The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 58 The most awesome "shower head."

Chapter 58 The most awesome "shower head."

"Canopy~." With the belief that even a piece of iron will smash you into a shattered ruin, Luffy's blow hit Honda fiercely?Jayton hit it, and this blow also made Luffy and Honda?The prologue of Jayden's real desperate.

"Pfft." Although most of the attack force has been resisted under the iron block, the final attack force still hit Honda?In Jieden's body, there was a tumbling in the internal organs, and a mouthful of blood spurted out uncontrollably.

I haven't felt such an attack for a long time. This time, Honda?Jie Dun didn't get angry, instead there was a smile on his big face, a satisfied smile.

Perhaps the reason for the Dugu seeking defeat who has been here for too long, let Honda?Jayden feels very good about Luffy's attack this time. It seems that finally there is a guy who can let him use his full strength to fight. He is very happy in his heart.

This time the two sides collided together, but it was Honda who was blasted back?Jayden, but Honda who just spat out a mouthful of blood?Jie Dun reversed in the air, "shaved." Then he reversed and stood there firmly. A trace of blood at the corner of his mouth made his image even more ferocious.

"Huh, it seems that I can't attack him simply by using the ability of the second gear. Only this move combined with 'falling' can be effective." Luffy couldn't help feeling a little dissatisfied, after all, he didn't want to attack him anytime soon. They all rely on the skills above the eight trigrams pattern to conquer the world, because he has only understood three tricks of the eight trigrams pattern so far.

There will always be an end, if there is an opponent who can't be defeated even after using the skills in the gossip pattern, there is only one result for oneself, and that is death.

However, now he cannot die, he has a reason why he cannot die.

"You are very good." A voice pulled Luffy, who was slightly lost in thought, into reality, raised his head, and glanced at Honda in front of him?Jie Dun found that his thick clothes that originally wrapped his body had changed at this moment, like a layer of cocoon, slowly from Honda?Jayden's body fell off.

At first, the head was separated into two halves, then the neck, and finally to the navel. At this time, Luffy was able to vaguely see that there seemed to be a real figure in this cocoon.

"Crack." With the force of the hands of the figure inside, the split cocoon was suddenly pushed open at this moment, and a very handsome man came out from inside.

The man is very thin, his body seems to be very thin, his face is very handsome, and he looks like a small boy. If he is placed in Wang Haotian's original world, he must be a top idol player. But all of this was ruined by a flaw in the figure's body.

That was his skin, a pitch-black skin that made people feel sick at first glance.

That's why Luffy felt a little admiring after seeing it at first glance, but when he took a closer look, he found that the dark skin was like countless maggots crawling on it, which was extremely disgusting.

And in Honda?There is something different about Jayden's body from other people, and that is in Honda?There is an obvious tattoo-like thing on Jayden's heart and lungs, with a very vague pattern on it.

But as long as you take a look at it, you can't help but feel dizzy for a while, and you will feel fascinated by the things drawn in the pattern.

"Papa~." Lu Fei slapped himself twice resoundingly across the face, allowing his brain to recover a bit of clarity.

And at this time Honda?Jayden seemed very satisfied with his state, standing there looking at Luffy indifferently, although his expression was very serious, but at this moment Honda?Even a serious person can't help but laugh out loud at the way Jayden has shown at the moment, let alone Luffy, a guy with a hint of stupidity.

"Hahahahahaha~ You look so stylish." Luffy couldn't help pointing at Honda while laughing.Jayden held his belly and laughed loudly, as if they were not jostling to death at this moment, but having a banquet.

In fact, I don't blame Luffy, because Honda at this moment?Even though Jayden was freed from the original cocoon, his body no longer had the bulky and bloated feeling he had before. Even though his skin was extremely disgusting, he looked really good.

These are not enough to make people feel funny. It feels like Honda at this moment?Jayton, he had no clothes on, not even any clothes.

If it's just like this, then most serious people wouldn't laugh when they saw this scene, and Luffy wouldn't completely abandon any vigilance and defense at such a critical moment, but laughed out loud.

Is that because at this moment in Honda?For Jayton, Luffy couldn't see anything, but instead saw a shower head, which is the kind of shower head used for bathing in the previous life.

The shower head was straddling his waist. No matter who it was, no one could help laughing at this moment. A man and woman appeared in front of him, and a shower head was pulled out from his waist as a toilet. catheter.

How can this make people not laugh.

Moreover, in his previous life, Wang Haotian also heard that some people suffered some serious injuries due to some diseases or physical injuries. When they were hospitalized, the doctor led out a tube from their kidneys in order to relieve their pain. They produce urine from injections of saline.

But in this world, although Luffy seldom sees people defecating, urinating is a common thing, like Honda?This situation of Jayden is the strangest thing Wang Haotian saw when he crossed over to Luffy's body.

Feeling the sarcasm in Luffy's laughter, following the direction of Luffy's finger and looking at the thing that shamed him on his body, how much at this moment?Jayden no longer regarded Luffy as his most worthy opponent for so many years.

It is an enemy that must be killed. In this world, at this moment, how many of him?The person Jayden wanted to kill the most was Luffy, the person who insulted his dignity.

An inexplicable emotion involuntarily came from Honda?Jayden's heart popped out, and finally slowly walked towards his mind and consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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