I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1022 Immortals

Chapter 1022 Immortals
"Hehe, this is interesting."

Wu You looked at Gu Rou with great interest, and secretly used his spiritual sense to examine it.

This long-haired girl has indeed reached the middle stage of Qi training.

And it is very rare to be able to have such a cultivation level at such a young age.

You must know that this is the age of dharma when spiritual energy is thin, and it is extremely difficult to reach the middle stage of Qi training.

As for Duan Gurou's current achievements, except for the "martial arts secret book" that he practiced since childhood, he has a small part of the credit.

It's all because his own cultivation aptitude is too heaven-defying!

Even Tao Xiaomeng, his most talented apprentice, paled in front of him, far inferior.

Even he himself, before he cultivated the primordial return to origin qi to improve his aptitude, couldn't compare to this ancient softness...

However, he was not surprised by this.

After all, the strength of this follower in his previous life was only a little worse than his own.

If it wasn't for the end, this fool would have been willing to die in order to save himself in the catastrophe.

With her powerful strength, she will definitely be able to survive the catastrophe soon and become a generation of fairy queens that surpass the entire universe!
Therefore, Wu You is not surprised even if this follower is astonishingly talented now...

At this time, Zhao Sihui, the eldest lady of the Zhao family, was shocked beyond measure after learning that her best friend was such a hidden and powerful ancient warrior.

After a long time, I finally stabilized the shock in my heart.

Then he couldn't help but ask:
"Gu Rou, who is that master of yours? How could he possess such powerful skills?"

In an instant, everyone's eyes were on the long-haired girl, eager to know who her master was.

"I only know that my master is from Lingyou Wonderland, and I don't know anything else."

Duan Gurou told the truth.

But upon hearing this, all the children of the five great families in the audience opened their eyes wide, showing unprecedented shock.

In an instant, an unprecedented uproar resounded through the entire hall!
"Oh my god, did I hear correctly? Isn't Ghost Wonderland a place in myths and legends?"

"That's right, Lingyou Wonderland, that is the legendary place where the immortals who transcended the ancient martial arts and lived in omnipotence, how could it really exist?"

"Are all the stories we heard when we were young true? There is a place in Ghostland? This is simply unbelievable!"

All of a sudden, Bai Shiqing, Liu Qianyang and other disciples of the ancient Martial Dao School couldn't help but look at each other in shock when they saw the inexplicably shocked expressions of the children from the five great families around them.

I don't even know what is the ghost fairyland they are talking about?
Immediately, Qin Zixun, who was equally puzzled, couldn't help asking Zhao Sihui:

"Sister Sihui, what is Lingyou Wonderland?"

Hearing this, Zhao Sihui, who had been in shock and couldn't extricate herself, suddenly came back to her senses.

Then he said in disbelief:
"Lingyou Wonderland is a myth and legend that has been passed down for a long time within the five great families. Almost every child of the family has heard this legend when they were young.

According to the legend, the ancient warriors of the Supreme Realm are not the strongest in this world, and there are even more powerful existences above them, who are called immortals by the world!
And those immortals cannot come to the mortal world at will due to various unknown reasons.

And the place where he lives is the ghost fairyland! "

As soon as these words came out, Qin Zixun and many disciples of the ancient Martial Dao Sect couldn't help being shocked!

In any case, they never thought that standing at the peak of the ancient martial arts avenue, the extremely powerful ancient martial artist of the Supreme Realm was not the strongest in the world.

This is too unbelievable!
Are those immortals who surpassed the ancient Wu Dao the legendary immortals?

For a moment, everyone in the audience was shocked beyond measure.

"Oh my god, that, that means, Sister Gurou's master is actually a fairy!"

Qin Zixun covered her vermilion lips and exclaimed in disbelief.

"What do you think!"

Chen Haofan, the young master of the Chen family, immediately said proudly, and then said loudly with great reverence:

"Miss Duan's master is a legendary fairy!"

Hearing the words of confirmation, everyone in the hall was dumbfounded, showing unprecedented shock.

"My God, it turns out that immortals really exist..."

Ye Muye, the eldest lady of the Ye family, blurted out in a stupefied manner, the horror in her eyes was beyond words.

No wonder Chen Haofan acted so humble when he mentioned the long-haired girl's master before, and even took all of them to pay a respectful visit.

It turned out that his master was actually a legendary immortal who surpassed the Supreme Realm!

Now even his honorable status as the young master of the Ye family is far inferior to that long-haired girl...

"This, how is this possible? The teacher of Miss Duan is actually a fairy! Am I really dreaming?"

Li Shengxiao, the young master of the Li family, said in amazement.

"The legendary immortal actually came to the mortal world, it's really unbelievable!"

Zhao Hao, the young master of the Zhao family, said in shock.

At this time, the young master of the Long family, Long Qingtian, was already too shocked.

Who would have thought that the master of the long-haired girl was actually an extremely powerful immortal.

No wonder Chen Haofan didn't dare to snatch that shocking ancient martial art directly from that girl's hand.

If one offends a legendary immortal, even the Chen family, the first family in China, will face disaster!
Fortunately, he has learned about this situation now, otherwise, if he wanted to obtain the mysterious exercise, he couldn't help but be hostile towards the long-haired girl.

Then the entire Long family will be doomed!
Thinking of this, Long Qingtian broke out in a cold sweat, feeling terrified.

Dang even swore secretly that he must never be rude to that girl.

Even if you want to get that shocking skill from him, you can only use your own "charm" to lure...

But at this time, when Wu You heard about the so-called ghost fairyland and immortals, he immediately smiled with great interest.

It seems that this Dharma-ending era is as expected, and those former earth practitioners have not completely disappeared.It's like a monster, hiding somewhere and trying to survive.

But those old guys can't make any troubles until their spiritual energy recovers and the prosperous age of cultivation comes.

If you have time, you can go to that fairyland and see what useful treasures there are...

At this moment, Zhao Sihui suppressed the shock in her heart, and solemnly asked the girl in front of her:

"Gu Rou, is your master really a fairy?"

"I don't know that either."

Duan Gurou shook her head, then thought of something, and continued:

"But my master can fly, maybe he is really a fairy."

(End of this chapter)

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