Chapter 1084

At this time, the Patriarch of the Ye family also hurried forward, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and begged for mercy to the young man in front of him in fear:

"My lord, it's all my fault for my ineffective teaching, which caused my stubborn daughter to act recklessly in front of you.

For the sake of my only daughter, I beg you to spare her once, and I would like to suffer for her. "

"A daughter, hehe."

Wu You smiled lightly, then stepped forward, and suddenly came in front of Ye Muye.

Then stretched out a jade-like finger, and lifted the round chin of this beautiful girl.

Ye Muye, who was kneeling on the ground, immediately raised his pretty face, forming a graceful curve from his chin to his neck...

It was the first time for the opposite sex to play with him so frivolously. Although the always proud Miss Ye family was extremely embarrassed, she didn't dare to resist at all, and she didn't dare to show any displeasure.

He could only let the young man lift his little face with red ears, feeling like his heart was about to jump out...

Seeing this extremely powerful lord lord suddenly make such an ambiguous move towards his daughter, Patriarch Ye's eyes lit up immediately, and he was overjoyed.

If this peerless man of God takes a fancy to his daughter and takes her as a bedside person, then the entire Ye family will surely flourish in the future and reach the sky in one step!

Thinking of this, the Patriarch of the Ye family respectfully said without hesitation:

"If the lord doesn't mind, this subordinate is willing to let the little girl serve you as a slave and servant, so as to make up for the mistakes."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the five great families around couldn't help being shocked, and they immediately reacted and cursed secretly.

Hey, this old fox of the Ye family is so smart, he actually wants to use his daughter to play a trick on the lord!

How despicable and shameless!

If he succeeds in this, he will not be able to overwhelm them in the future!

Immediately, the patriarchs of the five great aristocratic families also felt itchy, and the daughters and ladies of their own families were not inferior to that Ye Muye in terms of beauty and temperament.

If it is dedicated to the lord, my family will definitely be honored, and the future is boundless from now on!
Thinking of this, all the patriarchs of the aristocratic family are eager to try, wishing to strip off all the beautiful daughters of their own family and give them to this peerless god...

At this time, Ye Muye, the young master of the Ye family, was stunned when he heard what his father said.

She never thought that her father would dedicate her to Mr. Wu!
This, this is too unacceptable.

Although the young man in front of him is extremely handsome in appearance, his aura is transcendent, and his strength is earth-shattering. The entire Huaxia warrior world is under his command, and even the immortals have to respect him, but, but...

Huh?It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

From this point of view, to be able to serve such a perfect and peerless male god, he also took advantage of the boss...

Thinking of this, Miss Ye family, who has always worshiped the strong, couldn't help feeling an unprecedented love in her heart.

This lofty Lord Master is countless times stronger than that Chen Haofan, if he is lucky enough to be sympathized with by him, he will wake up laughing from a dream...

Immediately, Ye Muye, who was lifted up by the young man with his fingers, opened his small cherry mouth shyly, and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito:

"My lord, Mu Ye is willing to serve you, and you can do whatever you want..."

At the end, this Miss Ye family's face was flushed, as if she could drip water...

"Yeah, that's interesting."

Wu You smiled slightly, held the girl's pretty face with her fingertips and looked around, with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth and said:

"But I just want to take a closer look at your appearance, so don't think too much."

After finishing speaking, he withdrew his fingers, ignored the bewildered beautiful girl in front of him, looked at the Patriarch of the Ye family, and said with a calm smile:
"Don't you only have this one daughter? Are you really willing to give her to me as a slave?"

"Willing, of course I'm willing, it's a great blessing for my little girl and my Ye family to be able to serve Lord Master, how can I be reluctant."

The Patriarch of the Ye family nodded eagerly and bowed.

"Hehe, even if you are willing, this seat is not very rare."

Wu You shook his head with a light smile, then looked at the disappointed Ye Family Patriarch, and said meaningfully:

"Actually, it's very simple to ask me to forgive you, as long as you can ask for someone's forgiveness."

Hearing the sound, the Patriarch of the Ye family and Ye Muye in the field couldn't help but startled, and were immediately confused.

Ask someone to forgive you?
Who do you ask for forgiveness?

And just when the two of them didn't know why.

Wu You waved his sleeve casually.

Immediately, a middle-aged taoist priest wearing a gray taoist robe suddenly appeared in the field!
Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked.

Lord Master is really too powerful, it would be a pity not to perform a big transformation...

Seeing this strange Taoist priest who appeared out of nowhere, the Ye family father and daughter couldn't help but look at each other.

Who is this person?
The person whom His Excellency asked them to ask for forgiveness, shouldn't it be him?
But I don't know this wretched Taoist at all, so when did I offend him?

And just when the two of them were puzzled.

I saw the gray-robed Taoist suddenly bowed to Wu You and bowed respectfully:
"The lake wanderer pays his respects to the master."

"Get up, the reason why I asked you to come out today is to resolve the depression in your heart."

Wu You smiled lightly, then pointed at the Ye family father and daughter in the field.

"These two guys are the Patriarch of the Ye Family of the Five Great Aristocratic Families, and Miss Ye Family.

Now it's up to you to kill or cut him up. "

Hearing these words, Hu Youzi was shocked immediately, and immediately opened his eyes wide, looking at the two people in the field in disbelief.

And when he saw the extremely familiar beautiful girl, he was completely stunned on the spot.

After a while, Hu Youzi only felt an unprecedented anger welling up in his heart.

Immediately ran forward desperately, raised his arms angrily.


A slap slapped hard on the face of the bewildered middle-aged man!
Seeing this unimaginable scene, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded, not understanding what happened.

But at this time, the Patriarch of the Ye Family, who was slapped in public, suddenly became angry, but he didn't dare to fight back in front of the Lord, so he could only ask angrily:

"You, why did you hit me?!"

"Because you should fight!"

Hu Youzi blew his beard and stared loudly, and Dang even raised his palm in righteous indignation.

Seeing that this crazy Taoist priest wanted to publicly insult his father again, Ye Muye immediately rushed forward, spread his arms in front of the Taoist priest, and said with grief and indignation:

"Stop it, we don't know you at all, and we have never offended you. Why do you hurt my father for no reason, it is really unreasonable!"

Seeing this, everyone present couldn't help but secretly nodded, feeling that the wretched Taoist priest was a little too much.

(End of this chapter)

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