I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1037 Shocking the audience

Chapter 1037 Shocking the audience
At this time, Chen Haofan, the eldest son of the Chen family, stared blankly at the field. The handsome young man whose appearance and temperament were countless times superior to his own suddenly showed an unprecedented expression of shock.

It turned out that the ordinary young man from before had such an extraordinary appearance, it was too unbelievable!

In comparison, Chen Haofan, who has always been confident in his appearance, felt an unprecedented sense of shame for no reason.

It seems that in front of this shocking young man, all men are overshadowed, not worth mentioning...

"This, how is this possible? He is really that little brother!"

Zhao Sihui opened her eyes wide, looking at the field in disbelief, that handsome young man in flowing robes, the aloof and refined, the shock in her heart was beyond words.

This handsome young man she was familiar with was the magician from Liuzhou, China that she met by chance when she was in Tokyo.

Oh my god, that Li Goudan was really transformed by this little brother, it's too unbelievable!
Could it be, is this also magic?
But at this moment, Liu Qianyang, the young master of Jingxian Liu's family, looked at the young man who looked like a fairy in shock for no reason, and trembled uncontrollably all of a sudden.

It never occurred to him that Li Goudan's true face was actually his sworn enemy, Mr. Jingxian Wu!
And when he thought about it, he would be extremely respectful and flattering to this villain who killed his family, and even personally led him into the main altar of the ancient martial arts sect.Liu Qianyang burst into his crown and canthus immediately, furiously attacking his heart!

"Why, how could this be..."

Qin Zixun stared blankly at the scene. The terrifying young man who once destroyed the Qin family in Liuzhou Lingxi and left an indelible shadow of terror on her, seemed like a demon, his mind was blank...

And the next moment, it gave her an unprecedented sense of security, and made her feel warm even when she was lonely and helpless, so that Brother Goudan, whom she fell in love with for the first time, resurfaced in her heart again.

"Who am I? Well...my name is Li Goudan...

It looks like you're in trouble, can I help? "

"She's the woman I've been fancying for a long time. You guys better stop thinking about her, or you will bear the consequences."

"I got that Maimai Pill by accident. It has the ability to wash the marrow and cut the hair, and it will make your future practice more effective with half the effort."

"Brother Goudan, you must tell me where you go in the future, don't leave me alone again.

Well, don't cry, I promise you that's it.

Don't be dazed, eat quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold. "

"Brother Goud, I like you.

Really, but at some point in the future, you might want to kill me..."

Suddenly, two crystal clear teardrops gushed out of the eyes, and quietly slid down the cheeks of the girl in purple.


Shattered on the icy ground...

"So it was really him."

Duan Gurou looked at the handsome young man with whom she had met once at Jingxian Airport, with a beautiful face, she couldn't help showing a gentle smile.

Immediately, black hair fluttered like ink, and the long-haired girl, who looked like a fairy from the dust, moved lightly with lotus steps, and walked slowly towards the boy.

But at this moment, Wu You looked at the long-haired woman who met again in this life after countless years for her own sake in the previous life, and a faint smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"You have a beautiful smile."

Duan Gurou, who floated to the front, looked at the very familiar young man in front of her, and blurted out involuntarily.

After speaking, he covered his cherry lips in embarrassment.

She didn't know why, but it was really strange that she would say such frivolous words again to this young man whom she had only met once.

It seemed that as long as she was in front of this boy, her mood would be completely out of control.This unprecedented feeling not only made her confused and surprised, but also felt wonderful and dreamy.

Immediately looking into the boy's deep eyes, the long-haired girl stretched out her jade hand, and smiled softly:
"Hi, my name is Duan Gurou.

You didn't tell me your name last time, can you tell me now? "

Wu You looked at the beautiful girl with long hair fluttering in front of her, who was as gentle as water, and said with a light smile:

"My name is Wu You."

As he spoke, he stretched out his jade-like palm, and gently held the girl's catkin.

In an instant, upon hearing this name and feeling the warmth from her fingers, Duan Gurou's delicate body trembled involuntarily, and a blush suddenly rose on her beautiful cheeks.

Just as she expected, this extremely familiar boy was really her fiancé whom she had been engaged to since she was a child.

For a moment, the pure eyes of this fairy-like long-haired girl were filled with tenderness.

Letting this young man hold his soft hand, the shyness in his heart is beyond words.

But at this time, Chen Haofan, the eldest son of the Chen family who was seriously injured, saw that the person he was pursuing so hard was so ambiguous with Mr. Wu at this moment, and his heart felt sore and unbearable.

It turns out that Miss Duan's fiancé is actually the illegitimate son of her third aunt. This is really unexpected...

"Mr. Wu, I didn't expect it was really him!"

Wang Xuancang, the suzerain of the Ancient Martial Arts Sect, looked deeply at the field. The handsome young man wearing an ice-blue gorgeous robe, who was aloof and refined, was already so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked.

It never occurred to him that the ordinary boy named Li Goudan was actually transformed by Mr. Wu.

What's more, I didn't expect that the head teacher of the ancient Hua Xianzong was actually an ancient martial artist of the Supreme Realm!
This is simply incredible!
He originally thought that Mr. Wu, who made the whole Liuzhou restless, was at most an ancient warrior of the Martial God Realm.That's why he was invited to participate in this trial event, and was ready to give him a good start.It would be best if it was possible to make him submit to the Gu Wu Dao Sect, otherwise, take this opportunity to kill him to avoid future troubles!
However, what he didn't expect was that the Guhua Immortal Sect Headmaster, who he had never really paid attention to, was actually a terrifying existence who had stepped into the peak of the Ancient Martial Dao like himself, which was really unbelievable.

It seems that I still underestimated Mr. Wu...

But at this time, all the eyes of the audience were focused on the young man who was floating like a fairy, and everyone showed unprecedented shock.

No one thought that Mr. Wu, the scum of the warrior world mentioned by the eldest son of the Chen family before, would be an extremely powerful ancient warrior of the Supreme Realm.

And when they thought that they wanted to attack this extremely terrifying existence just now, everyone felt extremely embarrassed and ashamed...

Just when countless people were shocked by Mr. Wu who showed his true colors.

A hysterical roar suddenly sounded in the field.

"Damn villain, I will kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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