Chapter 1081
Hearing this, Wu You temporarily put away the agitation in his heart, and calmly looked at the distorted dominatrix who was no longer human.

Immediately with a wave of his robe sleeve, a huge green light suddenly shot towards him!

Seeing this, the dominatrix was scared out of her wits.

It never thought that that terrifying human boy would not let him go in the end...

And just as the dominatrix desperately waited for death to come.

The majestic and majestic green light that had come to him immediately turned into a blue mask full of strange lines, instantly covering the dominatrix in it!
In an instant, the dominatrix in the light mask was astonished to feel as if she was in a hot spring, and her whole body was extremely comfortable.

And its deeply injured, twisted and broken body and limbs also quickly recovered and stretched again under the effect of this mask!

After a while, the cyan mask suddenly shattered, turning into wisps of aura that poured into his body and disappeared.

Then, the dominatrix, who was already inhuman, was miraculously intact!
"For the good news you brought, I will spare your life today."

Wu You said calmly.

Hearing the sound, the dominatrix, who was in shock, suddenly reacted.

Immediately got up without the slightest hesitation, knelt on the ground and said gratefully to the young man who was floating like a fairy:
"Thank you, my lord, for your extrajudicial kindness. I will never forget your kindness."

As he said that, he wanted to flap his fleshy wings on his back and leave the place of right and wrong quickly.

But in the next moment.

"Wait, did I let you go? Today you can be spared the death penalty, but the living crime is hard to forgive.

You are not allowed to go anywhere until you find your parents. "

After Wu You said calmly, a shiny black egg suddenly fell from the sky, and immediately absorbed the frightened and inexplicable dominatrix into it!

So far, all the monsters from the underworld have disappeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the square came back to their senses, feeling as if it was a lifetime ago, and everything that happened before was so unreal.

The next moment, countless people's eyes were on that handsome young man who looked like a fairy.

If it weren't for this superb and peerless powerhouse who took action today, I'm afraid they would have already become the food of those monsters in the underworld by now.

Immediately, millions of people in the audience showed unprecedented admiration for the young man who was floating like a fairy, and their hearts were even more admirable.

However, Wu You at this time didn't care at all, the admiring gazes of millions of people had already begun to think about how to go to the earth and heaven to find his parents.

But at this moment, the gray-robed youth from Lingyou Wonderland suddenly stepped forward with incomparable shock and awe.

Facing the peerless powerhouse who saved the world with one finger in front of him, he bowed deeply, bowed down respectfully and said:
"Fan Zhongying, disciple of Lingyou, pays homage to the Celestial Monarch."

Hundreds of Lingyou immortals behind him also bowed their heads to the unfathomable young man, prostrating in unison:
"Disciple Lingyou, pay homage to the Celestial Monarch."

Seeing this, Yan Moye suddenly felt extremely embarrassed, with mixed emotions in his heart.However, in the face of this superb and peerless powerhouse, she can only bow and bow:
"Lingyou disciple Yan Moye, pays homage to the Celestial Monarch.

I also ask Xianjun to forgive Mo Ye for his previous crime of disrespect. "

Hearing the sound, Wu You suddenly came back to his senses, his deep eyes flickered with brilliance, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:
"Oh? You also know the heavens?"

Hearing the question, Fan Zhongying, a young man in gray robe, was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly replied in a respectful voice:

"Master Hui Xianjun, the existing fairylands in the world were created by the heavens in ancient times in order to prevent the underworld from invading, so we naturally know the existence of the heavens."

"Is that so, but this seat is not what you call the Celestial Monarch."

Wu You shook his head and smiled lightly.

Hearing these words, all the Foundation Establishment cultivators from Lingyou Wonderland couldn't help but startled, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

"Master Xianjun, please stop joking. The person who can kill the army of the underworld in one fell swoop and easily destroy the exit of the underworld must have reached the legendary alchemy stage!

And the alchemy stage monks are unique in the whole world except for the heavens.Even the masters of the great fairylands are only at the peak of foundation establishment.

So of course you are a fairy from heaven. "

Fan Zhongying affirmed without a doubt.

And Yan Moye on the side also nodded repeatedly, echoing eagerly:
"Yes, yes, the little girl only now understands why you, Lord Xianjun, possess so many heaven-defying elixir and powerful magic weapons, and even display that exquisite and peerless sword array.

It turns out that you are a big boss from the heavens, which is really unexpected.

My precious apprentice, I should feel so lucky to have a perfect partner like you who is handsome, elegant, extraordinary... powerful and charismatic.

That, that little girl has always kept her body like a jade in her practice, and she is still a virgin, if Xianjun doesn't dislike having one more person to serve you..."

"To shut up!"

"To shut up!"

Wu You and Fan Zhongying sneered in unison, and immediately interrupted Yan Moye's endless nonsense.

"Cut, a group of straight men with cancer..."

Yan Moye muttered in dissatisfaction, but he didn't dare to speak again.

At this time, Wu You coughed twice, then looked at the gray-robed youth, shook his head and said with a sneer:
"Who told you that this seat is in the alchemy stage, in fact, I haven't stepped into the Qi training stage, and now I'm just in the Qi cultivation stage."

However, no one in the audience believed this statement.

"Master Xianjun is joking again, if you are in the stage of nourishing qi, then we can only be regarded as children with no power to restrain the chicken."

Fan Zhongying didn't take the boy's words to heart at all, but felt that this celestial celestial being really liked to joke.

And everyone present also shook their heads secretly, not understanding why this peerless god was so humble...

However, Wu You was too lazy to explain to the suspicious eyes around him, and asked the gray-robed youth indifferently:

"Since you know the heavens, do you know where the heavens are now?"

Hearing this, Fan Zhongying was taken aback again. Although he didn't know why this lord Xianjun kept asking her about the heavens, she still answered truthfully:

"My lord Hui Xianjun, since the end of the Dharma Era, when the aura of the world has become thinner, the heavens have avoided the world, completely closed the gate of heaven, and never cared about the affairs of the mortal world.

And low-level monks like me can only hide in the fairyland where there is still some aura, and try our best to maintain our cultivation base.

Therefore, after countless years, we are limited to only a few words and phrases recorded in historical materials about the events of the heavens, and we don't know where they are. "

(End of this chapter)

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