I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1043 You're Unworthy

Chapter 1043 You're Unworthy

As soon as the words were finished, the old head of the Chen family, who was already full of anger because his beloved grandson was seriously injured, suddenly waved his sleeves.

In an instant, a huge and bright silver-white light blade shot towards the young man who uttered wild words, intending to cut him in two!

However, at the next moment, an icy blue ball of light shining with a dazzling golden glow suddenly appeared, completely covering the boy!

With an earth-shattering bang.

The galloping, majestic and sharp blade of light, after touching the golden blue light ball, only cut into it by a few inches, and then could not move forward, and then disappeared into nothing...

But the young man in the icy blue light ball was safe and sound!

"How, how is this possible?!"

Chen Xuanxiao saw that his angry blow was blocked so easily, he couldn't help being stunned on the spot, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Immediately, he looked at the ball of light that shrouded the young man in the field, exuding golden blue light, and suddenly thought of something, opened his eyes wide, and blurted out:
"Then, what kind of magic weapon is that? How can it have such a powerful power?"

And at the next moment, Chen Haofan beside him stared coldly at the golden blue light ball, and shouted angrily:
"Hmph, the despicable and shameless guy actually hid in that spiritual weapon again, what a coward!"

Hearing this, Chen Xuanxiao was taken aback for a moment, then opened his eyes wide in an instant, and exclaimed in disbelief:

"Spiritual weapon? Fan'er, you said that ball of light is a spiritual weapon?"

"Yes, Grandpa."

Chen Haofan nodded with great certainty, a hint of greed appeared in his eyes for an instant, obviously he still had a grudge about the spirit weapon.

At this time, after Chen Xuanxiao was confirmed, he instantly showed an unprecedented look of shock.

In the long-standing literature records, those extremely powerful ancient warriors in ancient times, in addition to their own strength against the sky, usually possessed all kinds of magical treasures.

And this kind of treasure with magical power is called a magic weapon.

Of course, magic weapons are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. From low to high, they are divided into magic weapons, spiritual weapons, and holy weapons.

However, even the founder of the ancient martial arts sect, according to records, there are only a few magic weapons at most.

Even today, the magic weapons collected by the entire Ancient Martial Arts School and the five great families over the past 200 years are mostly low-level magic weapons.

The most powerful magic weapon for suppressing clan is just a quasi-spiritual weapon...

And the only quasi-spiritual weapon is the most powerful magic weapon that Chen Xuanxiao wears with him, the Yuexiao Sword!

However, at this moment, it was learned that the handsome young man, who was floating like a fairy, actually possessed a legendary spiritual weapon.Chen Xuanxiao was shocked for no reason, and couldn't believe his ears.

But the magic weapon that can block his angry blow is really impossible to be an ordinary magic weapon.

Could it be, could it be that the boy's magic weapon is really a legendary spiritual weapon!
Thinking of this, the old Patriarch of the Chen family had the same reaction as everyone else before him, and there was a hint of greed in his eyes, which was fleeting...

And at the next moment, Wu You looked at Chen Xuanxiao indifferently, and asked meaningfully:

"You are the head of the Chen family?"

Hearing this, Chen Xuanxiao suddenly came back to his senses, and then said in a deep voice:

"Yes, it is the old man."

"That's just right, you came at the right time, and I am not in a hurry to go to your Chen's house."

Wu You smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Chen Xuanxiao frowned, and asked in amazement:

"Why are you going to my Chen's house?"

Before Wu You could reply, Chen Haofan spoke first:

"Grandpa, this bastard wants to find Sangu."

Hearing the sound, Chen Xuanxiao was startled suddenly, and blurted out:
"He wants to find Mengyao?"

"Yes, grandpa, he is the illegitimate son of the third aunt, Wu You!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuanxiao immediately opened his eyes wide, showing unprecedented shock.

He never thought that the illegitimate son of his youngest daughter would appear in front of his eyes at this moment. This is really unexpected!
Immediately, looking at the detached and handsome young man in the field, Chen Xuanxiao said in disbelief:

"This, how is this possible? How could that bastard more than ten years ago have the strength of the Supreme Realm?"

And at the next moment, Wu You narrowed his eyes, and suddenly sneered at the old Patriarch of the Chen family:

"Hehe, I'm a bastard, so you're a purebred?!"

Hearing the sarcasm, Chen Haofan flew into a rage, glared at the young man who uttered evil words, and angrily reprimanded:
"Boldly, you are the heir of my third aunt anyway, and you dare to slander grandpa and elders in public, it is an unforgivable crime!
Don't kneel down and plead guilty, otherwise you will surely die today! "

At this time, Chen Xuanxiao, after hearing the sarcasm from that bastard, was also immediately enraged and his expression changed.

If he had known that this bastard was so stubborn, he should have made up his mind to kill this beast completely after capturing Chen Mengyao back then, so as to avoid future troubles!
"Elder? Grandpa? Hahaha."

Wu You couldn't help laughing out loud, and immediately looked at the sinking face of the old Patriarch of the Chen family, and said proudly with a sneer:

"Is he worthy!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience couldn't help being dumbfounded and shocked inexplicably.

No one expected that Mr. Wu would dare to openly slander the number one powerhouse in China, Immortal Xuanxiao at the peak of the Supreme Realm, in front of so many people!

This, this is simply asking for death!

Sure enough, at the next moment, the old Patriarch of the Chen family, who looked like a fairy, suddenly revealed an unprecedented expression of anger!
Immediately staring at the impolite impolite, gritted his teeth and shouted:
"Damn it, this old man will clean up the Chen family's house today!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Xuanxiao suddenly made a gesture with his fingers, and the flowing silver-white robe on his body moved without wind, and a majestic and majestic aura filled the air!
"Yuexiao, Qi!"

With an earth-shattering shout.

Under the inexplicably shocked eyes of millions of people on the top of Wuling Mountain.

The silver-white long sword suspended above Chen Xuanxiao suddenly burst into a dazzling brilliance as bright as stars and moons!
"Hmph, little bastard, don't think you can do whatever you want with a magic weapon of defense.

Under the old man's Yuexiao sword, any resistance is vulnerable! "

Chen Xuanxiao stared at the golden blue ball of light around the young man, and a look of greed flashed across his eyes.

After the heinous bastard is dealt with, the legendary precious spiritual weapon can be owned by him!
Then he pointed forward without hesitation and shouted angrily:
"Come on!"

As soon as the words fell, the blazing silver sword suddenly turned into a majestic silver rainbow, shooting towards the young man in the field invincibly!

It is bound to kill it with one blow!

(End of this chapter)

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