Chapter 72 Choice
"Well, only by combining the power of ten of you can we completely destroy that evil existence, otherwise, all living things on this earth will face a catastrophe of annihilation." Zhong Ling's voice was once again heard by Luffy and others It rang in people's minds.

"Then, senior can tell us where we should go at the next stop." Luffy asked slowly.

"Next stop? Oh, no, because there are two roads for you to choose from at the next stop, so you need to choose a direction at this moment, and then I will tell you, the next stop, where you are going to arrive."

"Senior, please enlighten me." Although I have never heard of Zhong Ling's matter, for Lu Fei who read a lot of books (not limited to types, wow) in his previous life, these tasks above the surface are still very important. Well done.

"Well, let me think about it." Zhong Ling cut off contact with Luffy and the others for a moment, probably thinking about the problem.

"Gossip Wuliang, you old guy still don't come out to me." At this time, Zhong Ling, who was waiting here quietly, started some in-depth conversations with the iron piece buried deep below.

The two sides seemed to have some disputes on some issues. About a quarter of an hour passed, Zhong Ling said helplessly: "Are you sure these people will choose that one, or I will be out of luck, although I am the master. I have practiced for 5000 million years, but I don't want my home planet to be destroyed like this."

"It's all caused by the master's sentence that we are not allowed to interfere with any life on this planet. Otherwise, I would have destroyed that little guy back then to save trouble."

"You guys are always so worried, don't worry, the one who takes the lead among these people, but I personally went to find a very good soul, don't look at him like this, in fact, he is an out-and-out soul. Don't worry, you are a pirate." Bagua Wuliang's voice sounded like he was playing a game, and it reached Zhong Ling's mind.

"Hey, there is no way, who told me that I was born from this planet, and we don't know the master's temperament, we must protect our own home planet, otherwise, the result will be miserable. " Zhong Ling said with a lingering fear.

But no matter what, Zhong Ling couldn't change what happened next, because it was stipulated by their masters, and the chosen one had to choose their own path.

After 5000 million years of evolution, Zhong Ling was formed, and it took another 5000 million years for Zhong Ling to cultivate to what he is now, and this moment is also the first catastrophe he has experienced so far. The mother star is indeed a deadly danger.

If one is not careful, the entire planet will be destroyed and re-evolved. After tens of millions of years, a bell spirit will reappear and re-evolve the holy object.

This is their fate, but this time with the help of Bagua Wuliang, Zhong Ling should be able to pass this level easily, and then Zhong Ling can follow their master like Bagua Wuliang to travel the infinite stars and sky.

However, although Bagua Wuliang had repeatedly assured Zhong Ling, Zhong Ling was also a big girl on the sedan chair. For the first time, there would inevitably be some twists and turns. This is also evergreen, even if she has practiced for 5000 million years.

"Hey, I can't wait any longer. Brother Gossip Wuliang probably won't lie to himself." Zhong Ling gave himself a strong hint in his heart again. And he kept asking this gossip Wuliang again and again, but at this moment, he didn't have so much time to think about it.

The chosen ones are already waiting outside at this moment, and they have to go if they don't.

"Are you ready?" It had been half an hour since Zhong Ling's voice reached the minds of Luffy and the others again, but when Zhong Ling's words came out, Luffy and the others Not only did they feel speechless for a while, they were already prepared, but Taikoo Zhong's soul remained silent for a long time, which made them afraid to make a sound, for fear of offending this senior who didn't know his temper.

"Get ready, senior." Although he felt a little unhappy, Luffy still said respectfully.

"Then let me tell you the choice. The first choice is that you gather ten partners and come to me, and use your abilities to directly destroy the ancient clock. The air is enough to destroy the guy who destroyed the balance of this planet, this is your first choice." When Zhong Ling said this, he paused for a moment, indicating that Luffy and the others could choose.

"May I ask senior, if we choose this, can senior's soul body survive independently when the ancient clock is destroyed?" Lu Fei asked without changing his face, as if all this had already been concluded in his mind.

"Of course, it can exist for a while, which is about one cycle of this ancient clock, and then it will dissipate. However, this is also a kind of good fortune. Whether it is a blessing or a curse is unknown, so you don't have to worry about it when you choose. Me." At this moment, Zhong Ling's voice didn't change a bit, and he spoke very calmly, but at this moment his heart was beating violently, and he was very nervous.

"Can you talk about the second choice first?" Luffy asked again.

"No, if you don't choose the first one, you have to choose the second one, so at this moment, you can either choose the first one, or just give up the first one and choose the second one." Zhong Ling's voice sounded again.

"Then please tell me the second one, senior." The moment Lu Fei's faint voice sounded, Zhong Ling's heart that was beating violently stopped for an instant, and his nervous heart instantly returned to peace.

Sure enough, as Brother Bagua Wuliang said, he would not choose the first one. Zhong Ling felt a deep gratitude at this moment, grateful for Luffy's choice. Maybe Luffy might fail on the second road, but at least he will choose the first one. At that time, they did not choose to take the knife on themselves.

"Can I ask you a question." At this moment, Zhong Ling's voice obviously had a touch of kindness, as if Luffy's choice made him very satisfied.

"Senior, do you want to ask me why I chose the second one and gave up the first one? Relatively speaking, I also know that the first one can be done relatively easily, but the second one is more difficult and even life-threatening. , but I still chose the second one." Lu Fei said lightly.

"Because I think the Taikoo Clock belongs to this planet and is the mother of all creatures. We must not be ungrateful."

(End of this chapter)

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