Chapter 1068
Hearing this, Zhao Sihui, who was completely at a loss, suddenly reacted.

Then he looked blankly at the young man in the middle of the field.Although he was a little unclear about the little brother's request, he still opened his cherry lips as he said.

And at the next moment, Wu You waved his sleeve casually.

A elixir that shone with a silver light and overflowed with fragrance suddenly shot out.

It shot accurately into the small mouth of the curly-haired beauty.

In an instant, Zhao Sihui felt that the silver elixir turned into a surging and warm current as soon as she took it in, and began to swim around her body.

Suddenly, her whole delicate body seemed to be immersed in boundless vitality.

This unprecedented sense of comfort made Zhao Sihui involuntarily close her eyes...

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help being startled, wondering why Mr. Wu suddenly wanted to give the young lady of the Zhao family medicine?
At this time, Chen Xuanxiao and the others were even more surprised, they could tell at a glance that the silver pill that Zhao Sihui had taken was exactly the one they had taken before.

But Miss Zhao's family was not injured either. Why did Mr. Wu do this?

"What the hell is that kid doing?"

Yan Moye frowned slightly.

And at the next moment, everyone in the audience was attracted by the curly-haired beauty.

I saw that the aura of the young lady of the Zhao family who had swallowed the silver elixir was gradually increasing, and it was getting faster and faster!

Especially the powerful fighters in the arena can clearly feel that Zhao Sihui's body, which was originally empty, is now filled with aura!

Mr. Wu's elixir is really amazing. It can not only heal the injury quickly, but also replenish a lot of spiritual energy, and even cleanse the meridians.Such a powerful and incomparably effective effect is simply a legendary elixir!

But giving such an incomparably precious elixir to the eldest lady of the Zhao family, isn't it a bit too violent?
After all, no matter how miraculous the elixir is, it is of little use to a cripple whose dantian has been destroyed and who cannot absorb spiritual energy...

And just when everyone was puzzled.

The fashionable windbreaker worn by the curly-haired beauty in the field suddenly began to swell automatically without wind!
Seeing this, the surrounding people from the five great families of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect suddenly widened their eyes and their faces were full of shock.

Hua, Hua Jin!How is this possible?

At that time, because of the exhaustion of spiritual energy in her body, the young lady of the Zhao family had already fallen to the level of dark strength, why she suddenly became a warrior of transformation strength at this moment?
This, this is simply incredible!
And just when everyone was in doubt, Zhao Sihui suddenly opened his eyes, and immediately a ray of real light burst out!

In an instant, a layer of golden body-protecting energy immediately enveloped this curly-haired beauty!
Gang Jin Grandmaster!

Oh my god, how is this possible?

At this moment, the charming girl of the sky has stepped into the power again!
This is unbelievable!
For a moment, everyone in the audience showed unprecedented shock, and couldn't believe their eyes.

And in the next moment.


Zhao Sihui couldn't restrain herself and suddenly raised her head to the sky and gave a soft shout.

In an instant, a huge and bright golden beam shot up into the sky!

The majestic aura that destroys heaven and earth suddenly pervades the audience!
Seeing this incomparably shocking scene, all the members of the five great families of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect were petrified, completely stunned on the spot, their minds went blank...

At this moment, Ye Muye, the young master of the Ye family, looked at the field, the young lady of the Zhao family who was once regarded as a waste by him, but now she was so imposing and shocking.

He couldn't help shaking like a sieve, and exclaimed in disbelief:
"This, how is this possible? She, she has stepped into the ancient martial arts road!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience immediately reacted.

Immediately, there was an unprecedented storm in everyone's heart!
No matter what, they never expected that the eldest lady of the Zhao family, whose dantian had been completely destroyed, had become a useless person.At this moment, he suddenly transformed into a powerful ancient martial artist of the Martial Saint Realm!
This, this is simply a miracle!

That Mr. Wu's elixir actually has the powerful effect of repairing the dantian and breaking through the realm, it is too unbelievable!

In an instant, under the shocked and inexplicable eyes of everyone in the audience.

Zhao Sihui lowered her head slowly, restrained her momentum, and let out a long breath of white air.

Then he began to look at himself incredulously.

At this moment, she felt as if she had been completely reborn. Not only was her whole body filled with explosive terrifying power, but her spirit and reaction had also reached unprecedented heights. The meridians all over her body were filled with spiritual energy, constantly nourishing her body.

This, is this the feeling of an ancient warrior?It's too powerful!

Seeing this, the shock and excitement in Zhao Sihui's heart was beyond words.

Ten years, a full ten years have passed, and at this moment, not only has her dantian recovered, she has regained her lost strength, and she has even become an ancient martial artist in the Martial Saint Realm in one fell swoop!
All of this is beyond even dreaming.

Immediately, with great gratitude, Zhao Sihui bowed her waist deeply towards the handsome young man who was floating like a fairy.

"Little brother, thank you for restoring my dantian. I will never forget such a kindness in my life, and I will definitely try my best to repay you."

However, at this moment, Wu You shook his head, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and said:
"Your dantian is not cured by the medicine that washes the pulse."

Suddenly hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help but startled, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

Miss Zhao's dantian, which had been abandoned for ten years, if it hadn't been restored by that miraculous elixir, how could it suddenly be as good as before?

At this time, Zhao Sihui was completely stunned on the spot, looking up at the handsome young man with blank eyes.

I really don't understand why the little brother said that, she clearly recovered her dantian after taking that elixir.

And under the inexplicable eyes of everyone.

Wu You smiled slightly, and said in a calm voice:

"The juvenile Yaksha relies on the host's dantian to absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world for its own growth.

During this period, the host's dantian will appear to be destroyed, but in fact the aura in the dantian is not leaked, but swallowed by Yasha.

So after pulling out this dominatrix, your dantian will naturally return to its original state. "

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help but widen their eyes, and their hearts were suddenly beyond shocked.

No one thought that the dantian of the charming girl of the sky was not destroyed, but an illusion caused by the evil spirit's occupation.

This, this is really unexpected!
(End of this chapter)

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