The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 60 Unreserved Fighting

Chapter 60 Unreserved Fighting

"Even if you dodged this blow, then come and catch my 'Six Forms Profound Technique? Six King Spear'." Didn't make any unnecessary stops, Honda?Jayden immediately attacked Luffy again, this time he no longer used simple moves, but started a violent attack with a desperate move.

"Hmph, what about this trick?" Luffy snorted softly, obviously he still has some memories of this trick, although he can't believe it, but there are still some similarities, so how to deal with it Luffy also had some thoughts in his mind.

"JET Rubber Volcano." With a roar, Luffy's body suddenly turned into a U shape, and he concentrated all his strength on his right foot in an instant, following Honda?When Jayden charged over, Luffy's foot collided with his hand, and at this moment Luffy's body shook violently.

A force that shook the space erupted from Luffy's body. It was this momentary change that made Honda who was bound to win?Jayden's body trembled again at that moment.

And this time, Luffy was completely caught, and the JET rubber volcano hit Honda in an instant?On Jayden's right shoulder, there was a violent internal energy in Honda?Jetton's body erupted.

With a puff, Honda?Jie Dun's right shoulder was blown away by Luffy's blow, and a bone-colored scar was visible.

Honda?Jayden's bones had already turned black, which showed how much he had been corroded for a traitor like him who took the initiative to be the spokesperson of the devil's breath.

"A monster." Luffy said to himself, but after thinking about it, the only way to deal with such a traitor is to kill him, there is no other choice, and after killing him, he still needs to find the place where the devil is sealed. To be able to finish this time.

I don't know how the things I told Xiaoba to do are going well, it shouldn't be a big problem, Luffy thought to himself, but this time he didn't act stupid again.

Attacking while thinking is not particularly difficult for Luffy at the moment.

"JET shotgun." Bang bang bang, continuous sound from Luffy's fist and Honda?Born out of Jayden's contact.

As the so-called principle of taking advantage of your illness to kill you, every attack of Luffy is directly aimed at Honda?On Jayton's damaged right shoulder, for a while?Jayden didn't have any good way to suppress Luffy, he could only retreat to resist Luffy's attack.

Although I was angry in my heart, there was no other way, because this was a battle, a battle of life or death.

"JET rocket launcher." Another heavy blow hit Honda?On Jayden's right shoulder, and this time the heavy blow made Ben much?Jayden's body flew backward involuntarily, was it because Luffy's blow was too heavy?

Of course not, but how much is this hit?Jayden completely gave up resistance, allowing his slender body to be completely under Luffy's swift blows. The desired effect was to completely get rid of Luffy's series of berserk attacks.

The body just took off, Honda?The severe pain in Jayton Ninja's right shoulder accelerated the speed of his body flying backwards for two consecutive months.

All of a sudden, the two sides opened up a distance of nearly 40 meters again. In this case, Honda?Jayden had plenty of time to deal with it.

Coincidentally, both sides are close-combat, widening the distance is the best way to avoid being vulnerable after a blow, but this time Luffy doesn't seem to give up and continue to attack.

"Shave." After kicking the ground a few times, Luffy's body suddenly took off, and as long as his feet stick to the ground in the middle, Luffy will have a "shave." to accelerate his forward speed.

Because I can't give it to Honda right now?Jiedon had enough time for him to perform another perverted technique among the six styles.

But even if Luffy catches up with Honda?As far as Jayden is concerned, this breathing time is enough, see Honda?Jayden clasped his hands together violently.

The originally pitch-black skin seemed to suddenly turn pale at this moment, but the paleness disappeared in a blink of an eye, just some subtle energy fluctuations along Honda?The tattoo on Jayden's chest spread out, and finally flowed to the injured place, and the bloody body healed frantically at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Luffy arrived, Honda?Jayden's body has completely healed, and at the same time, the strength of his body seems to have become stronger at this moment.

Facing Luffy's wanton attack, Honda?Jayden didn't retreat or defend at all, but with a more rapid movement, he raised his right hand and punched Luffy with a fist.

The air seemed for a moment to be Honda?Jayden's blow seemed to shatter it, producing a slight sound of piercing through the air.

Bang Chi~ The two collided together, the collision of power is the most brutal collision, but this time the collision of both sides seems to have no benefit, and at the same time, the body suddenly took a few steps back.

Honda?Jie Dun paused for a moment before standing still, but at this time Luffy felt a tingling in his arm, even if he used "soft" continuously, he couldn't cooperate, as if the surrounding air was constantly squeezing him. same arm.

"咚咚咚~." Three times, Lu Fei's arm trembled suddenly, producing a force that shook the world, and the air wave that had tightly wrapped Lu Fei's body was also at this moment It was completely shattered by this strong vibration.

This is the power to shake the sky, and this time when Luffy used this move, he didn't find any discomfort. This may be Luffy's improvement above the realm.

The improvement of the state can make Luffy more proficient in using the power of the gossip technique, the fitness of the body can make Luffy more proficient in controlling the body, and the fusion of the soul allows Luffy to use the second gear without restriction.

This is the strength against the sky that Luffy possesses today.

(End of this chapter)

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