I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1066 The Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 1066 The Lord of the Underworld
Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience suddenly reacted.

That terrifying ghost wants to escape!
"Hmph, a guy who doesn't understand etiquette wants to leave without my master's consent, it's really disgusting!"

Ji Chi, who had turned into a sexy girl, snorted angrily, and then the black long whip in his hand shot out like a dragon, sweeping towards the blue rainbow with overwhelming momentum!

In an instant, the cyan ghost who was about to escape from the sky was overtaken by the black long whip that seemed to be rushing like thunder, and was immediately entangled tightly before falling from mid-air.


With a heavy muffled sound, the evil ghost who had already been tied into a rice dumpling fell hard to the ground!

For a moment, it bared its teeth in pain and screamed again and again.

Seeing that the terrifying cyan monster had been completely subdued by Mr. Wu's men, everyone in the audience heaved a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he began to carefully look at this huge hideous evil spirit.

After a while, everyone was surprised to find that this cyan monster with a head like indigo, hair like cinnabar, and huge fangs was obviously different from the black demons that swarmed in groups before.

In addition to the completely different appearance, the feeling of the two is very different.

If those previous demons were all beasts with immature spiritual intelligence, then this cyan evil spirit is more like a human being!
And not only does she look like a human being, she is actually a woman when she sees her breasts and breasts exposed!

Oh my god, this, this is actually a female ghost!
At this time, Zhao Sihui, who was the victim, stood up pale with Duan Gurou's support.

Immediately looking at the ground, the cyan female ghost, grinning and struggling violently, suddenly felt terrified and shuddered.

"Brother Wu You, what, what kind of monster is this?"

Duan Gurou asked suspiciously.

Immediately, everyone in the audience looked at the young man who was floating like a fairy, eager to know the answer.

Even Yan Moye, the Immortal Lingyou who was standing beside him, showed a look of confusion at this moment.

Obviously, he didn't know what the green female ghost in front of him was.

"This guy's name is Yasha, and he is a low-level race in the underworld, but he is still somewhat intelligent."

Wu You said casually.


Hearing this somewhat familiar name, everyone present couldn't help being dumbfounded, and they were extremely surprised.

In ancient and modern Chinese and foreign myths, there are many descriptions of Yaksha, but the Yaksha in each story is different.

I don't know if the cyan female ghost in front of me is the legendary Yasha.

But at this moment, Yan Moye opened his eyes wide when he heard the boy's words, and exclaimed in disbelief:

"It, it is Yasha?!"

Hearing this, everyone in the audience looked at the Lingyou Immortal who made a fuss, wondering why she was so excited all of a sudden.

"Master, do you also know this kind of monster?"

Duan Gurou asked in surprise.

For a moment, everyone around also showed curiosity.

"Of course I know, the name of the Yasha tribe is very famous in Lingyou Wonderland!

According to legend, each of them is extremely powerful, and they are the real masters of the entire underworld, not the inferior races that some people say.

And the battle between immortals and ghosts from ancient times to the present is almost always initiated by the Yasha clan.

And their purpose is to turn the mortal world into a dead place, and reduce it to the second underworld!
Therefore, in order to prevent the evil deeds of the Yaksha tribe, all major fairylands, including the ghost fairyland, have always been stationed at the exits of the underworld to strictly guard against them.

However, despite this, the Yaksha family still tried their best to get involved in the mortal world.

And the cracks in the underworld that randomly appear in the human world are the most important means!
Fortunately, because the Yaksha tribe itself is too powerful, they are limited by space and cannot leave the underworld through the crack.

Therefore, a large number of demons can only be sent to the world in an attempt to expand the cracks in space and hunt for fresh souls, so that they can get what they want as soon as possible.

But for thousands of years, as long as these cracks in the underworld appear, the nearby fairylands will quickly sense it.Immediately came to seal it as quickly as possible, and completely killed the conspiracy of the Yaksha clan! "

Yan Moye talked eloquently, then looked at the green monster on the ground, coughed twice in embarrassment:

"Of course, because I am a peace-loving person, I don't want to fight and kill, and I have never been to the front line of the exit of the underworld, so I don't know what the Yaksha tribe looks like..."

Then he hurriedly changed the subject and said:
"Ahem, but this cyan monster will definitely not be a member of the Yaksha clan, as I said just now, it is impossible for the Yaksha clan to come to the human world through the cracks in the underworld.

So your so-called fiancé must have made a mistake. "

Speaking of this, Yan Moye looked proudly at the field, the young man who had been exposed by himself was full of disdain.

Hmph, compared to experience and knowledge, this brat is far from being my opponent!

But at this time, when everyone listened to the fairy Lingyou's narration about the secrets of the underworld, they couldn't help being stunned and shocked beyond measure.

It turns out that behind the world they are familiar with, there is actually such a little-known shocking secret hidden.

This is simply incredible!
However, at this moment, Wu You didn't pay attention to the provocative gaze cast by Yan Moye, and shook his head and said with a sneer:

"The Yaksha tribe can become the master of the underworld. It seems that the earth's underworld is really weak."


Yan Moye couldn't help but startled when he heard this, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

It's really unreasonable for this yellow-mouthed kid to belittle the terrifying underworld that can guard all fairylands, including Lingyou Wonderland, with all their strength forever!
And just when Yan Moye was about to retort at this brazen brat.

Zhao Sihui, who had already been inexplicably terrified, finally blurted out uncontrollably:
"If this monster isn't a Yaksha, what is it?

And how did such a big monster attach to me?I didn't feel anything before. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience couldn't help but frown, showing a look of bewilderment and bewilderment.

Yes, they were all on this sapphire high platform before, and they were watched by millions of people all the time.

How could that three-meter-high behemoth be attached to this curly-haired beauty without being noticed?
This is really unbelievable.

And just when everyone was confused and puzzled.

But I saw that handsome young man who was calm and calm, suddenly shook his head.Then he looked at the curly-haired beauty, smiled meaningfully and said:
"This hag has been in your body for a long time, but it didn't appear just now."

(End of this chapter)

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