Chapter 86
"Brother, let Ke De? Gentleman Wigg's friend come first." Ya Gong unexpectedly did not speak for his brother, but gave a small wink to Charles Ross.

Although he was very reluctant, at this time, it was not easy for Charlos to dampen the interest of his beloved sister.

"Then, thank you, Your Highness." He made a slight bow in the direction of Yagong, which was not a standard gentleman's salute, Ke De?Wigg, slowly came to the side of his "plaything."

"Willer, Shabi, the two of you go to the side." In view of his understanding of his playthings, Wiig first kept his two playboy brothers away from here.

"Lvmao, it's up to you next." Weig said slowly to the man in front of him with his head held high and carrying three swords.

At the same time, he used the messenger bug in his hand to control the special collar in an extremely concealed manner.


For the person in front of him, Lumao has never looked directly at him, even the special collar that is enough to seriously injure him can't threaten him.

However, at this moment, acting still has to be done.

The moment Lumao slowly put his hand on the hilt of the sword, Wiig took a big step back.

"Useless stuff." Seeing Wigg's gaffe, Charlos couldn't help saying disdainfully.

At this moment, the green hair suddenly moved.

In an instant, the three knives were held in his left and right hands, and one was also in his mouth at the same time.

These three knives formed a round circle at this moment.

With the dancing of the green hair, three knives passed through the place where Wig was just now at the same time.

At this time, even Charles Rose couldn't help but feel a little bit of a cold war, and for a moment a very uneasy feeling emerged in Charles Rose's heart.

However, the sense of superiority he had developed over the years at this moment allowed him to forcefully suppress the sudden uneasiness.

The green-haired knife seems to dance very slowly.

Then at this moment, the nobles present felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

It seems that there are tens of thousands of swords swaying in front of their eyes at this moment.

Looking at the people around him, Wigg couldn't help but feel a sense of extreme excitement, especially when he saw the fat face of Charles Rose constantly wriggling, as if he had been strongly squeezed.

"Hmph, let you fully understand what is called a top-quality pet." Weige thought gloomyly in his heart.

"Brother Shabi, look, I've told you, you must not look into my brother's eyes when he is playing with a sword, but you still refuse to listen, what's wrong, don't you feel bad."

At the foot of the palace, Wheeler gave Shabi a hard pat on the back to bring him back to his senses.

"Thank you brother Willer, if it wasn't for your slap, I would probably be crushed by this momentum now." Shabi said after a moment of fear.

"Which one of our brothers is with whom? Come on, look at that idiot Charles Ross." Wheeler said excitedly.

"Happy." Seeing Charles Rose's extremely distorted face, Shabi almost couldn't control her emotions.

While Shabi and Willer were snickering, the green-haired man in the middle of the field suddenly raised his sword, and faintly visible ripples appeared on his sword.

As the knife in Lumao's hand continued to accelerate, the ripple gradually became larger, and finally completely covered his three knives.

At this time, an extremely dangerous aura made the people who were dizzy by the green hair's knife regain their senses.

"Wig, what's wrong with your friend, tell him to stop." As the actual host of this banquet, Yagong was also a little bit angry at this time.

The dizziness just now was uncomfortable even for him.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Palace." At this time, Weige also clearly felt how dangerous the aura above the green-haired knife was.

"Green hair, stop, I order you to stop." Wigg strode forward and shouted in the direction of green hair.

At the same time, the conspicuous characteristic collar's control messenger bug was raised high in his hand.

But at this moment, the green hair who was in the middle of the turmoil seemed to Ke De?Wigg didn't notice the threat at all, and the ripples on the three knives became more and more dense, as if they were about to erupt at any moment.

Seeing this scene, Weige was stunned.

But it was only for a moment that Wigg came to his senses, and he knew that he couldn't hesitate any longer at this moment.

Although in order to obtain this green hair, he paid [-] million Berries, but at this moment, if the knife ripples in the hands of the green hair burst out, so many nobles present.

Especially the two His Royal Highnesses Charles Rose and Yagong behind him, any mistakes he and his family could not bear.

Just when Vig was about to press the evil button, the gentleman who had been cooking different dishes at the top of the palace moved.

I saw his wrist shaking slightly, the short knife in his hand flew to the chopping board beside him, but he jumped out in an instant.

As his speed soared, his whole body came to the center of the vortex in an instant.

Then the legs bent and swung vigorously, and then violently hit the backs of the three sabers with strong ripples.

Following the gentleman's blow, the aura that had accumulated originally rushed towards the surroundings with this kick.

A violent storm rushed towards the surrounding crowd.

At this moment, Yagong's flowing long hair fluttered along with the imposing storm, and the long black hair gave people a unique sense of beauty.

At this moment, Ya Gong's expression also became extremely ambiguous, and the fruit of love at that moment in his heart burst open.

With this blow, Ya Gong's original worry was put down.

Because the man in front of him at this moment made him feel a strong sense of security.

It seemed that nothing could defeat this man.

Ya Gong, at this moment, was completely moved.

However, the two men in the middle of the field didn't seem to realize that the characteristic collar worn on their necks at that moment was almost, almost bursting.

They fought hard with each other.

It seems that they have a great hatred in the first place, and they want to solve each other with a knife or a kick.

However, during their fight, one could vaguely hear things like: "Green algae head, what are you going to do, haven't you seen so many beautiful ladies here? Who allowed you to make your own decisions."

"Idiot, I can't stand it, this group of people is too contrived."

"Then you're going to sabotage our plan."

"You don't want to die, don't you know how powerful the collar on your neck is?"

"Don't worry about it, idiot, give me a trick."

"Who do I rely on to be afraid of you?"

(End of this chapter)

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