I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1030 Disagree?die!

Chapter 1030 Disagree?die!
Seeing that there are so many people supporting him, Chen Haofan suddenly showed pride and was very satisfied in his heart.

Today he just wanted to let Duan Gurou understand that that vicious, cruel, and shameless scum of the warrior world is not worthy of her at all!

Only she is her true son!

Immediately, Chen Haofan persuaded while the iron was hot:

"Miss Duan, you have also seen that your so-called fiancé is not a good person at all.

Please don't go astray, regret for life. "

However, just as countless people condemned Mr. Wu, a powerful cold shout suddenly resounded throughout the entire Wuling Mountain.

"Shut up all of you!"

Hearing this, millions of people in the square suddenly trembled, and turned pale in horror.

But the person who spoke was the long-haired girl who was as beautiful as a fairy, and who was so beautiful.

"I don't care what my fiancé has done, I believe he must have his reasons.

If anyone dares to slander him again, don't blame me for being rude! "

After all, Duan Gurou suddenly revealed an unprecedented cold expression.

Seeing this, Chen Haofan couldn't help but startled, and immediately became jealous and furious!

As the young master of the Chen family of the most powerful family in China, he is the top existence in the world regardless of his strength, appearance and background!
How could it compare to that little-known Mr. Wu? !
In an instant, Chen Haofan, who was furious, shouted hysterically:
"I am infinitely better than your fiancé in every aspect, but why don't you accept me?
I don't accept it, I don't accept it! "

And at the next moment, a playful word suddenly sounded in the field.

"Not convinced? Die!"

Hearing these abrupt words, everyone in the audience couldn't help being stunned, and they were shocked inexplicably.

Who is so bold?How dare to mock the eldest son of the Chen family at this juncture, this is simply asking for death!

But at this time, Chen Haofan, who was pouring out his anger, suddenly choked up when he heard this, and almost couldn't hold back his breath...

Immediately, with monstrous rage, he looked along the prestige with a ferocious face.

But he saw that the person who spoke rudely to him was actually an unremarkable young man in ordinary casual clothes.

It was the illegitimate son of the Chen family, Li Goudan!

Seeing this, Chen Haofan's countenance suddenly changed, and he was furious!

This damn guy, I had magnanimously let him go once before.

But I didn't expect this lowly illegitimate child to humiliate himself in front of so many people, he really deserves to die!
Seeing this scene at this time, everyone in the audience was also shocked, and couldn't believe their eyes.

No one expected that that ordinary young man would taunt the eldest son of the Chen family so recklessly.

This is simply digging one's own grave!
"A daring guy, to say insulting Brother Haofan in public again, is an unforgivable crime!"

Ye Muye stared at the brazen young man, wishing he could tear him into pieces!
"Then Li Goudan is really crazy? He was lucky enough to escape the catastrophe before, and now he is repeating the same mistakes. It is really a model of death!"

Li Shengxiao sneered and sneered.

"Hmph, how dare a humble and lowly illegitimate child dare to act presumptuously in front of Big Brother Chen again and again, he really deserves death!"

Zhao Hao shouted angrily.

"Oh, I really don't know whether to praise him for being brave or stupid."

Long Qingtian couldn't help shaking his head secretly, now the illegitimate son of the Chen family is completely finished, no one can save him...

At this moment, Wang Xuancang looked at the ugly young man in the arena in astonishment.

I really don't understand why this seemingly weak little devil wants to kill himself.

Isn't it good to be alive?
"Brother Goud, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Zixun looked at the scene in front of him in amazement, and his face paled immediately.

She never thought that Brother Goudan would provoke the young master of the Chen family again for no reason, which is really unimaginable.

Seeing this, Zhao Sihui was even more anxious and panicked.

The eldest son of the Chen family, who is now in a rage, will never let that Li Goudan go easily because of his best friend.

What a disaster!
"Who is he? How come he is so familiar?"

Duan Gurou also looked at the young man who felt strange but familiar in the field at this moment.There was a look of surprise in the beautiful eyes like autumn water.

And in the next moment.

Chen Haofan, who was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, stared at the lowly illegitimate child with bloodshot eyes, gritted his teeth and said:
"Since you don't want to live anymore, Mr. Japan will clean up the house for the Chen family!"

As soon as the words fell, without the slightest hesitation, he immediately raised his palm and slashed at that damned guy.

In an instant, a huge light blade shining with bright white light and overwhelming momentum shot towards the boy invincibly!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked.

It seems that the eldest son of the Chen family really has murderous intentions.

Under this incomparably terrifying attack, that brazen brat is sure to be doomed!
"It's over, it's over..."

Zhao Sihui muttered to herself in horror.

The eldest son of the Chen family is an ancient warrior of the Martial God Realm, while Li Goudan is just a powerful warrior. There is a huge difference between the two, and there is no resistance at all.

Could it be that this boy is really going to die here today?
At this time, Duan Gurou didn't expect Chen Haofan to make such a sudden attack, but it was too late to stop it.

He could only watch helplessly as the mighty and fierce light blade slashed at the young man at extreme speed!

Qin Zixun cried out in despair, without any hesitation, he resolutely dodged and stood in front of the boy recklessly.

Immediately shouted hoarsely:

"Brother Goudan, run away!"

Seeing this, everyone in the audience showed a look of impatience.

Now, those two young men and women are about to die on the spot...

And just when everyone thought that under the shocking blow of the young master of the Chen family, the young girl would surely die.

However, the unattractive young man smiled indifferently, and then hugged the beautiful girl in purple clothes who was standing in front of him.

And at the next moment, an icy blue ball of light shining with a dazzling golden light suddenly flashed, completely enveloping the two of them!


With a muffled sound, the mighty pure white light blade that was galloping towards it disappeared instantly the moment it touched the golden blue light ball!

But the icy blue ball of light that enveloped the boys and girls was intact, not even a single ripple aroused...

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help being dumbfounded, showing unprecedented shock.

Then, what is that suddenly appearing ball of light?How can there be such a strong defense?

(End of this chapter)

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