can ferocious beasts stand in our way?"


"Do we still need to hesitate?"

"I can't." This sound was very loud, and Luffy seemed to burst out of the whisper, roaring out these two words.

Speaking of which, Luffy slowly raised his head, put the straw hat on his head, and then fixed it on his head with the rope on top of the straw hat. An evil smile appeared on his face again, and he jumped to the The goat stood still on its head.

Suddenly he turned his face, smiled at Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Nami, and said, "Let's go, let's break through him."

After speaking, he smiled like a monster, and looked forward again. From his evil smile, Sauron and the others seemed to feel a kind of open-mindedness, which had also appeared in their vague memories.

That's right, let's go, if everyone backs down here, what risk do we have.

Hee hee
Smiles spread to everyone's faces at once.

Upside down mountain?
Merry, let's break through him together. At this time, Luffy couldn't help but patted Merry's goat's head.

As if responding to Luffy, the speed of the Mei Li suddenly increased, and it rushed forward, and the front was a real mountain wall of red soil.

(End of this chapter)

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