I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1074 The Underworld Opens

Chapter 1074 The Underworld Opens


Accompanied by bursts of huge roars that resounded through the sky.

The violently trembling Wuling Mountain, the huge mountain was covered with terrifying cracks in an instant!
"Bang! Bang bang bang..."

In an instant, a large amount of rocks, soil and sand rolled down the cliff!
Under this unprecedented earthquake, the entire huge Wuling Mountain seemed to be about to collapse, and gradually began to fall apart!
Seeing this terrifying scene that seemed to be the end of the world, not only the millions of people in the square were heartbroken and their souls were scattered.

Even the hundreds of Lingyou Immortals above the void stopped their pursuit at this moment, revealing their figures.

Immediately, everyone looked down in horror at the huge Wuling Mountain that seemed to be about to collapse completely.Everyone gasped, and there was an unprecedented storm in their hearts!
My God, what happened?Why does it feel like the whole mountain is going to collapse!
And at this moment, the bound dominatrix on the square, seeing this scene, immediately opened her huge mouth full of fangs, and laughed hysterically:
"Hahaha, the exit to the underworld has now been opened, and the moment our family has waited for endless years has finally arrived!
You humble human beings are all going to die today! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience couldn't help but widen their eyes, showing a look of horror that had never been seen before.

Oh my god, could it be that the exit to the underworld is really completed?

And it seemed to be confirming the words of the dominatrix.

This huge mountain, which was already devastated and fragmented, finally couldn't hold it anymore.


With a deafening, majestic and shocking bang.

Under the terrified eyes of countless people.

Most of the mountain in the center of Wuling Mountain suddenly collapsed!




In an instant, an endless roar resounded throughout the entire world!
The huge and majestic torrential waves, engulfed in gravel and dust, swallowed everything in an instant!
At this moment, the whole world seemed to be sinking into the doomsday catastrophe, trembling unceasingly...

After an unknown amount of time, the deafening roar finally stopped, and the dust in the sky gradually settled.

At this time, the millions of people lying on the square and trembling on the ground slowly stood up with bloodless faces.

Immediately, everyone looked around in amazement.

But at the center of Wuling Mountain, there is an abyss with a diameter of a thousand meters!
And the square where they are located is on the edge of the huge abyss!

Just now, as long as the abyss expands a bit, everyone will be lost forever...

Seeing this terrifying scene like a nightmare, the millions of surviving people in the audience seemed to be petrified, completely stunned on the spot.

No matter what, they never expected that the huge Wuling Mountain, which existed for countless years in ancient times, would just collapse like this.

This, this is too unbelievable!
But at this time, the Lingyou immortals in the void looked down at the bottomless abyss that suddenly appeared in the center of Wuling Mountain, and the shock and horror in their hearts was beyond words.

For a moment, no matter on the ground or in the air, everyone was immersed in deep shock and panic, unable to extricate themselves...

But in the next moment.




An endless, piercing and piercing roar suddenly came from the huge mouth of the abyss!
Hearing the shrill neigh that seemed to be getting closer, countless people in the audience couldn't help trembling, and then looked inexplicably in horror.

However, under the abyss at the edge of the square, there suddenly appeared a dense, innumerable blue dots, which are rising up into the sky in darkness at this moment!

Looking carefully, those blue dots turned out to be a terrifying monster with a head and wings, and a green face and fangs!

Oh my god, those hundreds of blue dots rushing madly are all Yakshas!
Seeing this, the millions of people in the audience were frightened, their livers were torn apart, and their souls were scattered.

My goodness, what the hell is going on?How come there are so many terrifying Yashas suddenly, it's really scary!

At this time, hundreds of Lingyou immortals in the void looked at the mighty and dense Yaksha army under the abyss in horror.They also involuntarily opened their eyes wide, revealing an unprecedented look of panic.

"It's over, it's over...

The exit to the underworld has really opened! "

Yan Moye, who was at the end of the team, immediately exclaimed uncontrollably when he saw this extremely terrifying scene.

Hearing this, all the young men and women who stepped on the void also suddenly came back to their senses.Immediately, my heart trembled violently and I was terrified.

As Na Yan Moye said, once the exit of the underworld is opened, there is no possibility of reversing and closing it, and any formation seal will not help!

And the only way is to use powerful force to suppress the army of the underworld, and set up a fairyland here in time to guard it forever.

Otherwise, the whole world will be reduced to the second underworld hell in a short time!
"Quick, hurry up! Before the Lord of Ghosts arrives with the reinforcements, we must not let those Yasha clansmen pass through the exit!"

The gray-robed youth shouted hoarsely.

Hearing these words, hundreds of Immortal Lingyou immediately reacted.

Immediately without any hesitation, with incomparable eagerness, they suddenly turned into shocking rainbows, spread out in a very tacit understanding, and lined up on this huge abyss with a diameter of one thousand meters!
And at the next moment, the hundreds of Foundation Establishment cultivators from Lingyou Wonderland suddenly clasped their hands together and formed seals.

In an instant, an incomparably dazzling and monstrous flame erupted from each of them!


Following the gray-robed youth's majestic order.

In an instant, a huge white light curtain was released by hundreds of people, covering the entire abyss in an instant!

At the same time, the innumerable and terrifying Yaksha army had already flown towards the mouth of the abyss.




With loud bangs, countless horrifying yakshas with ferocious faces collided with the white light curtain one after another!
However, although these yakshas are "morduo powerful", they only stirred up some ripples on the white light curtain for a while, and then they were knocked back by the formation one by one!

Seeing this, the millions of people in the square who had already fallen into despair all lifted their spirits and breathed a sigh of relief.

He really deserves to be the fairy in the legend, the formation he displayed is really amazing!
Now those terrifying underworld monsters can't come out for the time being.

But at this moment, Yan Moye in the void immediately looked at the densely packed crowd on the square.

Immediately scolded anxiously:
"What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you run away!"

(End of this chapter)

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