The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 70 Evolution of Kungfu

Chapter 70 Evolution of Kungfu (1)

"In this case, let's go, now this clock is calling me even stronger." Lu Fei said as he walked towards the ancient clock.

"Hmm~." Nami and the others followed Luffy in response. After all, only Luffy knew how to get there in the end.

The Taikoo Clock is located in the center of the entire island, a certain distance from Luffy and his party, but since there is nothing else on the island, this distance only took a few breaths to reach Taikoo where the clock is located.

When they got to the Taikoo Clock, they realized that the Taikoo Clock was not that simple, because even though Luffy and his party were only less than one meter away from the Taikoo Clock, the call in Luffy's heart suddenly wanted to pass it down. Come.

"Could it be that there is still a way down here?" Luffy murmured, and after talking briefly to Nami and the others, he slowly closed his eyes, quietly feeling the ray of calling exact location.

"There." After feeling it for a few minutes, Luffy suddenly opened his eyes and pointed to the left corner of the ancient clock, which was only fifty meters away from Luffy and the others.

Quickly came to the place pointed by Luffy, but was surprised to find that this place turned out to be a real hard ground, but when Luffy stood on top of this piece of land, the feeling came from the bottom of his heart. The call from the office became even more violent, surpassing any previous one.

"Are you sure it's here?" Zoro frowned slightly and asked Luffy.

"Well, it must be here." As he said that, Luffy slammed towards the surrounding area of ​​the land violently. With one blow, the seemingly hard ground sank several meters at once, and then faced Sauron said: "The earth cover in the middle was excavated 18 meters, and the depth needs to be precisely controlled."

"No problem." Sauron didn't think about anything, and walked slowly to where Luffy was. Seeing that Luffy didn't have the slightest intention to move away, Sauron couldn't help but use the two knives that he had originally taken out. Take out the words of He Daoyi, if you want to dig up the soil here to cover 18 meters without hurting Luffy, you need to use the secret of the three-sword style.

"Three swords technique? Digging the ground." As soon as the words fell, I was in a daze for a while, and saw a large amount of dust scattered around, but the dust was not in any disorder, but sank to one side in a coordinated manner .

No trace of dust fell on Luffy and the bodies of the people beside him, and no one here was affected by the dust. This is Sauron's ability at this moment. Both the sword intent and the sword momentum have been greatly improved, which can be fully seen from this small trick.

"Wait for me, I'll go down first." As he said that, Luffy rushed towards the 18 meters underground, where something was calling him.

Carefully squatting at the bottom of the cave, slightly moist water vapor slowly escaped from around the cave, but the bottom of the cave has always exuded a very mysterious atmosphere, when this mysterious atmosphere and these When the wet water vapor meets, the water vapor will soon completely evaporate and dissipate.

"This should be part of the ability of the black iron sheet." Seeing the scene in front of him, Luffy couldn't help thinking.

Slowly tapped his hand toward the floor of the cave, and sure enough, a few 'dong dong dong' sounds came from below, and Lu Fei couldn't help smiling lightly, it really was so.

The storage method of the black iron sheets should be hidden under the ground, and then sealed with something like a wooden box. Is it to prevent the breath above these black iron sheets from escaping?
After removing a thin layer of dust at the bottom of the cave, Luffy slowly opened an obvious pull ring. As Luffy's hand came into contact with the pull ring, Lu Fei's chest couldn't help but spread out. A breath wrapped Luffy and the black box together, and then with a little force from Luffy, the cover of the black box was slowly pulled up.

"Dong dong dong dong." Just after the black was opened, the ancient clock rang suddenly, but Luffy, who was the closest to the black iron sheet, could feel the faint "dong dong" coming from the iron sheet of the black box as well. Dong' sound, after listening carefully, it can also be found that the sound on the black iron plate is a little faster than the sound on the ancient clock.

"The sound of this clock came from this iron piece." Luffy couldn't help but feel a deep shock. Luffy has never figured out what this black iron piece is, but this ancient clock, at this moment However, Luffy has a little understanding. He knows from Nami that this ancient clock replaced the sun in an era 600 million years ago, and the sound coming from it came from the black iron sheet. This is how Luffy can't feel the shock.

The moment the iron piece came out, the Taikoo clock kept ringing wildly, and at this moment, several black iron pieces suddenly flew out of the box.

Luffy also jumped out of the cave suddenly, and saw the black iron sheet appearing in front of him.

"It turned out to be black. Although the piece I saw for the first time was also called a black iron sheet (Bagua Diagram), the color was bronze. I didn't expect that it would be replaced with black this time, and this time There is more than one piece of iron, there are more than four.

For a moment, the four iron pieces guarded the surroundings of Luffy and his party respectively, and then the figures of waving fists and feet that appeared in Luffy's mind appeared in front of Luffy and the others again, this time not only Luffy alone felt the phantom boxing skills that suddenly appeared from the iron sheet, but the five of them felt it together.

"It seems that there is only one move of Thousand Waves, but what is that move." After carefully looking at the boxing style practiced by Xu Ying, Lu Fei quickly distinguished it from it.

"Soft." The boxing demonstration picture, through the continuous picture, you can clearly feel the meaning of "soft".

And the other one is a demonstration picture of 'Falling', 'Shaking the Sky' and exercises that Luffy has not yet comprehended. Every exercise has been demonstrated by this simple boxing technique. Ying's boxing demonstration seemed to have a feeling in his heart.

That is, according to this method, it is only natural to exert such an effect.

(End of this chapter)

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