Chapter 77

"In fact, the development of the matter is even worse than you imagined." At this time, Robin, the lady in charge of professional attire, walked slowly to the front row, and said to everyone who was already saddened by Brook's sacrifice and shocked by the actions of the World Government.

"Yes, because recently the World Government killed Luffy, your brother, the son of Captain Roger, Ace." Raleigh said from Robin.

"Impossible." At this moment, Luffy was completely dumbfounded.

What happened one after another made him feel a little tricky, and at this moment, as his best brother, his brother Ace was actually executed.

In Luffy's memory, the big event didn't happen now.

"I'll let Ms. Robin tell you about this matter. She will be more clear about this matter. I was busy with Brooke's affairs at the time, so I didn't know when this matter happened." After a brief explanation, Lei Leigh motioned to Robin to let her continue.

"Okay then, let me briefly tell you about the current situation."

Robin gently pushed the brim of his hat, stood up, and took out a drawing board that seemed to have been prepared, on which Robin simply drew the situation of the matter.

"This event is called a 'big event' by the World Government as a whole, and in the big event, it is mainly divided into three parties, one is the World Government, one is the Whitebeard Pirates, and the other is Blackbeard who captured Ace."

"Who is Blackbeard." Luffy didn't let Nami and the others know about Blackbeard. After all, in Luffy's view, it was still a long way off, but he didn't expect that Blackbeard would appear so soon. And sure enough, as in the original book, Ace was captured by Blackbeard and sent to the World Government in exchange for the title of Qiwuhai.

After Sand Crocodile was defeated by Rayleigh's men, after the plan was known to the world, the world government lifted Sand Crocodile's title of Shichibukai, which also allowed Blackbeard to take advantage of the loophole.

"The whole incident can be said to be over now, and the final result of the big incident is that the Whitebeard Pirates fought against the World Government and the combined army of the Seven Wukai. In the end, Whitebeard died, and Ace's life and death were uncertain. At the moment when Whitebeard died, Whitebeard exploded with all his strength. At that moment, all the people who followed his father disappeared, and all that remained in Marlene was Whitebeard's body. , Shichibukai, Admiral, and Sengoku and others."

"Originally, the matter would end like this in the future, but suddenly news came from the Marshal of the Warring States Period that there was a riot in Imper Prison, and the clown Bucky who was arrested a while ago successfully escaped from prison."

"Hearing this news, Warring States was very angry. At that time, he was going to order the general to go and arrest the clown Bucky, but when the obedient Blackbeard heard the news, he suddenly rushed to the place where Whitebeard was and directly launched an attack. His ability, and at this moment, Blackbeard's whole person completely changed, and at this moment suddenly a ship slowly dived up from the bottom of the sea, and a person was exposed from above, that person was wearing a The boy in the spotted clothes was holding a sword in his hand. The moment he saw Blackbeard's movement, the boy swung his sword at Blackbeard fiercely. At the moment before he could react, a large ripple spread from the boy's body, enveloping Whitebeard's body for a moment, and then pulled it violently, and Whitebeard's body followed the boy's movements. Move."

"However, the boy's plan was not realized, because when he struck with his sword, Blackbeard didn't move, and Lafitte, who was originally a long distance away from Blackbeard, suddenly appeared in front of Blackbeard. He blocked the sword for Blackbeard in front of him, so Blackbeard's action on Whitebeard's body was not damaged, although in the end Whitebeard's body was wrapped up and taken away by the boy."

At that time, we saw it through the broadcast screen of the video phone bug, so we couldn't understand many things, but we could really hear the boy's last sentence very clearly.

"Blackbeard, see you in the new world."

On yesterday's papers the world government has released all reports of major events.

The report from the government agency said: Ace's execution ended perfectly, and the notorious pirate Whitebeard was beheaded by the world government.

Originally, the gap in the Qiwu Sea was occupied by the big pirate "Ikov? Jod." At the same time, all the crew members of the Blackbeard Pirates were hunted down all over the world.

The reward order for the crew of the Blackbeard Pirates was issued.

Captain: Blackbeard, offering a reward of 12 billion.

Navigator: Lafitte, a reward of [-] million is offered.

Sniper: Fan?Oka, a reward of [-] million is offered.

Helmsman: Bargas, offering a reward of [-] million.

Ship doctor: How old is Poison Q? Q, offer a reward of one billion.

At the same time, a reward was offered for Impel's escape from the criminals.

Bucky the clown.A reward of [-] million is offered.

Sand crocodile, offering a reward of [-] million.

Shiliu, a reward of one billion is offered.

Tipo, a reward of one billion is offered.

Huge battleship?Lone wolf, a reward of one billion is offered.

Barrel Bacchus, offering a reward of one billion.

Abaro, the king of evil attack, offered a reward of one billion.

Looking at this list of rewards, all of which were large amounts, Luffy and the others felt a burst of excitement.

But when Robin and the others saw this list, they couldn't help but feel powerless in their hearts. After all, the existence of any of the above tasks was beyond their ability to fight.

Although Luffy and the others performed well in Ximi Village, Ximi Village is an almost completely closed world, and Robin and the others don't know what happened there.

In fact, Robin and the others hesitated when they chose to join the Straw Hat Pirates. After all, they have never been obedient to this pirate group.

But in the end, the main reason they decided to join in was the note Luffy had written to them that Luffy asked Rayleigh to hand over to them.

On that piece of paper, Luffy introduced the basic situation of their pirate group, and introduced their mission, but the most important thing is to clearly state the goal of their group to go to sea, to find their dreams, Then the mission is accomplished.

The dream is the first, the mission is the second.

This made Robin and others appreciate it very much. At the same time, Luffy used his understanding of Robin and others to express their dreams one by one.

So at that moment, Robin and others decided to join in.

But at this moment, within less than an hour of seeing Luffy and the others, the three of them already felt their urgent desire to join this pirate group.

Because they felt the desire of Luffy and others for fighting, as well as the sincerity in their words and deeds.

Being able to treat people who have never masked their faces as brothers.

Able to keep the hatred of the person who has never been masked in his heart, and then do his best to fulfill his wish.

Such a captain deserves them to follow.

It doesn't matter if you are an idiot or not, as long as you can step up to the top at critical times.

(End of this chapter)

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