Chapter 1050
And the people who have the same idea as Wang Xuancang are the ten Patriarchs of the Five Great Aristocratic Families in the field.

At this moment, they endured the pain on their bodies, and looked at the young man who was floating like a fairy with disbelief in their eyes.

It wasn't until this moment that they finally realized that the brazen words that the young man said earlier were not just empty talk and bluffing.

With so many people, he couldn't even beat his two servants, and almost lost his life.

This is really embarrassing...

For a moment, all the patriarchs of the aristocratic families blushed with embarrassment, feeling ashamed.

"Hmph, how dare a group of drunkards dare to act presumptuously in front of my lord, what a shame!"

Ji Chi, who incarnated as Chiyou Demon God, stared coldly at those so-called peerless powerhouses, his eyes filled with contempt and disdain.

"Isn't it? These self-righteous idiots actually want to be enemies with my lord, it's ridiculous!"

Zhou Zi sneered, sneering and sneering, swaying the nine fox tails on his back comfortably.

Hearing this unscrupulous ridicule, the ten patriarchs of the five great families in the field immediately reacted.Immediately, he was even more embarrassed, wishing he could find a crack in the rock and get in...

And at the next moment, Chen Xuanxiao, the old Patriarch of the Chen family, was the only one among the ten who was not injured and was quite decent.Unable to restrain the shock in his heart any longer, he immediately said to the illegitimate son of the Chen family in shock:
"You wild... are you also at the peak of the Supreme Realm?"

In an instant, everyone's eyes were also focused on that detached and refined boy.

I eagerly want to know how terrifying the strength of this Mr. Wu who can subdue two such powerful servants has reached.

At this time, Wu You, who heard the question, tilted his head and pondered for a moment.

Then a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:
"To be honest, I haven't entered the Qi training period yet, I'm just at the peak of Qi cultivation, which is what you call strength."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience couldn't help being dumbfounded, and couldn't believe their ears.

Such a powerhouse who overwhelms all heroes and is astonishing in the world is actually just a master of strength?
This, this is really nonsense!
"You, do you really think we are three-year-olds? How could a mere Grandmaster Gang Jin possess such powerful power and subdue so many subordinates of the Supreme Realm? It's just nonsense!"

Chen Xuanxiao, who felt that his IQ was insulted, gritted his teeth angrily.

The other nine Patriarchs of the Five Great Aristocratic Families also showed expressions of anger.

"Presumptuous! What kind of thing are you, you dare to question my lord, you are really damned!"

Ji Chi immediately yelled angrily, then stared at those family heads with disdain, and ordered in a cold tone:
"Now all kneel down to this king and kowtow to my lord to make amends, or you will bear the consequences!"

As he said that, bursts of dangerous black lights appeared on the six palms again, ready to go!
"Hmph, are you idiots deaf? Get down on your knees!"

Zhouzi snorted contemptuously, and the nine huge fox tails behind him danced wildly like a dragon!

Seeing this terrifying scene, the millions of people on the top of Wuling Mountain couldn't help but turn pale with horror.

If the terrifying Chiyou Demon God and the daughter of Daji attack again, I am afraid that the heads of the five great families will surely be doomed...

But at this time, the ten Supreme Realm ancient warriors in the arena, facing the threat of the two terrifying monsters, suddenly trembled and turned pale.

However, letting them kneel down to a young boy in public is more unacceptable than killing them.

For a moment, the patriarchs of the aristocratic families, who were already seriously injured and unable to fight any more, could not help feeling inexplicably sad and indignant, their eyes tearing open.

And at the next moment, Chen Xuanxiao suddenly showed a resolute look.

Immediately shouted hoarsely:

"Spread out! Go open the Zhenzong Immortal Formation!"

As soon as the words fell, under the incredulous eyes of everyone in the audience.

The number one powerhouse in China, Immortal Xuanxiao, suddenly turned into a monstrous rainbow and shot towards the two terrifying monsters in the field!

Seeing that the old Patriarch of the Chen family had sacrificed his life to gain precious time for himself, the nine Supreme Realm ancient warriors scattered recklessly without any delay.

Running towards the edge of this ancient and huge sapphire platform!

Seeing this, Wang Xuancang, the lord of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect, hesitated for a moment, but still unfolded his movements and rushed to the edge of a high platform...

Seeing this scene, Ji Chi and Zhouzi immediately flew into a rage, even trying to stop those damned guys from escaping.

And at the next moment, Chen Xuanxiao had rushed to the two of them, and launched a crazy offensive in an instant.

Facing this old man at the peak of the Supreme Realm, who was attacking with all his might, although Ji Chi and Zhouzi were not afraid, they were also at a loss for what to do for a while, so they could only let the heads of the aristocratic families scatter and flee...




In an instant, a loud bang that shook the sky and the earth once again resounded through the entire Wuling Mountain!

On the sapphire high platform, it was suddenly filled with fierce black light, monstrous foxtails, and silvery white light blades that covered the sky and the sun!

And just a moment later, ten supreme ancient warriors had already arrived at the edge of the sapphire platform, in front of ten simple stone statues.

Immediately, impatiently pressed his palm on the stone statue, and resolutely poured all the spiritual energy in his body into the stone statue frantically!

In an instant, the ten stone statues suddenly glowed with a halo.With the continuous influx of a large amount of spiritual energy, it becomes more dazzling!
And in the next moment.


There was an earth-shattering bang.

Chen Xuanxiao, the old Patriarch of the Chen family, under the pincer attack of two terrifying monsters, couldn't hold on any longer, and was instantly blown away in one fell swoop!
Under the horrified and inexplicable eyes of everyone in the audience.


Like a kite with a broken string, Chen Xuanxiao slammed into the [-]-meter-tall giant statue behind the sapphire platform!

Immediately spit out a mouthful of blood!

Suddenly, his face was pale and his expression was sluggish...

Seeing the old Patriarch of the Chen family leaning against the giant statue, the powerless old head of the Chen family, the millions of people in the audience showed an unprecedented look of horror.

Oh my god, even Immortal Xuanxiao, who is the number one powerhouse in China, is hanging by a thread.

Could it be that the five great families of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect are really about to be destroyed today?
"Why, how could this be..."

Chen Haofan, the young master of the Chen family, stared at his grandfather in horror. The bloody, miserable appearance immediately plunged into deep despair.

No one can save them now...

And just when countless people were shocked and inexplicable.

Chen Xuanxiao, who was already seriously injured, slapped his two bloody palms hard on the giant statue behind him!

"Zhenzong Immortal Formation, start!"

(End of this chapter)

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