I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1056 The Immortal Arrives

Chapter 1056 The Immortal Arrives
And in this heavy and depressing atmosphere.

The gentle, long-haired girl in the arena came to the ashen-faced young man with fluttering clothes, and said with extremely firm eyes:
"Brother Wu You, don't be sad, I believe that Auntie Jiren has her own destiny, so nothing will happen.

Let's take a look at the seal from that year first, maybe there will be some clues. "

Hearing this, Wu You suddenly came back to his senses, and then looked at the persistent and resolute eyes of the long-haired girl in front of him, a hope rose in his heart for no reason.

Yes, the mother is just missing, not necessarily dead!
In an instant, Wu You cheered up again, nodded to Duan Gurou in front of him and said:
"You're right, thank you."

Afterwards, Wu You grabbed the girl's weak and boneless jade hand and walked towards Chen Xuanxiao.

But Duan Gurou, who was held by the opposite sex, not only did not have any resistance in her heart, but felt a touch of sweetness.

Although it was a little embarrassing to be held by a man in the public hall, who made him my future husband...

And just as Duan Gurou let the young man hold her little hand, she came to the front and back of the old master of the Chen family.

Wu You ordered in a deep voice without any doubt:

"Take me to that crack in the underworld right now!"

Seeing this, Chen Xuanxiao of course didn't dare to have any opinion, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Yes, yes, please follow me, my lord."

As he spoke, he stood up tremblingly, and wanted to take the two of them to the back mountain of the Ancient Martial Dao School.

And at the next moment, a shocking shout of exasperation suddenly resounded throughout the entire Wuling Mountain!
"Damn stinky man, let go of your dirty hands!"

Hearing these words suddenly, millions of people in the audience couldn't help being startled, and then looked along the prestige in amazement.

But above the cloudless sky, a shocking cyan rainbow galloped towards Wuling Mountain with great momentum!

After a while, when he came to the sky above the mountain, he slowly lowered his body.

Immediately under the attention of everyone, the dazzling blue brilliance gradually dissipated.

A stunningly beautiful woman wearing a cyan elegant ancient style dress, with an ethereal celestial appearance, is impressively displayed in front of the world!
Looking at the fairy Chuchen, who was surrounded by green energy and glowing in the sky, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked, as shocked as heaven!

And when she saw this sacred and inviolable beautiful woman, she didn't rely on external objects, just stepped on the void, and her clothes fluttered in the air.The millions of people on the top of Wuling Mountain were even more dumbfounded, beyond shock.

My God, is that woman really a fairy?It's incredible!
And in the next moment.

Chen Xuanxiao, the old Patriarch of the Chen family, looked up at the mid-air, and the beautiful woman who stepped on the void and floated like a fairy suddenly opened her eyes wide, and exclaimed uncontrollably:
"Oh my god, then, that's a fairy from Lingyou Wonderland!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience couldn't help being startled, and then they were dumbfounded, revealing unprecedented shock.

It turned out that the beautiful woman who suddenly descended from the sky was the mysterious and powerful immortal who transcended the ancient martial arts in the legend!
This, this is simply unbelievable!
For a moment, countless people couldn't help admiring that beautiful woman who had a vast aura and floated out of the dust.

He really deserves to be a fairy in the legends, he really is like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world, so sacred and inviolable...

And at the next moment, the elegant and noble holy fairy in everyone's eyes floated on the sapphire platform, and immediately pointed at Mr. Wu and cursed:
"You perverted brat, hurry up and let go of my precious apprentice, or I will castrate you as a eunuch!"

Seeing this scene, millions of people were completely stunned on the spot, and couldn't believe their eyes.

Who would have thought that the seemingly transcendent and holy fairy would be like a shrew in the market, cursing at the boy.

This, this is simply too unacceptable...

"This, is this the legendary fairy?"

Zhao Sihui stared blankly at the field, the stunningly beautiful woman with one hand on her hip who jumped like thunder, without any regard for her image, was completely speechless...

But at this time, Wu You, the person involved, ignored the fairy's threat at all, and still tightly held the long-haired girl's catkin.

Seeing this, the extremely beautiful woman immediately flew into a rage.

"Oh, you brat, how dare you ignore my old lady's words, let's see how I deal with you!"

And just when he couldn't help but wanted to make a move, Duan Gurou suddenly stood in front of Wu You and scolded him righteously:
"Master stop, you are not allowed to hurt my brother Wu You."

Hearing these words, everyone in the audience couldn't help being stunned and shocked inexplicably.

No one thought that the long-haired girl would be the apprentice of the legendary immortal.

It's unbelievable.

And at this time, the beautiful woman was even more furious when she saw that her precious apprentice was protecting that cowardly stinky man like this.

Immediately, with grief and indignation, he said:
"Gu Rou, how can you turn your elbows out, forget about Master when you have a man, it really hurts my heart!"

"Brother Wu You is not an outsider, he, he is my fiance..."

At the end, a shy blush suddenly rose on Duan Gurou's beautiful cheeks.

But upon hearing this, and seeing her disciple's "spring-like" appearance, the beautiful woman couldn't help being startled, then looked at the handsome young man with a detached temperament in amazement, and blurted out:
"Is this brat the one you mentioned, the fiancé who had a baby kiss when I was a child?"


Duan Gurou nodded heavily.

"I disagree!"

The extremely beautiful woman immediately shouted, and then persuaded her earnestly:

"Gu Rou, this little boy is not a good person at first glance, he must be messing around everywhere, maybe he already has a lot of women behind his back.

Gu Rou, you can't jump into the fire pit! "

Hearing this, Wu You, who had been watching coldly, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

I didn't expect these two so-called immortals, who are like fools, to be quite accurate in judging people...

"Master, stop talking nonsense, Brother Wu You is not that kind of person.

If you slander Brother Wu You, I will not be your apprentice in the future! "

Duan Gurou frowned, and said angrily rarely.

Seeing that her apprentice was really angry, the beautiful woman couldn't help but her heart trembled, and she hurriedly apologized earnestly and said with a smile:

"Hey hey, Gu Rou, don't say that, the teacher was just joking with you just now."

Then he looked at the young man beside him, grinning the corners of his mouth twitching, and said with an extremely unnatural forced smile:

"Oh, look carefully now, your fiancé is really a good-looking talent.

Gurou, your vision is really good. "

(End of this chapter)

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